68. I will never let you go

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Marta POV

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I managed to apply make up once more and fortunately I was looking decent. Crying just before the wedding was not the smartest idea. But I just couldn't help being emotional after reading the letter. I put some perfume on and when I was about to open the door I heard a soft knock.

I am finishing, come on in - I said and opened the door. I was expecting to see Kaya but instead in front of me there was Marco. He was pale and looked like he was about to faint. I opened the door to my bedroom wider and let him in. He made few steps towards me and looked me deep in the eyes. - Marco, what are you doing here? You are not supposed to see the bride before the wedding - I asked carefully seeing that he was extremely nervous - Is everything alright?

He put his hand slowly on my cheek and caressed me with his thumb.

You were crying... - he whispered.

Yeah... - I smiled weakly - maybe a little... But still why are you here?

He swallowed hard before speaking.

I was waiting for you at the place and you were not there - he said worried.

You thought I ran away? - I asked him raising my eyebrows. He pushed me slightly into the room and closed the door behind him.

Well... No... Not really -  He scratched his stubble nervously - But please tell me that you are not running away right now? Please.

What are you talking about? - I looked at him nervously. Marco made two big steps and now I was touching the wall with my back. He put his hands on the wall on the both sides of my body and sighed loudly.

You were not there and when I came here Kaya showed me the letter... I know I broke your heart once, but please do not leave me, not today, not ever - his green-brown eyes were so full of despair.

Did you read it? - I asked him softly.

Yes - he blushed and lowered his gaze - And I would understand if you decide to call off the wedding.

I smiled at his insecurity and raised his face slightly touching his chin.

And what exactly you found out in that letter? - I asked him looking at him seriously.

That I broke your heart and that when you will be about to make a big step in your life you should rethink it - he stuttered and that really made my heart melt.

Marco... - I run a finger on his chest - Of course that is what I wrote there but it was not all. I also wrote there that you showed me what love is and that whenever I would tie my life with someone that person should make my heart beat so fast like you did back then. - I smiled at him and saw a spark in his eyes.

Yes... but there were tears on the letter so I thought that you got sad... - he whispered.

I crooked my head a little.

Oh boy. - I sighed - Marco, I cried a little because I was just stunned that I wrote that letter at all. And then I thought that you make my heart jump even more than I refer to it in the letter and that were the tears of joy. - I smiled at him and he returned with the widest grin ever - I am a little bit emotional lately.

Marco's eyes sparkled and he kissed me unexpectedly.

I love you - he whispered between leaving small pecks on my lips.

I love you too and I would never run away - I smiled.

I was so worried not seeing you there - he stated.

I will never let you go - Marco ReusWhere stories live. Discover now