57. We are all here

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Marta POV

I was sitting on the bench in the middle of nowhere. I took a look around me realizing that I really had no idea where I was. Great, high five girl, that was beyond stupid and irresponsible. In that moment everything caused an enormous waterfall of tears, so after my realization that I had no idea how to get back home I just burried face in my hands.

Suddenly I heard some steps and someone panting next to me. Great, so now I am going to die. Thinking that nothing worst could happen to me today I didn't even raise my head. But nobody attacked me, instead they sat next to me and put and arm around me. First I was petrified and I wanted to jump away but then I smelled a familiar scent and turned my head to look straight into Marco's eyes.

What? How? – I whispered and he looked at me concerned, but before he answered me another wave of tears came to my eyes. Now I was just seeing things that were not real. He brought me closer to him and I put my head on his chest as he enveloped me with his arms.

Shhh...Calm down Schatzi. It is me. I am here. – he kissed my temple – No one will hurt you.

I just nodded and he wiped my tears with his thumb. I was so afraid that this bubble will burst and that I would wake up from that strange dream that I just closed my eyes and enjoyed this closeness. It was the first time since my escape from Dortmund, that I was feeling secure, and I decided to hold to that feeling as long as it was possible.

I missed you so much – he whispered rocking me back and forth.


I was woken by an annoying ray of light that landed on my face through the curtains. My head was killing me and I remined myself how much I have been crying yesterday. Unfortunately it also brought back the memories of Alex's behavior and of my imaginary time with Marco. And I had no idea how I finished being back in my bed. I sighed annoyed and sat on the bed.

Maybe I should go back home... - I murmured to myself and then I heard a chuckle.

Yup, you definitely should – I turned my head quickly to the direction from which the voice was coming and I raised my eyebrows in shock.

Please tell me you are real – I said in one breath – Because if I am having another imaginary episode I would not stand it.

Don't you worry. I am real. In fact we all are – Robin smiled at me.

Seeing him in here made me so happy that I jumped out of the bed and hugged him tightly.

I was never so happy in my life to see your stupid smile – I exclaimed.

Robin chuckled and embraced me.

I am glad. But can you... - he said blushing and turning his gaze away from me – can you consider wearing something?

And then I realized that I was only in my underwear.

Gosh, that is so embarrassing – I murmured taking quickly a dress from my wardrobe – I am sorry Robin.

Don't be. I liked the sight – he winked at me – but I enjoy living and I would not like experience anger of someone who would find us in that situation – he laughed.

Right, Alex can be really awful sometimes – I smiled sitting back on my bed.

Probably, but I was not talking about him – Robin said slowly.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him questioningly.

Then who? – I asked – Wait... I said that you were ALL real? What's going on Robin?

Well.... – he started – but don't panic right? – I nodded.

So I am here, Forni is here and.... – he wanted to finish.

Are you telling me that Marco is here? – I swallowed and he nodded – I dreamt yesterday about him.

It was not a dream Marta – he said seriously – he brought you here. We were in the party and he run with your brother after you and that guy.

You were there? – I asked puzzed.

Yup, we came to Brazil after you called Łukasz. And we went to the party to find you. – he confirmed – and when Marco saw you running away from that asshole he went after you. He found you somewhere and brought you home.

I thought it was my imagination, and I don't remember anything from the road back home – I whispered.

I know doll. You were totally exhausted from crying and you simply slept in his arms as he carried you here – Robin smiled at me.

A wave of mixed emotions hit me. I was happy and scared in the same time, because I knew that now my running away was over and I would have to confront him. That terrified me, because any false hopes will break my heart once more into pieces, and I was not sure if this time I would be able to repair it.

Hi! I am sorry for no update for the last few days but I have loads going on right now, but I promise that I would improve:)

Any ideas how their meeting will go?



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