29. He was my first love

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Marta POV

The next day I woke up having a terrible headache and an awful sore throat. Fuck, Robin was right. I shouldn't run in such a weather. I went to my kitchen, made myself a big cup of tea and wrapped myself in a blanket on a sofa. I wrote a message to my boss and my team saying that I am sick and I have to stay at home. My boss wrote me back:

Good, finally you will get some rest. Stay at home as long as you need and get well!

I smiled, maybe really I should take it easy on me for some time.

After messaging for a while with Warren who was still in our office, and with Paul telling him what should be done I fell asleep on the couch. I was woken up by the ring of my phone. I looked at the screen and saw Robin's name. I took a sip of the already cold tea and cleared my throat.

Hi Robin. How are you? – I asked in a raspy voice.

I should better ask how are you after hearing your voice. – He said worried – Are you ok?

Yeah, no, maybe. I just feel a little bit under the weather – I said trying to sound cheerful.
You are sick, sweetie right? – he asked.
Mmhhhmm, you were right Robin. – I said ashamed.
I will be at yours in an hour. – he said firmly.
No Robin there is no need. – I said in a weak voice.

I am not listening to you. I will be in your apartment with a rescue pack. Just text me the number of your apartment. – he said and hung up.

I went quickly to the bathroom to make me look a little bit more bearable. I put on black tracksuit pants and a big grey hoodie. I made my hair in a bun, and that was the last thing that I was able to do. He should be able to stand me without make up. I sat on the sofa and put on some TV.

I heard a doorbell exactly after an hour. I smiled to myself thinking that all the German people that I know are always very punctual.

Hello Sleeping Beauty! – said Robin cheerfully entering my apartment – I brought you some medicine and the best thing ever, which is my mama's chicken soup.

He took his jacket off and went to the kitchen after me.

Thank you Robin, you are saving my life – I smiled. – You want something to drink?

Tea would be good – he smiled.

I made us some tea and we went to the living room. Robin sat in the armchair and I put myself on the sofa, partially laying.

You have nice in here! – he exclaimed looking around.

I like it too. It is not very big, but it is cosy, and I do not need more space for myself. – I smiled. – One day, when I feel better you should come and have a dinner with me. I will make you some good food to thank you for the supplies today.

I would love to. – he smiled – so I was right? Admit that!

Yes, unfortunately you were right. I shouldn't be so reckless yesterday. Probably I would be even more sick today if you guys hadn't taken me home – I said taking a sip.

Marco saw you and told me to call you. – he said looking at me curiously. I swallowed. – I was writing with Forni at the time and didn't pay attention to the road.

Oh, ok. – frankly speaking I didn't know what to say.

You talked yesterday? – he asked. – Because he really stormed out of the car after you.

He thanked me for taking care of Nico the other day. I found the little one when he was lost in SIP. – I said turning my gaze from Robin.

That is it? – Robin didn't give up.

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