54. I am honoured that you chose my companion

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Marta POV

Yesterday's afternoon I spend on the beach with Miguel. It was first time in last three weeks when I finally felt a little bit happy and free. Probably it was because of the beautiful sights and the sound of the ocean. Miguel's grandma definitely was right that beach is good for sorrows, because it helped me clear my head. I would lie saying that Miguel's company didn't do me well. He was kind and funny, and as a born and raised Brazilian guy he exactly knew how to make a woman feel special. I was not looking for another love affection, but few compliments that he made me improved my mood a little.

Today I woke up quite early and even managed to make breakfast for me and for my brother. I wanted to thank him somehow for the extraordinary way in which he took care of me. I decided that I would stop pitying myself and that I would try to find some happiness in my situation. I was not ready to go back to Germany, oh no, for that it was much too early, but even the decision of posting something yesterday on Instagram made me feel that I was going back to living.

After tidying my room and afterwards the whole apartment I decided that it is definitely time for lunch and that I would love to spend it outside. As I was not fancying eating alone I took my phone and after a second of hesitation (and deleting all new messages from Marco and his crew) I quickly tapped a short text to Miguel asking if he had time to meet me. His response came in no time and so I went quickly to change. I chose a light blue dress and havaianas – nothing special, because I just wanted to feel comfortable. I put my hair in a messy bun and found my sunglasses and after taking a big colorful bag I went to have a lunch with Miguel.

I was strolling through the city with my headphones on and I was simply enjoying the warmth of the sun on my skin. We have decided to meet in a small restaurant near the Ipanema beach so I managed to get there quickly. When I was almost reaching the place I was passing next to luxurious hotel and I swear that I caught a glimpse of familiar redhead standing in the middle of the crowd before the entrance. As my thoughts quickly traveled to Marco I shook my head thinking that I should really stop imagining him all the time because I am starting to see things that don't exist. I crossed the street and sat at the table outside of the restaurant waiting for Miguel. I was there much too early for our meeting so I just ordered coffee and scrolled through my phone. Every few minutes I would raise my head to see if Miguel is not coming. And before another attempt I heard two guys speaking in German about getting the taxi, I saw them just from behind but I really had to pinch me when I realized that they looked exactly like Marcell and Robin. They disappeared quickly in the cab and I really had to stop my heart from beating so fast. That could not be. First of all I've just called Łukasz two days ago and second that was just ridiculous.

Hi beautiful! – A soft voice with Brazilian accent took me out from my thoughts. I raised my head and saw Miguel taking a sit next to me. Today he was a little bit more elegant than usually because he had navy jeans and a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up to the elbows. That really looked good on his tanned body.

Hey you! – I smiled and he placed to greeting kisses on my cheeks.

So how are you? - he asked raising his hand to call the waiter – I suppose not so bad that you've invited me for a lunch.

I am better. My head plays some tricks on me and I decided that it would be wise to go out. – I shrugged.

Then I am honoured that you chose my companion – he winked at me. His tone was a little flirty but I was not ready for any games like that. He was nice, very handsome, but he was not the one that had my heart.

Robin POV

I really don't understand why I shouldn't go with you to Alex – Marco grumbled for the tenth time being visibly annoyed.

Jesus, Woody. – Forni shook his head – I told you. We don't know where her brother lives so the best way to find this out is to go to his office. And it is not the wisest thing when the well know footballer appears there. That is one. You do not need any attention of the media. And secondly I am more than sure that he will simply try to kill you, so that is why we are going. He doesn't know us and maybe we will manage to persuade him to help us, saying that we came here to Marta. Not you.

Marco was pacing from one side of the hotel lobby to another. If the situation wasn't so serious I would probably die of laughing because he looked like an impatient boy sighihing and puffing.

Ok. – he said after a while. – But be quick please. I really need to see her fast.

Will do bro – I smiled and patted him reassuringly.

We took a cab to Alex's office that we previously checked in the internet. The building was situated near one of the stadiums and was quite impressive. I sighed with a release when we entered the air conditioned lobby, this weather was sometimes unbearable.

Bom dia – a nice receptionist smiled at us.

Hello – Forni started – We would like to meet with Alex Schulz. Could you please tell us if he is available?

Well... let me see – she typed something on her keyboard – Yes, Alex is here. I would call him and let him know that he has guests. How should I introduce you?

Please say that we are two distant friends from Germany – I said.

She raised her eyebrows not very convinced but after a while she nodded and took the phone. She said few fast words in Portuguese and said:

Ok, he is waiting for you. Room 214 on the second floor – he showed us direction with her hand.

We knocked on the door and heard a muffled "Enter" from the inside.

The office was not very big but had a nice view for the forest. Alex was sitting at the desk and he raised his head looking at us with raised eyebrows. I have ever seen him before, but he definitely was Marta's brother. They had the same eyes and the same puzzled face expression.

Hello... - he started hesitantly – you are?

We approached his desk and sat in front of him.

Marcell and Robin we are friends of Marta and... - I said but he didn't let me finish.

And Marco. – He added and clenched his jaw. His friendliness totally disappeared from his face. He stood up from the chair and turned his back on us staring through the window. - What do you want?

We are here because when we learned that Marta is here we wanted to check on her. Everybody back there is really worried about her. - I said - We want to be there for her and suport her. And the situation with Marco....

I don't want to hear about him. Seriously. You two look like decent guys and my sis told me some things about you, but I do not want to know a single thing about him. - he finished.

Ok. - Forni said changing his strategy a little bit. So there is no way that we should mention the fact that Marco is here - But please, we would like to meet with her. To see if she is ok.

He turned to us and after a while nodded.

Good. - he sighed. - I have no idea where she is now but today there is a party in the neighbourhood and we were planning to go there. You can come. - he scribbled something on the piece of paper - Here there is the address. We will be there around 10PM.

Ok, could you please do not tell her that we will be here? - I asked.

Of course I would not tell her, because I am sure that she definitely wouldn't come then. I spend few days trying to convince her to go and have some fun. - he laughed sarcastically.

We shook our hands and we went outside.

We will be dead when he finds out Marco is coming with us - Forni said.

Oh brother, we will - I sighed.

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