64. Are you back with that boy?

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Marta POV

The news about our engagement spreaded among our friends so quickly that even Robin (the biggest gossiper of all) was surprised. Of course all of that was a result of boys invading Marco's house and catching us redhanded. So thanks to that in no time all locker room of BVB was aware of our big step. I've only managed to inform Kaya personally, and that was possible only because I texted her in the morning after. Unfortunately the news came to Robert before I was able to call him (thanks to Mario) and I had to listen to him being angry at me a little bit. But he is a big boy so when he heard my explanation saying that I had no control over the news he forgave me somehow.

But our friends finding out about our engagement in strange ways were not a problem at all, because they were all so happy for us that for the last few days our phones were constantly ringing with congratulations. Marco's family was informed two days after when he dragged me to a family dinner and Nico, being the sweetest of all children in the world appeared also to be the most curious. And when he saw something shiny on my hand he wouldn't let go and made us confess that we are back together and that we've decided to make another big step. It is not like we didn't want to tell them, of course we wanted to, but we planned to make it in a more special way. Fortunately they were not mad at us. In fact because of that news an ordinary family dinner became a crazy celebration party during which we were flooded by the countless ways of them expressing how happy they were for us.

Yeah. But there was still my family, and I was more than afraid to tell them about it. They all saw how miserable I was ten years ago, when Marco cut me off. My two brothers knew that we got back together but they were not extremely happy about it. Well, I would always remain their little and delicate sister. But my parents... that was completely different story. Both of them were doctors and spend their lives traveling the world, and due to that fact they never had time for us. I wouldn't say that they were bad parents, oh no, never! During my whole life they encouraged me to take risks and do what I really want to do. That is why I knew that they would approve my every decision, even the worst one, but still I was afraid to call them.

So know I was sitting in the middle of Marco's living room surrounded by the boxes filled with my stuff. Yup, that guy was fast. The next day after our unexpected engagement he drove me to my rented flat and ordered me to pack all my things. There was no discussion with him if he wanted something. In my apartment I didn't have many things cause most of them was still in my Warsaw home, so the packing went quick. The problem was that I still had an agreement with my landlord that I would pay for that flat for a year at least. But knowing Marco has it perks.... Well in fact loads of them. So what did my fiancé? He called my landlord and convinced him to allow me to move out without any consequences. Of course for exchange for few tickets to the BVB matches on Signal Iduna Park.

I was looking at the screen of my phone gathering courage to call my mum. Marco was sitting next to me, totally exhausted after transporting all of my bags and boxes from his car. He put his legs on the coffee table and smiled to me encouragingly.

Come on, call them – he said – I am sure it won't be so bad.

I know... It is just... - I started.

Are you not happy? Don't you want to tell them? – Marco asked worried.

No no no. It is not like that. I am more than happy, but that is why I am afraid – I sighed – I am so happy that I am afraid that they will be not.

He nodded.

No matter how they would react they deserve to know. And besides.... Who wouldn't want such a good looking son in law? – he winked pointing at himself, and that really made me laugh. His hair was a total mess, he was sweaty and a beer in his hand didn't improve his overall appearance. But even in that state I loved him.

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