2. My stupid friend just made me laugh

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Marta POV

The ride was not so bad. It took me around 10 hours but I had a stop on the road to eat something and stretch my legs. Now it was 6PM and after a brief visit to my new office I was waiting outside small apartment building waiting for the landlord to give me the keys to my new home.

Fortunately the guy came quickly and even helped me with transporting the boxes with my belongings to the apartment. It was nice, quite small but cozy. It had one bedroom with a king size bed, living room with a nice view of Dortmund, well equipped kitchen and a bathroom with both tub and shower.

After two hours of unpacking I event felt a little bit like at home. Of course it will take a while, but the sooner I start feeling here good, the better for my head. I looked around me quite impressed seeing that I've managed to organize everything in order. Then I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower so as to refresh myself after the long day. Still in my towel I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Yup, there was nothing there. Bravo girl, you should be proud of yourself that you forgot to buy any food.

After blow-drying my hair starving I quickly went to the bedroom put some skinny jeans, a loose white t-shirt and a simple black leather jacket. In one of the boxes stashed in the wardrobe I fund a pair of white sneakers. I tied my hair in a messy bun, grabbed my bag and went out to look for some grocery store.

I was strolling the streets of Dortmund with my headphones on, playing my favorite playlist when I finally found an open shop. Eagerly I went inside and started to fill my cart with most essential products when suddenly someone laughing very loudly bumped into me. I turned quickly and saw a pair of quite familiar brow eyes that looked at me apologetically.

Uhm, I'm sorry. My stupid friend just made me laugh so hard that I didn't notice you. – said my attacker pointing to the of his phone. His eyes widened a little bit while looking at me.

Don't worry. Nothing happened. – I said smiling slightly and then I turned myself back to the shelf feeling my heartbeat accelerating. Fortunately he went quickly to the counter and left the shop. And that was the moment when I let the air of my lungs.

Fuck. Really while accepting this job I thought that Dortmund would be a much bigger city.

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