33. We are on the same floor

294 13 4

Marco POV

I was going through Warsaw's aiport with Mario and Ann Kathrin after collecting our luggage. We were approaching the exit when I asked.

Mario, do you have the address? We should show it to the taxi driver?

Don't worry bro. We are not going by taxi. – he said writing something on his phone – Robert wanted to keep his wedding a secret and two players from Bundesliga arriving to a hotel out of the blue could be somehow suspicious. The taxi driver could sell it to the media. So we have a driver.

Fair enough – I nodded.

Ok, there! Let's go. – Mario pointed into direction of the parking lot. It was 4PM but it was already dark. We went to the parking lot when Mario finally pointed at a big black Audi Q7. – Here.

When we approached it I saw a hooded person leaning casually on the car.

I thought you were lost! – said the person in a familiar voice taking of her hood. I saw Marta's blue eyes and for a moment I thought that I have a heart attack. I knew that she would probably be at the wedding but I didin't suppose that I will see her that quickly. She was wearing a long khaki winter jacket with a big hood, skinny jeans and yellow Timberland shoes. Her hair she had in a messy bun.

We are here! Good to see you Marta! – Mario exclaimed and hugged her. She smiled a little and then hugged with Ann Kathrin. I was still staying in the back.

You are so tanned! – exclaimed Mario's girl.

I just got back from Thailand two days ago. I needed some sun – Marta smiled.

We have a third passenger with us. I hope you don't mind. – Mario said pointing at me.

No, of course not. Hi Marco. – she nodded at me without a smile.

Hey – I had no idea what else to say.

Come on guys, put your stuff in the trunk. It is freezing here. – she opened the trunk for us, and we quickly got into the car. Mario and Ann Kathrin were sitting in the back, so I had to sit on the passenger's seat next to Marta.

I hope that you don't mind, but I have to go through my apartment. I had to borrow the car from my brother because I left mine in Dortmund. And he was late so I didn't have the possibility to go there to take my stuff and a present for Robert and Ania – she said starting the engine.

That will be even perfect because I need to go to the loo – Mario laughed.

The ride from the airport to Marta's apartment took us around twenty minutes. I have been in that city before for same games with BVB and German National Team but we were always escorted through the main roads. Now I could take I closer look at it as Marta was choosing unknown for me paths. She showed us where she used to live with her parents, a place that she use to go with her friends for a beer, and than we have arrived before a modern building.

We are here. – she said parking in the garage. We all went to the elevator and she pressed the button with the last 6th floor. We got out of the elevator and she lead us to the last door on the corridor. – So welcome. Mario the bathroom is at the end of this corridor just in front of you.

I have entered the apartment a little hesitant, because I felt like she was introducing us to her intimate world. The apartment was spacious and I was not imagining it like that. There was a small hall, and on the right hand side there was a big living room with a wall made of windows. In the living room there was a big sofa, a big Tv and a gramophone. Next to it there was a big bookstand and a vinylstand. In the back of the room there were large doors that Marta just opened and it turned out to be her bedroom. While she was taking something from there I took a quick look and saw a big king size bed, many posters on the walls and a walk-in closet. When I heard her approaching I turned off quickly and took a stroll to the window. She had a big nice terrace and a beautiful view for Warsaw. The living room was connected with a kitchen. I really like the way it was all furnished. It was totally my style and frankly speaking I would love to spend some time in here. I shook my head quckly to get rid of the thought and turned out to look at the numerous photos she had in frames on one of the walls. I smiled seeing that she was looking very happy on them. I was examining them closely trying to see if there was any guy repeating on them when I heard someone clearing his throat behind me.

I will never let you go - Marco ReusWhere stories live. Discover now