13. And now I am single and ready to mingle

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Marta POV

Where is that truck that run over me – I thought trying to open my eyes. Fuck. I knew that attending that party was not a brightest idea. Especially taking into consideration the fact that I really have not slept much in recent days. And I should have stuck to drinking only one drink, and not a fucking load of shots.

The images of yesterday's event were running through my head. Flashing lights, taking shots at the bar with my team from work, me dancing the hell out and having fun. Cool at least nothing embarrassing happened. Then one memory hit me, those fucking green eyes. I really thought that I would manage to avoid them in Dortmund. I really hoped that. But what did you thought genious when meeting with Forni, of course one day sooner or later he would appear. I sighed finally opening my eyes and trying to move.

But wait. The room wasn't mine and I definitely felt something one me. There was a pair of men's arms holding me. I felt my heartbeat rising. Nothing embarrassing right? Oh girl you are so stupid. I thought jumping out of bed.

Gosh, Marta, do you have to move so loud? – I heard a well known voice. And then Paul raised his head from the pillow. Great Marta, you have slept with your work colleague. That is the end of sane atmosphere at work.

Sorry Paul, that was a mistake I really should go now – I said looking for my clothes because I was apparently only in my underwear and in his tshirt.

Calm down, you are hungover. At least you should be after that amount of alcohol.- he giggled and I looked at him angry. – Take a shower and I will make a breakfast.

Paul, I don't think that is a good idea. And really I am sorry, that is really embarrassing. – I added.

Hahaha, you are sweet girl. – he chuckled – Really Marta, nothing happened. Around 3AM I just saw that you are starting to feel not so good after that amount of shoots and obviously lack of sleep. Cause I suppose that sending us emails during week at 2AM means not sleeping. So I took you to my apartment cause it was just closer to the club. – he smiled – And really nothing happened. We just went to sleep. Besides you are not my type. – he winked.

Oh, ok, thank you – I smiled – but the thing about type you shouldn't add. Like next time a girl wakes up besides you, even if nothing happened. It is not a good thing for self confidence.

Hahah, right. But I'm still not interested. Girls are not my target – he laughed.

Oh, I didn't know. Now I feel stupid – I said facepalming.

Don't be. And I suppose that even if I wasn't gay you wouldn't be interested either. Before going to sleep you were just mumbling about men being asses and idiots and something about you wishing you never went to England – he looked at me worried – Do you need to talk?

I sighed remembering one more time this hard look in those green eyes. Yup I should't have gone to England. Like never.

No Paul, there is no need. It was just drank girl talk – I faked a smile – so where can I take a shower?

Few days later

So Robin, besides Pursuit Fashion, how is everything going? – I asked taking a sip of my coffee. It was Wednesday and Robin came by surprise to my office to take me out to lunch.

Well, I think everything is better than fine. Pursuit now takes most of my time, but I like it really. In the free time I chill with friends, party, last month I went to Ibiza with both Marcel's and Marco... - he stopped seeing the expression on my face.

Good. – I smiled slightly – And what about a girl? – I asked changing the topic.

I always knew that sooner or later you would fall in love with me – he said winking when I nearly choked having a sip of my coffee. – I'm joking. I had a girl for two years but we separated some time ago.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't want to be intrusive. – I apologized.

No, don't worries. I am ok with that. We are still friends with her, but it simply didn't work. We were more like brother and sister than like a couple, so it was a right thing to do. To separate before it would be too late. And now I am single and ready to mingle. – he smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. – And what about you. I know already that you work here in Dortmund, but what more?

Hmm I think that probably there is nothing more in there – I laughed. – I haven't got time to do much more in here since I came here. But I hope that in few weeks I will have everything under control and have more time for myself. Maybe even I would go back to Warsaw for few days.

And do you have someone? Here or there? – he asked inquiring.

Nope – I took a long sip of my coffee – It is just me, and I am okay with that. I work a lot, but I like it, I meet loads of cool people. I travel. I meet with my friends whenever I can. It is good that way.

He looked at me seriously, and I was not sure if I convinced him.

If you say so – he said after few seconds.

Marco POV

Reus, today you were shitty on the pitch – said Auba in the locker-room.

Just though night bro – I said sitting on a bench.

Training with Klara? – Auba wiggled his eyebrows.

Nope, I wish. I have just some problems sleeping recently – I confessed.

Maybe you should just relax a little bit, you know there are important games in front of us, and we need you bro. In your best shape. – he smiled patting me on the shoulder.

Maybe I should. I had too much in my head last few days. Whenever I went to sleep the memories from ten years ago were appearing. And I was pissed because of that. I thought that I have forgotten about al of that and I was living my life to the fullest.

I was home after an hour, put my training bag in the closet and made myself comfortable on the couch. I took the cell out of my pocket and started to check Instagram. There was some usual stuff. Funny photos of friends, something from Klara's new photoshoot, images from games.... Just normal stuff. I was scrolling through it when I suddenly saw a photo added few hours ago by Robin. I took a closer look and I felt my tension rising. The photo showed Marta sitting at the table in one of Robin's favorites cafes. She was looking at the newspaper having a cup of coffee in her hand. She looked really relaxed and apparently she was laughing. Under the photo there was a caption:

Sleeping Beauty only pretends that she can read. #friends #lunchtime #longtimenosee

I threw the cell to the other side of the couch. So now Robin was reviving his friendship with her. I was pissed because knowing him I was sure that I he succeeded we will meet much more often then I desired. Much more, because I wanted to see her.... never.

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