66. Oh, I am going to cry

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Marco POV

Bro, stop it. I don't want to looke like a pimp - I said annoyed to Auba who was now adjusting my tie.

You already look stupid and you should be thankful cause I am trying to distract the attention from your ugly face - he winked at me and in response I punched him in the arm.

Idiot - I chuckled - I don't care. I am sure that everybody will look at Marta and not at me.

Right. It would be hard not to notice the only one white cupcake present at the wedding - Auba winked and I seriously started thinking about punching him in that grinning face.

Oh shut up - I hissed - and I am sure that she will not look like a cupcake! It is definitely not her style.

Exactly Auba - Robert Lewandowski chuckled - besides I saw her dress and she is definitely not a cupcake. In fact Marco I think that you will have problems with keeping your hands away from her...

You saw her dress? - I asked annoyed taking a sip of water - How come?

Well... let's say that I am one of her best friends so while picking up the dress with girls she sent me a photo - Robert smiled.

Yeah, you will be stunned - Robin said and I frowned - what? I also saw her - he laughed.

My heart started beating faster. Cause few of my friends already saw her, and I was dying to have her close.

It is really beautiful in here - said Forni who was looking out the window right now. I took a step to stand next to him and I nodded. The small hotel runned by friends of Marta's parents was surrounded by beautiful trees and you could see a small pond nearby. We wanted our day to be special and we wanted as much privacy as it was possible. That is why we rented a small hotel near Marta's hometown and we gathered there all our friends. Of course I was not able to see the bride before the wedding and because of the fact that the place we were staying in was so small that it was simply impossible not to bump into each other Marta was staying in another place. I might sound stupid but I was missing her like hell.

I took a look around the room and I had to smile to myself. In that important day I was not only about to marry the girl of my dreams but I was also surrounded by my most precious friends.

Guys, I would like to say something - I started and cleared my throat and all of the men gathered in the room looked at me - I would like to thank you all for being here with me. In fact you all were with me with my good and bad moments.

Oh, I am going to cry - Andre teased me but got a punch in the ribs from Mario who smiled at me encouragingly.

I am not the best with big words but I would like all of you to know that I cherish my friendship. - Robert handed me a glass with whisky in it so I took a sip - Thank you guys! To all and to each one of you. Forni thank you for being with me all these years and supporting me even when I was unbearable. Robin, I could never thank you enough for bringing Marta back to my life be renewing your friendship. You was stubborn as always but it was worth it. Ramsey you brought me the news about her coming to Dortmund, and even though I wanted to kill you then, now I am the happiest man on Earth - I smiled - Robert - I looked at Lewa - thank you for believing in me as a person and for becoming my friend knowing what past I had with her. Mario, you encouraged me to work things out and I would be grateful for that forever.

I love you bro - Mario sent me an air kiss and all guys laughed.

Auba, you are my brother from another mother - I started.

Of course the good looking one - Pierre chuckled and I just rolled my eyes.

If you say so. But still you always bring happiness to my life. - I toasted - Erik, thank you for not trying to hit on Marta, cause I know I wouldn't have chance with you - I winked - Andre you were with me all along the rocky way, so I am glad to call you a friend - I finished and then looked at Łukasz.

And you Łukasz - I smiled - you helped me so much with growing up and not being scared of marriage. Thank you guys! To friendship! - I raised the glass and all of them did the same!

Oh brother, that was sooooo girly - Ramsay shouted - but still very nice - he winked - it just like you were practicing on us your wedding vows.

Maybe a little - I laughed.

Ok girls - Robert said standing up and straightening his suit - I think it's time.

I looked at my watch and nodded.

When we were going to the cars that were supposed to take us to the wedding ceremony I stopped for a while and sighed.

It will be the best experience in your life - Łukasz patted me on the back reasuringly.

I know - I smiled.

When we finally got to the place where the celebration was held I realized that everybody was there even though there was still half an hour.

I was standing next to the altar stepping from one foot to another and nervously looking at my watch.

She is still not here - I whispered to Robert.

Don't worry - he smiled - she will be here.

Give me your car keys - I said firmly.

What? - he asked stunned.

Give me your car keys now - I hissed - I have to go.

He handed me his keys and I grabbed them and ran to the parking lot without a word to anybody.

Marco! - I only heard screams behind me.

Any ideas what is going to happen?

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