14. So you did exactly nothing Marco

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Marta POV 2006


The second week of the summer camp was very peaceful. Each day in the morning Marco was waiting for me in front of my room. We spend even more time together both with our friends and alone. And we weren't going back to the topic of sleeping in one bed. But it would be a lie if I said that I didn't liked it and didn't enjoy feeling his smell and the warmth of his body. Even his snoring was not bothering me.

Today is Friday and we have a big party in the evening for all students of our language school, so me and Kaya have been already spending two hours in my room preparing ourselves.

So M, what do you think? Trousers with a top or a dress? – asked Kaya changing for the millionth time.

I think this red dress. You really look stunning in that. – I pointed at a pretty red dress laying on my bed. – Make yourself a bun and you will rock the dancefloor.

Ok, I am wearing that only if you go in that blue one. – she said pointing at a dress that I hesitantly held in my hands standing in front of the mirror. I nodded.

After half an hour we were ready. I took a last look in the mirror and was really happy about my appearance. The dress was dark blue, quite short and tight. It had an application of colorful beads around my waist and was strapless. I left my wavy hair free and applied some subtle make-up. I slipped in my silver flats, and took a matching clutch and we went into direction of dining hall.

No Marco waiting for you? – Kaya asked jokingly.

Nope. He went with the rest straight to the party. I told him that we would probably spend a lot of time preparing ourselves – I winked.

The dining hall looked stunning. All tables were gone, there was dark with only few colorful lights and loads of people were already there moving from side to side to one of Chris Brown's songs. We were cruising through the dancefloor looking for our friends when we finally saw Tiago who was nearly 2 meters tall so it was easy to spot him. When we approached Robin waved at us and everybody turned in our direction.

Behold, here they are, our two Polish beauties – said Pedro smiling. From the corner of my eye I saw Marco straightening up and turning his head from Marcel who was telling him something. I looked in his direction and smiled. He looked really good in a dark shirt which was unusual for him because he mostly wore t-shirts. He just stood there with a serious expression on his face. I was a little bit disappointed by his reaction.

After a little chit-chat we all went dancing and I really had loads of fun joking around with Tiago, when Robin was dancing with Kaya and Forni disappeared with Gia in some dark corner. Marco was nowhere to be seen, which made me even more angry. Maybe I would not confess that loudly but I really wanted to look good tonight for him.

When a slow song started to be played by a DJ a decided that it is a time to go outside and enjoy the fresh air because it was a really warm night and the heat from many people dancing in the dining hall was getting to become unbearable.

I was walking slowly through the corridor to the main entrance looking for a lipgloss in my clutch, when I heard fast footsteps behind me.

Marta, wait please – I heard Marco's voice. Suddenly I felt rage growing inside me and continued walking. I quickly went outside and lead myself into direction of small pond that was just several meters from the building. I accelerated my pace still hearing Marco's footsteps following me. When I was approaching the bench situated next to the pond I felt his hand grabbing my wrist and turning me into his direction. His eyes were darker then usual and his face expression was still serious.

Marta, can you tell me what is going on? Why didn't you stop? – he asked looking at me.

I didn't feel like waiting for you. – I hissed angry. He raised his eyebrows and looked worried.

Did I do something wrong? – he asked quietly.

No Marco, you did nothing wrong. In fact you didn't do NOTHING – I exclaimed taking my wrist out of his hand and making a step back distancing myself from him.

What do you mean? – he asked scratching his neck.

I mean what I just have said Marco. I spend two fucking hours today trying to look good, counting maybe only for a slight smile for you. Because I wanted to look good for you. But all I get is a serious look on your face, not even a fucking smirk, and then you disappear. So you did exactly nothing Marco, and now I just feel stupid so that is why I didn't want to wait for you. Are you happy with that explanation. I hope so, but please go back inside and leave me alone. – I said feeling tears slowly coming to my eyes. Gosh I felt like an idiot.

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