46. I need time

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Marta POV

This can't be true. Seriously. This is some kind of fucking nightmare. I was running through the streets of Dortmund and the tears were just simply running through my face. After some time I sat on the bench and simply started sobbing like a crazy lady. How the fuck did it all happened? Yesterday I was so happy talking with Marco over the phone, he was saying me the sweetest things. And now I am sitting here on a secluded bench in the fucking of nowhere crying my heart out because the love of my life is expecting a child with his former girlfriend? How shit is that! With trembling hands I took another cigarette from my bag. It was probably the tenth cigarette today. I was not proud of myself at all, but I simply didn't know how to deal with my nerves. I lit up the cigarette and took out my phone. It was now after 1AM so I had been on the road for more than an hour. On my screen I saw countless unattended calls from Marco, Robin and Marcel. So probably he thought that I went to them and informed them about my rapid escape. I opened my Facebook messenger that was nearly exploding with messages. I saw messages from Robin, Forni and Ramsey asking where I am. And there were messages from Marco. I opened them and of course I bursted into tears.

Marco: Marta, honey, please. Please answer my call.

Marco: Schatzi, please report.

Marco: I know I fucked up, but I need to talk to you

Marco: Where are you?

Marco: Honey, please, even if you don't want to answer my call, just please answer Robin's or Marcell's. I am worried.

Marco: Marta, please.

Marco: You are not at home. Where are you?

Marco: Schatzi. I won't bother you if you don't want me to, but please, just send me even a stupid emoticon that you are ok. I am so worried.

I saw that he was online and I saw that immediately he started to write something when I opened the app. And I was really not in the mood to answer, but also I reminded myself how crappy I felt when years ago he didn't let me explain anything. That is why I quickly typed a short message to him.

Me: Marco, I need time.

I pressed end and switched off my phone. I looked at the broken screen and sighed. This day was a total crap, and additionally the night was chilly and becoming sick was the last thing I needed now. I got up from the bench, took a look around me and of course realized that I had no idea where I was. That is why I decided to go into the direction of the tower that appeared on the horizon. When I will reach the city center I will find my way home. With careful steps I started my journey.

Robin POV

Marco, I have really no idea where she is. She didn't report to me. Neither to Forni or Ramsay. – I sighed sitting in my car in front of Marta's apartment. – I also talked to Kaya, but she has no idea.

Fuck, bro. Fuck. I should have run after her but with my crappy sprained ankle it was simply not possible – I heard my friend who was extremely devastated. – I went by taxi to her work, but she is nowhere to be found. Her brother once told me that she is great in big escapes, and I am really worried that she simply took off.

Bro, calm down – I tried to persuade him, but instead I heard a sound of him throwing something at the wall.

How the fuck can I calm down, when my girl is somewhere by herself in the middle of the night. – he shouted.

I know, but what do you expect of her. How would you feel if Marta told you that she is pregnant with other guy? I am sure that she is frustrated, and besides remember that she has work, and she cannot simply take off and disappear. – I said irritated.

You are right. God, I hate that situation. Everything was on the right track finally. I have no idea what should I do now. – he said quietly.

I just shook my head, because the situation was simply shitty, and in that moment I saw a feminine figure walking slowly into direction of Marta's building. I recognized her jacket but there was nothing of her in the way she walked, she was always this energetic person, full of joy. And now in front of me there was just a pile of misery.

Call for the cab – I said quickly.

What? – he asked perplexed.

I said call for the cab and come here. She is back. – I said annoyed and hung up. Quickly I turned off the engine and slammed the door of my car. With big steps I approached her.

Robin... - she said weakly.

I know, I heard – I said and just embraced her. She was trembling and she was probably freeze to death. – Come upstairs, you need to warm yourself up.

I took her hand and she nodded hesitantly. When we entered her apartment she simply took off her shoes, dropped her parka on the floor and sat in the dark living room saying nothing. I quickly made her a cup of tea and put it in front of her on the coffee table.

Marta, are you ok? – I asked carefully.

She turned her head into my direction and looked at me with empty eyes. I have never seen such pain on somebody's face. Suddenly she laughed sarcastically.

Oh Robin, I really, really like you. You have a great sense of humor – she said with raspy voice. – The situation is even more funny taking into consideration the topic of our conversation today.

Sweetie, I am sure that you will find a good solution. – I said encouragingly. I knew that Marco was desperate to make it work with her.

There is a solution, of course. I already have one. – she said taking a sip of her tea.

I was opening my mouth to ask her what does she have in mind when we heard a doorbell. Her head quickly snapped in my direction.

You didn't! – she hissed at me.

I shrugged my arms and went to the door. I opened it quickly and pale Marco stormed into the hall.

Where is she? – he whispered and I just showed him the direction of the living room. There was no more place for me there so I patted him on the shoulder, took my jacked and went out.

With a very heavy sigh I sat in my car. I really wished those two all the best, but unfortunately I didn't have good feelings about what was going to come.

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