51. Now everybody quiet

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Łukasz POV

We were sitting in Marco's living room. The whole place looked as a CIA headquater. There were many of us. Marco was running crazy from one side of the room to another pulling his hair. Auba was somehow trying to comfort him but apparently it was not possible. Andre, Robin and Erik took care of the beers, and Fornel was on the phone with Kaya raising his voice.

Kaya please I know she is your best friend but we are worried as hell. – he said – Yes of course I understand and I would do the same for Marco, but fuck I am really worried that if he doesn't hear from her he will just jump out of the window.

Marco's hands were trembling but still he reached for his phone.

Kaya, it's Marco. Please help me... please – he took a deep breath and I could hear his voice breaking – She is the love of my life, she is my life. Please...

Apparently Kaya hung up on him and he looked in rage at the phone and threw it at the wall. Fornel's phone broke in piece.

Wowow bro! – he jumped up from the sofa.

Marco closed his eyes and was trying to catch his breath.

I am sorry... - he said finally sitting on the floor and burying his head in his hands.

She didn't tell you? – Erik asked compassionately and Marco just shook his head.

Each one of us tried to contact her several times, maybe really she needs time – Robin said quietly but Auba hit him on the head.

We all became quiet when the doorbell rung furiously. Andre stood up to open and in few seconds Mario entered totally out of breath. He was waving his hands showing us that he wants to tell us something, took a big sip from Erik's beer and nearly shouted.

It is not yours!!!!!! – we all looked at him with big eyes except Marco who was sitting on the floor still with his eyes closed. – Marco! Do you hear me? I am fucking telling you that the baby is not yours!!!

Hearing that Marco jumped from the floor and he was furious.

Don't you even try joking Mario! We have been trying everything to find out about that.

I am not joking bro! I told you that I have an idea and it finally paid out. – said Mario proud of himself. – I told Ann Kathrin about everything and she promised me to help. And apparently she did.

What are you talking about? – Auba asked curiously.

I will tell you in a sec but please don't interrupt me. Especially you Marco – he pointed him with a finger. – Today girls were on the shooting for the new MAC campaign. And Ann shared the dressing room with Klara and when Klara went on the set she broke into her phone. It was not difficult because apparently your ex has a 1234 as a password. And Ann found out in the message history the exchange between Klara and a guy named Tim that this is his child and that it has been conceived few weeks after you broke up but they decided that they will tell you that is yours to get a high alimony! Ann has the photos of that conversation, but to make it even more real she saw then that guy on the shoot and he was very close with Klara...if you know what I mean. – Mario told that all nearly in one breath and now sat down. The whole room was quiet.

So.. she lied to me?- Marco asked quietly after a while and Mario nodded. – and there is no child?

Apparently bro there is still a child but not yours – said Erik and Fornell threw a pillow at him.

Marco looked at us and I saw tears in his eyes, but from the look on his face you could see that they were tears of joy and relief.

You should find Marta now bro. – I said smiling at him – And be sure that we will help you.

He smiled at me thankfully and Robin passed him a beer.

Guys I know that it may be a little premature – Fornell said and this time Mario hit him – but I would like to propose a toast. To the good endings and happily ever afters!

We all stood up and repeated after him.

To the good endings and happily ever afters!

The atmosphere was a little bit lighter but still in the air you could sense the feeling of uncertainty resulting from the lack of knowledge about Marta's whereabouts. Auba was telling some funny stories and even Marco laughed. When Mario started to tell a joke I felt that my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took it out and looked at the screen.

No way... - I whispered.

Robin took a look on my screen and screamed.

Shhush guys! Now everybody quiet. – everybody looked at him quizzically as his pointed at my phone. – Łukasz put it on the loudspeaker, and nobody talks.

I nodded and pressed the green button.

Marta? – I asked as I saw Marco freeze.

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