28. Are you totally out of your mind?

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Marta POV

The December in Dortmund was not as chilly as in Poland but still the weather was not the best. The rain mixed with snow was falling all the time and there was no sun to be seen during the day. I hated that kind of weather because it could quickly get me depressed.

It was around 11 PM and I decided to go for a run. Running kept my head clear so I used to practice it whenever and wherever I could, without looking at the weather. I put my comfy running shoes, jogging leggings a hoodie and a colorful windrunner. I plugged the earphones, played my favorite running playlist and went for a run. At first I was distracted by a shitty weather but after ten minutes I forgot about the whole world and increased my pace. At this hour Dortmund was very calm. There was hardly nobody at the streets and the Christmas decorations vere everywhere what made the atmosphere even more magical.

I run through the city center and reached one of the Dortmunds parks. I was making a second lap around it running in the alley next to the street when suddenly my phone rang. I pressed the button on the cord of my earphones and without stopping I answered.

Hello? – my breathing was a little difficult but that is what happens after few kilometers run.

Are you totally out of your mind? – I heard Robin.

Hi Robin, nice to hear you. How can I help you? – I asked annoyed.

What are you doing at this hour, at this weather in a park? I told you that running here at night is not the best idea. It is not the safest place in Dortmund for ladies running alone. – Robin was irritated.

Robin, I used to run in Central Park and in Harlem. Do you really think that I am afraid of Dortumnd's finest muggers? – I chuckled.

Just, tell her to stop and to get into the car – I heard someone's voice in the back.

Marta, please stop. We will take you home, you are probably soaking wet right now. Ok? – Robin said pleadingly. – We are right behind you.

I sighed and turned around to see a big black Range Rover parked on the street twenty meters from me. I took out the earphones as I saw Robin opening the passengers door.

Come on! We can not park in here. – he waved and I run into the direction of the car. I sat on the rear seat, closed the belt around me and took my hood off.

Gosh, Robin you can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. – I said annoyed and then I heard a chuckle from the divers seat.

He always is – said the driver and turned his face into my direction and smiled slightly. It was Marco in a dark winter jacket with furry hood, and having a dark grey beanie on his head. – So, where should we take you? – he asked and turned his eyes into the road.

I told him the address and without putting it to the Navi he steered the car that way. During the way Marco was quiet. In the car quietly there was playing the most recent Drake album. I was talking with Robin who was still angry at me and while doing that I carefully studied Marco's profile. It was probably the first time since I got here when I had a possibility to take a closer look at him. His features were much more mature than 10 years ago. His nose was sharper and he had a stabble on his jaw. I saw that he had his ears pierced, and I smiled surprised that it looked really good at him. I quickly stopped looking at him when I felt his green eyes on me that I saw in the rear mirror.

After 15 minutes we pulled off before my apartment.

Here we are – said Marco after 15 minutes of silence.

Yup, that is me. Thank you guys. Probably I was really reckless going out in that weather – I said because it was snowing heavily.

You bet. And don't you ever even think about running alone at night, at least not in that park and not when there is a snow storm ok? – said Robin seriously.

Yes, boss. – I saluted and opened the door. – Bye guys.

I closed the Range Rover's door and went into the direction of the main entrance to my building. I was looking for the key in the pockets when I heard another doors being slammed and after few seconds I heard someone cleaning their throat behind me and a soft voice spoke.

Marta? – I turned quickly and saw Marco standing with his hands in his pockets looking at me with his green eyes.

Yes? – I asked puzzled.

Look, I think that I didn't thank you enough for taking care of Nico. He is really important to me so I was really freaked out that he was not on the training ground. And he really liked you, he is not into strangers. That is good of course, but still thanks to you he will now not be traumatized or something by being left alone somewhere – he said probably in one breath.

It was a pleasure for me. But please tell your friend to take better care of him next time ok? And to pretend a little better that she liked him. He feels that, so that is why he went away from her. – as I said that he looked at me with his eyebrows raised – Really Marco, that is totally not my business. But this little guy deserves to be liked and taken care of. – I smiled slightly.

Yeah, you are right. Umm... Marta, can we talk sometime? – he asked and in that moment looked like a seventeen year old again.

We are talking now Marco – I chuckled.

I know, but I mean like talk talk. Meet for a coffee or something to eat? I think that we have some things to clarify. – he looked at me expectantly, and I felt my heartrate rising.

Marco, I think that you have clarified everything with me a long time ago. – I said firmly and he looked at me horrified and tried to open his mouth. – Let's leave it ok? Now it is good, as it is. I am doing well, you seem to be doing ok too. And we both start to get along somehow, so that is also good. – I said quietly.

Yeah... but I would really like to catch up with you... - he said lowering his gaze. I just shook my head in response.

Marco! Come on! Forni is waitng! – Robin shouted from the car.

Marco was trying to tell something but after a small hesitation he just nodded.

Goodnight Marco – I said opening the door to my building.

Goodnight Schatz... Marta – he said and quickly ran to the car.

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