43. We will have to work on that

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Marta POV

Marco was to be at my doorstep in few minutes and I was still running like a crazy person through my apartment. Meeting his parents terrified me. I wanted to make a good impression on them but I was not even sure what should I wear. Suddenly the doorbell rang and I rushed to open.

Hi Schatz – said Marco smiling and entering the apartment, and he immediately started to chuckle – Your outfit is somehow inviting. – he winked at me and put his hands on my hips. I immediately realized that I stood in front of him only in my thongs and in a clumsily buttoned shirt. And of course he was looking sharp as always. I really don't know how that guy makes that. It doesn't matter if it is a official gala, meeting with friends on even going back from the gym - he always make my heart go crazy. And judging from the number of his female fans, probobly not only I am attracted to him.

I just don't know what should I wear – I pouted.

Babe, first of all please stop being so nervous – he pecked my lips – And second of all whatever you wear you will look stunning. - he said with encouraging smile and pulled me closer.

That is not a helpful advice Marco! – I exclaimed and threw my hands in the air.

He shook his head and went past me and went to my room.

What are you doing? – I asked him irritated.

He didn't answer but opened my closet and started pulling different things from it. After few minutes he handed me my knee length navy blue dress with small application on the sleeves.

Here – he said proudly – chop chop, put it on and we should be on our way.

I was opening my mouth to say something but his gaze showed me that there is no place for discussion so I just nodded and quickly went to the bathroom to dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I really looked nice. I just put some natural lipstick and adjusted my hair. Back in my room I put on my ankle boots and grabbed a boho bag. I went to the living room where Marco was sitting on the sofa tapping something on his cellphone. I cleared my throat and he looked at me.

You look beautiful babe – he smiled standing up and sliding the phone into his pocket. - Maybe I should change my profession and become a private stylist - he smiled and I punched him lightly in the arm. Marco pretended to be offended, but after a while he smiled widely. He took my hand and we went quickly to his Aston Martin.

Judging by your choice of the car I suppose you were sure that I will have a delay and we will have to drive quickly to your parent's house – I chuckled.

It is you who said so – he winked at me and increased the speed.

We were at his parent's doorstep much to quickly to my liking. My heart was pounding and my hands started to sweat. I looked around me trying to find out a escape route but I just shook my head realizing thar running away from a professional sportsman has really no sense at all. I sighed loudly and I was now trying to strengthen my dress crazily and Marco was standing beside me trying not to burst out of laughter.

What! – I hissed at him.

Nothing, don't worry it will be nice – he chuckled and pressed the doorbell.

In few seconds the door opened and smiling blond middle-aged lady appeared.

Here you are! We were starting to worry! – she smiled warmly and kissed Marco on the cheek.

Um... I am sorry, that is obviously my fault – I said quietly looking at her uncertain. Was it a characteristic of all the Reuses in the world to be the most punctual ever?

You must be Marta, right? – she asked and I nodded – Don't you worry dear, I am just joking, you are perfectly on time. I am Manuela and I am really glad to meet you finally!

I smiled at her and I was suddenly pulled in a tight hug. I heard Marco chuckling from behind.

Mom, please let her breathe - he said amused.

Oh calm down Marco, I am just happy to see her! She is even more pretty than on that picture you had next to your bed - she winked at him and I saw him definitely blushing.

When Manuela let go of me and Marco took my hand and led me to the dining room. The house was very cosy and you could feel a loving family atmosphere. When we entered the room several pair of eyes looked at me and everybody started jumping at us friendly. I was hugged by Marco's dad and both of his sisters. I was slightly shocked but in a good way, because I was not expecting such a warm welcome. Marco smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek.

Come guys! The dinner is ready! – said Manuela and invited us too sit.

When we were at the table suddenly there were small footsteps to be heard and Nico stormed into the room straight into Marco's arms. Marco put him on his lap smiling. My heart melted when I saw his affection towards the little one.

Onkel! You are here! – Nico said happily and cuddled into Marco's chest.

I am here little one and I am not alone, so you should probably say hi – Marco smiled at Nico and pointed at me.

Hello Marta! – the little one smiled – I saw movies about another discoveries! – he said proudly.

Hello little discoverer! – I caressed his head.

Oh, so you know each other? – Yvonne, Nico's mum asked.

Yes, we met on a stadium once and I spend a lovely hour with Nico when Marco had a training – I explained, avoiding the topic of Klara not paying enough attention to the little one. She smiled at me and returned to eating.

Onkel? – Nico looked at Marco with his big eyes.

Yes little? – Marco smiled at him.

I am happy that you came without this blonde lady - he said firmly, and I heard a chuckle from Manuela's side.

I know partner - Marco said swollowing - Now I will come with Marta. And I hope you are happy about it - he finished and Nico smiled looking at me. Oh one day this one will definitely be as popular among the ladies as his uncle.

Marta is your friend? – Nico asked and Marco nodded – And you like her right?

I like her a lot. – Marco answered and everybody smiled.

And you kiss her? – now Marco's expression was amused.

Yes I kiss her a lot. – Marco winked at me and I felt my cheeks blushing.

That is very good. You should kiss her every day. – Nico said and nodded in self-confirmation.

And why do you say that? – now Thomas Marco's dad asked the little one.

That is easy. When you like each other and you kiss a lot then a baby grows in a tummy, and I would like to have another boy to play with me – Nico said seriously and Marco almost spit the water. Now I was red as tomato. Everbody was looking at us smiling.

I think honey that your uncle and Marta should made that kind of decisions on their own – Yvonne smiled.

Ok, I will wait, but Onkel, please promise me that one day I will have a new friend to play with. – little one said jumping from Marco's lap and sitting on his own small chair.

I promise you buddy – Marco answered cheekily - But we will have to work on that - he winked at me.

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