6. I thought we are here to make friends

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Marta POV - 2006

Dear students, we would like to welcome you to our summer course of 2006! – exclaimed John Deary, an elderly Brithish guy who was a director of a summer camp that my parents send me to as a birthday surprise. I looked around me and I was totally astonished. The dining hall of Girton College was breathtaking. It looked just as I have imagined Hogwarts. I smiled to myself after making that comparison. I was really happy to be here and excited for the new adventures. I have never been before to a such multicultural event. – There are nearly sixty of you in here, all ranging from 15 to 18 years old, coming from many countries from all around the globe. And I hope that you will profit from this month in here to the fullest. Improving your English, making longlasting international frienships and simply having fun. – Deary said, and then I turned to my friend Kaya who was sitting next to me and smiled. We came here together so that means much more fun!

Now please go to the auditory and take the placement test. It will help us to divide you into groups basing on your level of English skills. – finished Deary and we stood up quickly.

We were strolling through the corridor  giggling and having fun when suddenly I was hit in my back with something. I turned around and saw a ball lying next to my feet. I started to massage my back and looked angry at three boys that were standing behind us.

We are really sorry! – said short brunette with deep brown eyes.

Are you okay? – added second boy. He also had brown hair but was much taller than the first. – This one was showing us some tricks and he got carried away a little bit. – he said pointing at a redheaded boy standing behind them, who shrugged his shoulders and looked at me with green eyes smirking slightly.

Great, whatever.– I said shaking my head, turning from them and continuing with Kaya to the auditory.

I thought we are here to make friends – Kaya hissed at me. - And as far as I am concerned being bitchy does not make a part of that. Besides they looked quite nice, I mean in terms of being fun and stuff...

I know, you are right. I'm sorry K. I promise that I will not behave like that anymore. I was just surprised, and that really hurt – I looked at her apologizing and giggled.

After nearly two hours of tests – written and speaking we were now all chilling on the grass in the college's garden. I was sitting with Kaya and with few other people that we have met earlier waiting for our turn to have the oral exam. We were bursting out of laugh when Tiago, one of the Portuguese guys sitting with us was telling a story about his lost luggage. It was really fun and I was becoming less and less stressed for being in such place. I know that being seventeen I should be the happiest person on earth being so far from my parents for such a long time. But I was always shy and I was simply afraid if I will make friends and feel good in a strange place. No I am not a loner or a nerd (well maybe sometimes), and I have loads of friends at home, but I am simply not good in breaking the ice. Fortunately when I get to know someone it becomes easier.

Ekhm, hi – we heard someone clearing their throat, and all looked in the direction. There they were, the three boys that previously attacked me with the ball. The shortest brownhaired one started to talk. – Sorry for interrupting but we just wanted to apologize once more. It is not a good way to start new acquaintances hitting someone with the ball and as we are all to spend here a month we wanted to introduce ourselves in case you still wanted to hate us. It is always easier knowing the name of your enemy. – said the one smiling and looking at me and Kaya.

Kaya started to laugh looking at me.

No, there is no problem, it was really not a big deal. I was just surprised that is why I became bitchy. Sorry. And be sure that really that does not make me hating you or so. – I said smiling. – Come sit with us. Tiago is telling us the funniest stories. – I said pointing to the grass. I was really proud of myself, even Kaya winked at me. She knew that it was not easy for me to speak so freely to new people. Most of the time she was the one to do all the "first" talking.

Oh great. Thank you... - the boy looked at me inquiring.

Right. – I giggled a little. – My name is Marta and this is Kaya. We are from Poland. Those two are from Portugal – Tiago and Pedro – I said smiling and pointing at two guys. - Ana and Cara are from Sweden, and these smiling three are Italian– Aurelia, Gino and Gio.

Nice to meet you all. – answered the guy smiling and sitting next to Tiago. – My name is Marcell. And this is Robin – he said pointing at the taller guy, who was making himself comfortable next to Kaya. – and the hooligan with the ball is Marco. – he added smilling when the third guy was looking a little bit confused looking for a place in our circle and than sat hesitantly next to me.

And you guys are from? – Kaya asked encouragingly.

From Dortmund in Germany – answered Robin grinning at her. Hmm, definitely someone is very eager in here to make an acquaintance I thought and then smiled to myself.

Dortmund, like Borussia Dortmund? – asked Tiago.

Yup – answered Robin – You know it?

Of course bro! – exclaimed Tiago. – I think that it is the best team in the Bundesliga. Of course you cannot compare to Sporting, so I will not say that it is the best in Europe. – he added jokingly.

One day we definitely will be – said Marco smiling.

You mean when you will be in the team? I assume that you like football – chuckled Gio pointing at the ball that Marco put next to his legs.

Maybe – Marco said grinning.

He used to play for their junior team. And now he plays for Rot Weiss Ahlen in a city next to Dortmund. But one day who knows. – joked Marcell – We keep our fingers crossed for him, you know, who wouldn't want to have a famous footballer as a friend? That would ease everything in terms of picking up girls. – he said seriously and then winked at us. We all burst out of laughing.

Next hour of waiting for the results of the tests was really fun. We all made jokes and became more friendly with each other. I was feeling more at ease. The group was really funny and I really felt as among friends. The only person that made me uncomfortable a little bit was Marco. He was not as talkative as the remaining two German guys, but he also made some jokes and told us about his trainings. But in the meantime, when he was not engaged in the conversation he was looking at me, as I have noticed with a corner of my eye. Once when I gathered all my courage and looked at him back I saw that his lips were presses in a thin line, and he was not smiling. Not at all, even though the atmosphere around was very merry. And his green eyes were darker than before. He looked very serious for a seventeen year old guy.

Okay guys, we have your results. Each teacher will now read the names of the members of theirs group. Please gather around them as they will take you to classes. – said Deary out loud.

After few minutes I was heading to my class. We were only ten in the group. Our chatting group from before was divided. Kaya went with Swedish girls, Robin and Aurelia. Two remaining Italians were going to the same group as Pedro and Tiago. And I? I was now heading to the class with two Germans – Marcell and Marco. And as far as I really enjoyed joking with Marcell I was still a little bit intimidated with the other one.

There lessons have passes and we were now heading to our rooms to prepare ourselves for the dinner. Marcell was so much fun that I nearly cried out of laugh.

Okay guys, so that's me. I live on the ground floor. We see each other in an hour in the dining room, and I think that afterwards we can go and check the grounds. I am sure that Robin and the rest will be in. – he said smiling and waving to us turning to the corridor.

Unfortunately my room was far from Kaya's as she was accommodated on the ground floor as Marcell, so I had to go up the stairs to the first floor. It was a little bit more obscure, remembering its times of greatness at the beginning of the 20th century. And Marco, not saying a word was following me. I felt a little bit discouraged but I smiled at him slightly. I turned left and entered the corridor with doors to room on the right hand side. After few meters I have reached my room and while taking the key out of my pocket I looked at him questioningly.

Are you following me Marco? – I chuckled opening my door.

No. But would you like that? – he winked at me opened the door next to my room.

I have entered my room as quickly as possible, shutting the door, putting my back next to the wall and breathing heavily. Would I like that?

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