45. Apparently you are in a good company

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Marta POV

I was rocking back and forth on my sofa trying to clear my mind but the only thing that I've achieved was trembling hands. I took my phone and choose Forni's number. I didn't wanted to talk with Robin because I was sure that he will be overprotective towards me after today's encounter with Klara. After few beeps Marcell answered.

Hi Marta! How are you?

Hi Forni. I am good, I just wanted to ask... - I started hesitantly.

He is right back at home. You don't need to worry. I just dropped him off. – Marcel said carefully – Do you want me to drop by and take you to Robin's to watch the match?

Is Marco coming too? – I asked a little annoyed.

Nope. I don't think so. He told me that he wants to stay at home.

Ok. So now I know everything. Thank you Forni. And don't be bothered by me. I think I am not in the mood to watch a match. - I snorted.

Marta, is everything ok? - Marcel asked hesitantly.

What do you think? - I answered him.

I don't know, really.

Forni, my boyfriend ignores me. I learned that he is back home from other people. Frankly speaking I am not just jumping in the air, you know? – I snapped at him.

I thought you both talked. I am sorry Marta, I didn't want to annoy you. – he said in a low voice.

I know. But now, the Lord didn't bother to answer any of my calls. But thank you though. Now I know everything. Have a great evening and say Robin that I am sorry for not joining you. – I said trying to hold back my anger.

Ok Marta, but please don't be too harsh on Marco ok? – Fornell asked pleadingly.

Bye Forni – I said and hung up.

What the actual fuck! I stood up and went quickly to my purse and took out the pack of cigarettes that I was keeping for nervous situations. During the whole time of being with Marco I haven't smoked even once, but now I really felt the urge. I lit the cigarette on my balcony and started to arrange my thoughts. So obviously my beloved boyfriend didn't only ignore me, but also lied to his best friend that he had talked with me. Great. I inhaled a little bit of smoke and looked around me. It was early March, the spring was about to come and the air was very pleasant. The street were silent. But even though I was really devastated the world was still running. I sighed and took another cigarette from the pack. After lighting it I looked at my phone but there was still no sign from Marco. After hesitating a little bit I decided to write him.

Me: Is everything ok?

I decided not to be bitchy, and go for the neutral. It was my first experience with injured Marco and that is why I thought it will be better to be careful. Maybe he was ashamed or devastated. I didn't know.

My second cigarette was coming to an end and I saw that he went online and that he read my message. But still there was no answer. Oh boy, how shitty I felt in that moment. I decided to wait, maybe he was trying to process the whole situation. I went back to my small living room and looked at the clock. It was nearly 7PM and it was really good time to report to me at once. But nope, still no sign of living and breathing. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine. I have emptied it at once. Bravo Marta, really good start of the evening. I poured myself another one, looked hesitantly at the bottle, but after a quick thought I decided to take it along with myself to the couch. So I was sitting now in my dark apartment, drinking alone and looking like crazy at my phone. After some time my phone lit up and I jumped like burned. I really expected that it would be Marco, but to my disappointment I saw Robin's name on the screen.

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