11. This is how thinking looks Mario

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Marco POV

The club was crowded which was typical for Cocaine parties. I was cruising through the dancefloor holding Klara's hand and I was looking for Auba. This guy was really unbeliveble. When you needed some rest like during long trips or training camps he was always everywhere, but when you needed him he was simply impossible to be fund. Finally I spotted him standing by the bar. When we approached I realized that he was standing with Marcell and Robin. When we finally passed through the crowd I saw that there is a girl standing with them. I only saw her back. Long brown wavy hair and definitely a nice butt in a short black dress. I am a man and even though Klara was next to me I couldn't help but notice it.

Auba, you don't have to search for him anymore he is .... – said Forni in English looking at me over the girl's shoulder.

Here, my friend. – I said smiling looking at them when the girl turned. You must be fucking kidding me I thought quickly, and the smile faded from my face.

Sup bro! – said Auba giving me a handshake.

All good. – I said quickly.

Oh sorry! I am such a douche – said Auba looking at the girl – I didn't introduce myself. I am Pierre, but they call me Auba. And you? – he asked with his signature smile.

Hi Pierre, I am Marta I am... - she stuttered.

An old friend that happened to be transferred to Dortmund few weeks ago. – said Forni.

I see. You are definitely not a footballer so you were not transferred here to play in the BVB – winked Auba. – I suppose a job assignment. I hope that you will like it in here. – he added. – So an old friend? Do probably you know Marco if you happen to be so unfortunate to know these two? – he added jokingly pointing at Forni and Robin.

She turned her gaze at me and after few seconds replied.

No, not really. – she said with her lips pressed in a thin line. – But hi.

Hi – I said nodding and clenching my jaw.

Oh! And I am Klara, Marco's girlfriend – I heard a happy voice beside me. Why she always have to be so friendly? – You are new in BERGS agency, am I right? – Marta nodded turning her head to look at Klara. – I saw an article about you, my friend Sascha works with you and shared it on Facebook. They are really happy to have you here.

That's nice to hear – Marta said smiling slightly and taking a sip of her drink.

So how do you like Dortmund so far? – asked Klara.

I don't know I haven't seen much because I work a lot. But it seems pretty nice. – she smiled – Although I though it would be a little bit bigger. – she finished looking at me for a second and then turning her gaze into direction where somebody was screaming her name. – It was nice to meet you, but I have to go to spend my time with my work buddies. They are already calling me. Have fun, and Marcel thanks for the drink. – she said and went to the VIP lounge.

I needed a drink, fast. So I let go of Klara's hand and waved at the bartender. After being handed my whisky I turned and saw Marcel standing next to me. Klara was on the dancefloor with her girlfriends and Auba and Robin sat with some guys from my team.

Marco, should you be drinking? You have a training tomorrow. –asked Forni with his eybrows raised.

Stop it Marcel. It is not your concern. – I cut him quickly taking another sip.

But it went good right? – he asked. – You know what I mean...

I have no idea what you mean bro. No fucking idea. And I don't want to talk about it. – I pured the rest of the drink to my throat and ordered another one.

The party was good. We were sitting in the VIP lounge gathered around the table. Both Marcell's, Robi, Auba, Erik, Mario and Andre, and I. We were joking and drinking and having fun. Klara was sitting in the other corner gossiping with Mario's girl so I haven't heard from her from like two hours.

Earth to Marco – said Mario waving a hand in front of my face – You okay bro? You seem to be somewhere else.

No, all good. – I said taking my eyes of the dancefloor that was beneath us.

I didn't know Marco that you are into brunettes, but I wouldn't mind her either – said Erik pointing to the direction of the dancefloor.

What do you mean? I have no idea what are you talking about. – I said raising my eyebrows.

I mean that girl in black in the middle of the dancefloor. The one with dark wavy hair. – he pointed at Marta dancing with some people, moving her hips from side to side.

You have been staring at her for like an hour, following her with your gaze wherever she goes. Good that Klara talks with Ann Kathrin, because other way you would definitely get a slap in a face from her. – said Mario. – Really we were planning to make bets when will you start to drool...

I was just thinking, I was not looking at that girl. That is how thinking looks Mario in case you were wondering. You just stare in the space. So let me be. – I said bitterly taking a sip of another whisky. I really shouldn't drink tonight, I will regret that tomorrow. I looked around me and met the gaze of Forni, who raised his eyebrows and hissed at me with disappointment "Really" and shook his head.

After few minutes I started to look around for Klara who apparently disappeared with Ann Kathrin. I took a quick glance at the door and instead her Marta, going out with some guy with an around her waist. Good. Nobody needs you here. Go fuck yourself.

I sighed realizing both meanings of what I have thought.


What do you think about Marco's behaviour towards Marta? They seemed to get along well with each other in 2006, any ideas what had happened in the meantime?

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