53. Nobody is allowed to hurt you

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Marta POV

Oh shit! Querida are you ok? – I heard man's voice and I felt that my body was lifted up by a pair of strong arms. I was still dizzy and not able to open my eyes, but I laid my head on the chest of my savior and started to inhale a pleasant manly smell.

After few moments I felt that I was laid down on my desk and somebody stroked my head.

Alex come here! – the man exclaimed and I realized that it was the voice of Miguel, a friend of my brother who worked as a doctor in the local football club.

I heard my brother out of breath storming into my room.

Miguel, what? – he said – What the fuck? – I managed to open my eyes and saw my brother sitting next to me on the bed and reaching for my hand. Miguel was now standing in the corner casually leaning his back on the wall. -  What happened Marta?

I found her unconscious on the floor – Miguel said quietly.

I don't know. I made a phone call and I was going back inside, but suddenly everything just turned black.... And now I am here – I whispered in a weak voice.

I knew that this guy will bring nothing good for you. I should have punched him in the face when I first saw him. – my brother jumped out and started pacing nervously from one side of room to another. -  I hate to see you like that, it brings me the memories of you ten years ago. And frankly speaking I can't take it any longer. You are my little sister and nobody is allowed to hurt you....

His rage was rising and I was really afraid that he would just explode in few seconds.

Alex, it was my decision – I whispered.

But you wouldn't have to make it if you didn't start dating him in the first place! – he shouted at me.

Boy, calm down. – Miguel put a hand on my brother's shoulder – Do not shout at her. – he approached me – I will check if everything is ok with you Marta ok?

I just nodded and he went to the hall and after few seconds was back bringing his doctor's bag. Miguel sat next to me, checked my pulse, examined my head and then checked my pupils.

Everything seems to be alright. ­– he smiled at me putting his hand on mine – But you should be careful for the next few days, and definitely start to take better care of yourself. Do not forget to drink or eat, ok? – he said and smiled at me fixing his brown eyes on mine.

It was probably the first time since I got here when I paid any attention to him. Miguel was at the beginning of his thirties just like my brother. He had tanned complexion and a well built body. His eyes was of a deep brown color and his short curly brown hair were always in a slight mess, what made him look a little bit younger then he actually was.

Marta, I am talking to you! – he said and I realized that my eyes hung a little bit too long on his full lips. I swallowed and nodded, what made him give me a wide boyish smile.

Good. – he winked at me and stood up. – You should not endanger your health for nobody's sake. Nobody is worth it. Come Alex, she should rest now.

My brother nodded and they went outside. I took a big sip of water and made myself comfortable on the bed. This evening was too full of emotions for me. I was totally overwhelmed by the talk with Łukasz, by the guys trying to contact me, and a little bit by Miguel's friendly attitude towards me.

The next day I woke up around afternoon. I always liked to sleep but this time I probably broke some record. I looked around me and saw a handwritten card from my brother saying that he had to went to work and that I should contact him in case anything happens. He has also put my phone next to my bed, which was supposedly left in the terrace after my collapse.

I took it hesitantly and of course it was bursting with messages and unanswered calls. I smiled sarcastically when I saw that my list of connections consisted probably of the calls from the whole first squad of the BVB. Normally every girl would be more than happy but for me it was a little bit too much. I scrolled through the messages without reading them. I know it was a bit immature and unfair towards guys, but I really had no strength to cope with that.

I was planning to put the phone back on the nightstand when it beeped and a new message appeared. It was from the unknown number and in a thumbnail I saw a beautiful picture of the Ipanema beach.

I tapped on the screen and read below the photo:

How are you today M? I hope that you slept well. My grandma says that there is nothing better for the sorrow as the Ipanema beach. I will be at Alex's place in an hour to take you out there. No excuses. Miguel

I smiled and sighed. There was no way that he would let me lie in the bed whole day long. Probably spending some time outside with somebody new would cheer me up a little. Besides Miguel was nice, so it wouldn't hurt right?

Marco POV

Seriously, I am old enough and I do not need any fucking babysitters - I said angry to Forni and Robin who were sitted on both my sides in the plane in Frankfurt that was about to take off to Rio.

Oh shut up Marco - Forni sighed - She is at her brother's and if I were him I would punch you in your ugly face the first moment you arrive at his doorstep. So you need support.

I sighed knowing that he was right. Any brother would do everything to protect his sister. Besides, they were already boarded on the plane so there was no way of getting rid of this stubborn duo.

I decided to look for the last time at my phone before the start and I was scrolling through Instagram when my heart stopped. Marta posted a picture. On it you could see a beach, beautiful waves of the ocean, but what increased my pulse was the fact that you could see just her legs in the sand and next to them there was another pair. And they definitely belonged to a man and judging from the complexion - there was no way they were Alex's, because he was just as pale as his sister. The caption below the photo was short, but even more disturbing.


Sir, could you please turn off your phone? We are taking off in a minute - I heard a kind voice of the filght attendant that was pointing at my phone.

I turned it off and my hear was pounding like crazy. What the hell happened? Is it already too late?

Hi! I'm baaaaaaaaaack!;)

I hope that you liked that chapter, of course every feedback is welcome:) 


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