19. You need a prince, so here I am

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Marta POV

It was Saturday evening and me and Kaya had and awesome time. Yesterday we were talking nearly whole night. Than we had a breakfast at noon at a place recommended by Forni, and afterwards we did some shopping. Now we were sitting at my home getting ready for today's party.

Okay, so Marco will be there. With his girlfriend? – Kaya asked pouring us another glass of wine.

Yup. She is sweet as unicorns and rainbows. But seems nice. – I said taking a sip.

Great, but we hate her. Like we hate him? – she asked winking.

Kaya you don't have to hate anybody. And I should get used to seeing him, that is what Robin said. And maybe it will be good for me. I really don't want to have a heart attack whenever I see him. And this city is smaller than I thought moving in here. Plus I don't have to talk to him or make friends, greeting each other in a civilized way will be sufficient enough. – I said uncertain.

If you say so. But enough blabbing. We should get ready and it is getting late. I am here only for two days so I want to party with you to the fullest! – she exclaimed jumping from the chair.

We were ready in half an hour. Kaya who always looks good in red, had overalls in that color. With long legs and spaghetti straps on the top. She had a colorful jacket and put her hair in a high ponytail. Having her black high heels on she looked hot. I decided for very tight black jeans with a slightly higher waist, and a black tight crop top showing a little bit of my belly. I took a golden jacket and matching heels. I left my hair loose because I managed to make them a little bit more curly and I realy liked that.

When we arrived to the club it was almost full. In my mind I thanked Robin for putting our names on the VIP list. We entered and were showed into the direction of the biggest VIP lounge. We were dancing a little bit moving through the crowd, because the music was good... and we were already after two bottles of wine. When we finally reached the lounge it was really crowded. I smiled to myself thinking that Robin was such a good person that it was inpossible not to like him so that is why everybody was here.

We spotted him quickly. He was standing with Forni, Marco and Klara. Kaya saw me hesitating, but than quickly squeezed my hand and said.

Remember we are here to have fun – she said, winked and stormed into their direction.

Robin you old! Happy birthday! – she exclaimed giving him a hug an a kiss on the cheek. – I've missed you! All the best! I came straight from Poland to hug you! – she winked and left me a place to greet him.

I hugged him.

All the best Robin. I hope that all your wishes come true! – I said to his ear and kissed him on the cheek.

You came! I was afraid that you will ditch me! – he said smiling.

No way! – I smiled. When I took a step back I saw Kaya hugging Marcel and then turing herself to Marco and Klara.

Hi! We don't now each other. My name is Kaya – she said to Klara. – And you?

Klara, nice to meet you. – she smiled – And hi Marta! – she waved to me, and I put the best fake smile I had.

Likewise. – Kaya said and to my horror turned her head to Marco – Hi redhead! How are you mister Borussia-will-be-one-of-the-best-teams-when-I-will-play-there? – she asked and gave him a hug. That is the last time when we drink together before going to a party. Marco hugged her back and smiled.

Good to see you crazy one! – he replied. – Hi Marta. - he mummbled into my direction.

Hey – I said hardly loudible. Ok, so the greeting are done, now I need a drink. I smiled, have Robin one more kiss on the cheek and grabbed Kaya's hand to go into the direction of bar where Ramsey stood.

The party was good. I had loads of fun with Kaya. We took few shots with Ramsey, and then danced with him, Forni and Robin. Even Auba finally came and I joked and danced with him a little bit. After two hours Kaya sat with Robin on one of the couches because they wanted to talk a little bit and I went to the bar in the VIP. I ordered myself a caiprinha and looked around me. Few steps from me were Marco and Klara dancing a little bit. Or maybe she was dancing and he was rather trying. I smiled to myself, dancing was still not his strong point. I took my drink and went outside to the terrace to take some air. The night was chilly but I had my jacket on, and frankly speaking I was in a mood for a cigarette. I was not a heavy smoker, but sometimes I just fancied one. I took a cigarette from my clutch and lit it up. I was smoking in peace, sipping my drink and admiring the view of Dortmund. This city was not New York but still had its charm. I was standing next to the railing when someone approached me and stood next to me.

You like the view? – I turned my head and saw a tall brunette standing next to me.

It is nice – I nodded. I was not in the mood to talk but I asked – And you?

The guy looked at me and licked his lip.

I like the view a lot. – he smiled and I didn't like that smile – I heard Robin talking with Forni that you need a prince, so here am I.

Thanks, but I am good without one. – I replied. – You shouldn't take seriously everything that Robin says.

But what if I would like to be your prince – he approached me even closer – and to make you ride on... my horse? – he said putting his arm around me. He was cheesy and drunk.

Really I am not interested. And you are drunk so you should go – I said trying to distance myself from him, but it was not easy due to the fact that he was gripping me arm hard.

I like your game. But I would even more love hearing you screaming my name tonight – he said trying to put me closer to him.

Seriously, leave me alone – I said in a firm voice.

I know you want it babe – he said looking at me dirty.

Seriously, leave her alone or I would throw you out of this balcony. – I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

The guy next to me turned quickly and there was an unpleasant smile on his face.

Calm down Reus, we are just fooling around here, right? – he said looking at me.

I turned my head and saw Marco standing two meters from us clenching his jaw and swallowing hard.

No Georg. Get your shit out of here. Or I will fullfil my promise – said Marco. The guy put his hands in the air and sighing left the terrace.

Cool Reus, If you want to fuck her yourself than feel free – he said disappearing in the club.

Marco cringed a little bit but after a while stood next to me near the railing.

Are you ok? – he asked quietly in a soft voice not looking at me. It was probably the longest sentence he directed at me since our first meeting.

Yes, thank you. – I replied feeling my hands shaking. I took one more cigarette from my clutch.

You are smoking? I didn't know that. – he said gently.

Marco, you know nothing about me. – I replied dryly letting out the smoke of my lungs.

You really think that? That is why you told Auba that we don't know each other? – he asked looking at me and I am pretty sure that a hint of saddness was to be seen in his eyes.

Yes. At least I don't think that I ever knew you. But that is not important now. We are probably gonna meet each other from time to time, cause this city is smaller than a mouse hole. So let's pretend that we just got to know each other. It will be easier. – I said.

And you don't want to talk about... - he started.

No. – I put my cigarette down and headed to the inside of the club. – But thank you for ordering the lunch for me the other day. – I smiled and left.

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