63. That is what I call an unexpected sight

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Marta POV

Will you marry me? – he repeated after a while, visibly discouraged. I was looking at him stunned, afraid even to blink, because I was afraid that he would disappear and whole that situation will end.

Oh... - he said lowering his gaze and sad expression of his face woke me up from my trance.

Marco.. – I started and he looked into my eyes. Gosh I have never seen him so nervous, so I smiled encouragingly.

I know... I am sorry... This was too hasty – he smiled sadly.

Yes – I said.

You don't have to confirm it, I understand it myself – he tried to make a step back but I put mine hand on his.

Marco, yes – he looked at me puzzled – My answer to your question is yes – I saw a loving spark in his eyes and he kissed me starting to swirl me around. When he put me finally on the ground he was beaming with you.

Really? – he asked.

Yes stupid – I smiled – How could I not want that?

And you don't think it is too early? – Marco stuttered.

Well, I said today that I don't want to live another day with you, so that should serve as an answer – I winked at him.

He smiled and suddenly his face expression changed.

Oh I am really stupid! – he said and rushed upstairs – Do not move!

I was shocked by his behaviour but I did what he asked me to. I heard strange noises from his bedroom and while he was rummaging in his closets he apparently hit himself and I heard him cursing, what made me giggle a little bit. Few seconds he was runing down the stairs back to me.

I looked at him with disbelief when still panting he kneeled in front of me.

What are you doing? - I asked amused.

Shh... I am doing it the right way... - he silenced me opening a small black box and I saw beautiful ring in it - Marta Schulz, Schatzi, I love you since I first saw you. Since I hit you with the ball...

You did it on purpose? - I pretented to be irritated.

Of course! I saw you from behind and I wanted to take a better look at you - he winked - And I have been loving you ever since. Even during these years that we were apart I always was comparing girls to you, and none of them was even close to being so special for me as you are.  You make me happy and please allow to do the same to you. So... would you do me the honour of becoming inseparable with me for the rest of our lives? - he smiled with the most loving smile ever.

It would be my pleasure - I whispered still not believing that this was true. Marco stood up ans put a ring on my finger and kissed me softly.

It was beautiful. Very simple, with a small stone, and it fit me perfectly.

How do you know the size of my finger? - I asked amazed by the fact that the ring was just perfect.

Well... - he scratched his neck embarassed - let's say that I asked Auba once to trick you to try on one od his rings. Remember? - I nodded - So it was adjustable size and I took it afterwards to the jewelry store. - he shrugged smiling.

For how long you had that ring? - I asked pecking him in the lips.

I ordered it the day after the visit at my parents house - he blushed.

Why? - I asked teasing him.

Let's say that Nico saying that he wanted to have a playdate convinced me - he winked and kissed me in the sweetest way.

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