41. The heart was for me

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Marta POV

Next to weeks passed really calm. I had a lot of work and Marco was still on trainings and he had few away games. So we had only limited possibilities to meet, but when we were not spending time with each other we wrote countless messages or FaceTimed for hours.

Today was the night of the game so we were not supposed to see each other. Marco wanted me to come later to his home but I denied saying that he will be there probably very late and he will definitely need some rest.

I was now sitting in Robin's office and admiring the big collage that guys made him for his birthday. It really looked great and they did a very good job.

I can't believe that Marco did something so crafty – I chuckled taking another sushi roll from the tray. We agreed to have a lunch together and it was the first time I was in Robin's office.

I was amazed by it as well! He is always to impatient to wait for the effect. – he laughed.

I know something about that – I smiled slightly.

He told me that you were back together! He was so happy that I was afraid that he will start to squeal like a teenage girl – he winked. – But I should be mad at you that you didn't tell me that yourself lady – he pointed at me with his chopstick.

We are and I myself have sometimes troubles with believing that. I am sorry Robin, you know that you are my great friend. I suppose that I just didn't know how to start a topic – I said apologizing.

Oh no worries girl. I am really happy for you two. – he smiled – But it is probably not easy, isn't it? You work a lot, he is constantly on training or on a game.

Yeah, but that is still better than nothing – I answered.

I heard the beep of my phone and saw a new message from Marco.

Hi Schatz. How are you? <3

I quickly replied

Hey Mr. Footballer! I am at Robin's, we are having lunch. And how are you before the game?

In a second I received an answer.

I am good;) Robin has something for you. And he is instructed not to take no for an answer.

The message was very strange so I looked at Robin with my eyebrows raised.

Rob. Marco wrote me that you have something for me? – I asked hesitantly.

Oh yes! Of course! – he rummaged in a drawer of his desk – Here! – he said and gave me a long yellow envelope.

What is that? – I asked.

Just look inside – he grinned.

I opened the envelope and saw a letter and a VIP ticket for today's game. Not sure what to do with that I started to read the letter. I saw Marco's messy handwriting.

Hi babe!

I know that we were not talking about that yet, but I really would love to have you today on the stadium. Not only today, but always. I hope you will agree.

Robin and Forni will take you there!



I read the letter and smiled.

So, are you coming? – Robin asked.

Of course I am! I would love to see Marco play – I said smiling.

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