20. What comes around, goes around

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Marco POV

Few days passed since Robin's birthday. I just came from my date with Klara and I sat down on my sofa and played The Weeknd playlist on Spotify. I had my head full of thoughts. She was nice, pretty and really good in bed. She was always eager and I really enjoyed that. The problem was that I had someone else on my mind all the time, and I was not happy about that. First of all because I always considered myself as a person who I steady in their feelings, maybe not if it considered one night stands, but that doesn't happen when I am in relationship. But second of all because of the fact about whom I was thinking all the time. And it was Marta. I was supposed to hate her as I did for last ten years, but no. Now I was just thinking about her words saying that she doesn't know me and I don't know her. I was thinking about her smile, and the way she changed over that time. Gosh, she looked hot. I would really prefer her to appear here fat and ugly. But no. She was really looking good. Her lips were fuller, her hair was longer. She looked more like a woman. I really should stop thinking about her in that crop top underlining her breasts.

I took the cellphone out of my phone and started to scroll through Instagram when I found that Robin added a photo. It was showing him and Ramsey in one of our favorite bars. I quickly double tapped at the photo and entered his account. While I was scrolling down looking for a certain photo I went took a glass from the kitchen and poured myself some whisky.

When I found the photo of Marta that he took nearly a month ago I took a sip and entered the tag put on it. There it was. Her Instagram account. And it was full of photos. After a hesitant look I poured all glass to my throat. Filled another one and started to look through them. There were photos from Dortmund showing some city views, some situations from work and even a selfie with Ramsey taken in IKEA. Then I saw ones from Warsaw, probably from her farewell. They were followed by photos from parties, where she really did looked good. Than I scrolled though some photos taken probably during holidays. There were loads of them from many parts of the world – Spain, Brazil, Vietnam and even Hawaii. After that went photos from NYC when as Robin told me she was working for two years. I scrolled through everything one more time and two photos took my attention. First one was showing her with Robert Lewandowski and his fiancee near some lake. How the fuck did she knew him? And second one was a photo of three years ago. It was taken somewhere in Indonesia and it showed her laying on the bed only in her bikini getting a tattoo in a place near to the line of trousers. And the caption underneath said:

What goes around, comes around. #karma

I was staring at this phot for nearly a half an hour. Or if you prefer for two glasses of whisky. I was not sure if it was her body that was showed by her lack of bikini, or my curiousness about the tattoo. Because she once told me what would be her tattoo.

I double tapped the photo and fell asleep on the couch. And I was dreaming only of her.

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