31. You are really an asshole

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Marta POV

I was standing at the balcony and chatting with Mario about the opcoming wedding of Robert when Marco went outside. The light from the inside was gently falling on him and he looked really handsome just standing there and relaxing. Probably I was staring at him too much because Mario cleared his throat to attract my attention to him.

I am sorry... - I just mumbled to him and smiled pleadingly.

Don't be. - he smiled - You want to talk with him maybe? I saw that you both had a good time on the dancefloor. - he winked at me.

Very funny Mario - I chuckled - We were forced by you to dance together. But maybe you are right if you do not mind I wanted to talk with Marco about something...

Sure sure, go ahead - he smiled at me encouragingly and only in the moment that I was going to into Marco's direction Klara stormed outside. Her voice was raised and I stood petrified.

Could you please tell me what the fuck is wrong with you? – said exclaimed rushing to Marco.

Everything is ok, I don't know what are you talking about? – I heard his voice, he was definitely trying to figure out what was going on.

Really? Really Marco! Since she came here, this fucking Polish girl you are behaving like I was not there! – she exclaimed and I took a deep breath – So could you please explain me what the fuck is with you and her?

Klara, nothing is going on you just imagined something that is not true. Calm down. – I heard Marco saying and felt Mario's hand on my arm trying to comfort me a little.

I will not calm down Marco unless you tell me the truth. – she was clearly pissed and raised her voice even more.

Klara, the fuck. She is nobody. Understand? She is nobody worth speaking about. – Marco nearly yelled and that was just to much for me. Those words were just like a slap in the face. I didn't even know what was going on with me. I dropped the glass and without hesitating rushed inside. I needed to disappear from here. Now.

She is nobody. Nobody worth speaking about.

These words run through my head when I stormed into the dinner room and went to my seat to grab my clutch.

You okay sweetheart? – asked Christian, my boss.

Yes – I tried to smile. –I just realized how late it is now and that I should go home if I want to get up in the morning and go to the airport. I have a plane to catch at 8 AM.

He nodded.

Please tell Warren and Paul that I wish them Merry Christmas. I can not spot them in this crowd. - I asked.

Will do. Take care- he hugged me. I was really trying to contain my tears so I just nodded.

Happy Holidays Chris, see you in January. – I said and quickly went to the cloakroom to take my coat.

Fortunately for me there were taxis outside, so I took the first one and went home.

I was in my apartment after twenty minutes. On the road I received a message from Łukasz.

Everything ok? You stormed out without even saying goodbye. Mario was looking for you.

I replied hesitantly.

Everything is fine Piszczu. I just felt too much alcohol. Please tell Mario that I am sorry, I usually don't storm out like that.

Łukasz wrote:

Ok, take care Small! Remenber that if you need anything you just should let me now.

I took off my heels, put my dress in the washing machine and sat only in my underwear on the bathroom floor.

So nothing changed Marco, nothing.- I said to myself, and started sobbing violently. How could I be so fooled and think that he is not a heartless dick? I thought we were getting along, and while we were dancing today I really felt good. There was something warm in his eyes...

Shit! You are the stupidest person in the world Marta! - I sighed between sobs.

Marco POV

Mario went inside and I stood on the terrace with Klara for few more minutes. She seemed relieved.

When we finally returned to the table I saw Mario talking with Łukasz. Łukasz shook his head and pointed into his phone meaning that he will write a message. When Klara went to the bathroom Mario sat next to me.

You are really an asshole bro. You know that? – he looked at me angry.

Why do you think so? – I answered uncertain.

Marco, you spend whole evening looking at her. When I leave you two dancing you look like the happiest person on Earth, like there is nothing more in the World than you two. And then on the terrace you nearly shout it next to her that she is nobody? I thought that you wanted to clear the things out with her. That is what you told me, so really good job bro. – he said sarcastically.

It was her on the balcony? – I asked and he nodded – And what were you doing there?

Suddenly that important to you? We were talking about the upcoming wedding of Robert. I didn't know how to prepare myself for it so when I heard that she is his childhood friend I asked her to talk. To ask what should we expect, what type of suit and so on. – he said shrugging his shoulders and at that moment I felt like a total asshole. - And most of all exactly in the moment that your lovely Klara stormed outside screaming like crazy Marta told me that she was going to talk to you.

Oh God - I thought - That is some kind of stupid dark comedy.

Where is she now? I think I should apologize – I said after a while.

She went home or somewhere. I asked Łukasz to write to her to check if she is allright. – Mario said.

And is he? – I asked.

Don't know genious. She wrote him that she was not feeling well because of the alcohol. But when she was talking to me she was totally fine. – Mario said irritated.

After that I wasn't in the mood to party anymore. So I ordered a taxi and went home with Klara.

The next morning I woke up with a slight headache. I quickly reminded myself the events of the previous night and decided that I would go immediately to her and apologize.

It was around 10AM and Klara was not there, because she had a shoot. I started the engine of my Aston Martin and went into direction of Marta's apartment. I remembered it after we picked her up once with Robin. I didn't know the apparment number so I called Robin.

Hi bov, what's up? – he asked answering quickly.

What is the number of Marta's apartment? – I asked without saying hello.

Why do you need that? – he asked suspicious.

Ymm... she lost her scarf yesterday on the BVB party, so I wanted to give it back to her – I lied.

Ah, ok. But she is not there, so you should give it back to her when he returns to Dortmund. – he said.

She had her plane home today at 8AM. She went home for Christmas, and then she planned some vacation. – he said yawning.

My heart dropped to my pants.

So when she will be back? – I asked trying to pretend that I do not care.

I am not sure. But probably in the beginning of February. – he answered.

Great. I should really give myself a high five. I have fucked up so bad.

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