56. You will have the whole time in the world to punch me

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Marta POV

The time stood still when I saw Miguel's face approaching mine. For a moment I was just simply petrified by the fact what he was about to do but quickly I regained my senses. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away.

Stop it – I hissed.

He looked at me stunned and just shook his head. I took a step back but he caught my wrist.

You could use some fun Marta. – he said trying to pull me closer to him.

I am sorry Miguel but no – I stated firmly letting go of him and turned myself quickly and nearly running went to the direction of the stairs. With big steps I made it up and when I reached the street I saw that he was following me. I was really not in a mood for those kind of games. I didn't need a distraction and I didn't need any romantic involvement right now. I took a look around me trying to find the direction to my brother's house and started to walk quickly.

Unfortunately Miguel wouldn't let go and in few seconds he was next to me putting his arm around my waist.

Come on querida – he whispered – Don't you tell me that you didn't think about it, you clearly expressed it with your moves on the dancefloor.

I increased my pace but he still was stubborn.

Miguel please, leave me alone – I begged him and started to run.

He stopped me few meters later grabbing my wrist in a painful way. He turned me abruptly to him and now in his eyes there was nothing left from the kind, a little boyish friend.

I will not let go. I am good in getting what I want. Always – he hissed through his teeth trying to push me to the wall. The whole situation was so overwhelming that I felt tears gathering in my eyes that quickly started to run through my cheeks.

Miguel, please. You are drunk – I begged.

Suddenly from the distance we heard someone shouting at us.

Hey! Leave her alone! – the voice seemed familiar to me. Miguel's head snapped into the direction that the voice was coming from and I took an advantage from his distraction, freed myself from his grip and started to run. Frankly speaking I had no idea of the direction because of the tears in my eyes I was not able to see anything.

I stopped after two minutes realizing that nobody was following me. I had no idea where I was so I just sat on the nearest bench, I put my head in my hands and started to cry even more. This whole month was a disaster, a terrible nightmare and I was not really sure if I will be able to stand it any more.

Marco POV

One could say that I was a looser not approaching her the first second I saw her. But frankly speaking after seeing her so familiar with that guy I had to revise my strategy. I wanted to talk to her and to get her back by I knew that I should be careful. Of course I would lie saying that it didn't bother me at all that she was talking with him, it bothered me a lot and I was simply terrified.

When after nearly an hour spend next to the bar they went to the dancefloor my fists were clenched. Robin nearly had to make me stay in one place and not do anything stupid, because beating a Brazilian guy in his own neighborhood was not the wisest idea. Especially if you were a world known footballer.

Even though she was dancing with him and not with me a loved the sight. She was smiling and moving her body beautifully to the beat. Oh how I loved her.  When the song changed to The Weekend's Earn It I had to smile to myself, because I associated it with the very first dinner that I made for her in my house. I felt like it was a sign and I started to go into her direction through the crowd. I was just five meters from her when I saw that they were about to kiss, I couldn't believe that after all we've been through she would move on so quickly. Not her. Not my girl.

My heart was beating was and I felt like closed in a big bubble and there were probably the longest seconds in my life when I was trying to figure out what should I do now. And suddenly she just pushed him away, from the distance I could see that she was angry and scared. I wanted to run to her but the crowd prevented me from doing that and when some fat guy bumped into me I lost her from my sight. She was not in her previous place, and so wasn't the guy. I took a quick look around trying to find them and to notice the whereabouts of my two musketeers who just disappeared in the dancing crowd. I caught a glimpse of Marta running up the stairs and I went quickly into that direction. On my way I've encountered Alex who was standing casually with some of his friends. I quickly patted him on the shoulder.

What? Marco, fuck. I knew... - he started staring at me angrily.

Alex, you will have the whole time in the world to punch me, but now please come. – I said irritated and he raised his eyebrows. – I saw Marta running away from here. Come, we have to find her.

He put his drink on the table and nodded. Without looking at him I made it up through the stairs and reached the street.

That way – he pointed to the left. – She must have gone to the direction of home. – I nodded and we started to run. In that moment I really didn't care about my ankle or the fact that the guy accompanying me was probably wishing me the worst.

What happened? – Alex asked panting trying to keep up with my pace.

There was a guy – I said and before I finished I saw two silhouettes ahead of us. The smaller one was definitely trying to free herself from the bigger one.

Miguel! Fuckin asshole! – Alex murmured – HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE! – he yelled. His roar distracted the attacker and I saw Marta run away.

Go after her and I will kindly kill that motherfucker – Alex hissed and without his hesitation I followed his advice. 

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