52. How are you little one?

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Marta POV

Marta? – I heard Łukasz's voice in the other end of the line. Some rumbling was to be heard in the background so I supposed that he was either in a car on with somebody. But I didn't have time to think about it, because calling him really took a lot of courage from me. I took a deep breath.

Hi Łukasz. Can you talk? – I started in Polish.

Yes, of course. How are you little? – he answered after a short while.

I am.. and that what matters in that moment. I just needed to call someone and report so please do not interrupt me ok? – I asked.

As you wish -  Łukasz said.

I was told that everybody is worried about me. My phone rings uncessantly but I am not ready to talk with anyone. The whole situation is too hard for me. That is why I decided to call you. First of all because we know each other for a long time, second of all that I know that unlike everybody else like Robert, Forni or Robin you would not be disappointed with me and would not try to lecture me.... I just wanted to say that I am safe and in one piece. I am with my brother in Brazil, but I do not know when I will be coming back. Maybe never. We will see. So please tell everybody that I am ok and that I am sorry for disappearing but staying in touch with them could hurt me and what I need now is finding my own peace. Ok? – I was paying attention to every word I said.

Ok honey. But you should know something. Marco ... - he started but I was not ready to hear anything about Marco, because even hearing his name was breaking myself into pieces.

Łukasz, it hurts too much. Take care. Bye. – I said finishing the connection. I was sitting on the terrace's floor breathing heavily. I didn't even suppose that this call would be so difficult. I held the phone in my hand when it started vibrating. I saw Łukasz's name but I ended the connection. Then after a while Mario's name lit up on the screen and I did the same. After him there was an attempt from Robin and messages from Erik, Auba and Andre encouraging me to pick up the phone. Forni tried calling me on Facebook. Now I was sure that Łukasz was not alone while receiving my call and I was happy that I spoke with him in Polish. I stood up from the floor and went into direction of my room. Suddenly the whole world started to spin around me and I put one of my hands on the wall to keep the balance. Then I lifted the phone to my face because I felt a vibration on the screen I saw the one name that I was dreading the most. Marco.

I shook my head and made a step towards my room but then everything turned black.

Marco POV

When the phone call ended we all sat in silence. I felt my heart throbbing furiously in my chest and I think that I was really on the verge of fainting. I didn't understand a single word of their conversation because they were talking in Polish but simply hearing her soft and extremely sad voice increased my pulse. Only thanks to Auba who strongly gripped my arm I didn't run to the phone to talk to her.

Łukasz tried to call her once more, but she was not answering and he shook his head hiding face in his hands. After a deep sigh he looked up and our eyes met.

What did she say? – I asked with a weak voice. – Why did she hung up on you?

Marco... she said that she is safe and that matters. – Łukasz answered.

I do not know a word in Polish but she was talking a little bit too long to only express that – Mario said after a while and I look at him gratefully. Frankly speaking I was not able to construct a single sentence right now.

You are right. – Łukasz started – She told me that she is safe and that she knows that everybody is worried about her. The situation is very difficult for her and that is why she decided to contact me to let you know that she is ok. Well maybe not ok, but in one piece at least.

But why didn't she call me or Robin....or Marco? – Fornell asked – No offence Łukasz but you are probably not the one closest to her.

You are right Forni. That is exactly why she called me and not any one of you. – Łukasz said calmly – She didn't want to make drama and it was probably easier to talk to me, than to someone who has a lot of emotions towards her.

But do you know where is she? – Robin asked and I felt my hands trembling.

Yup. She is in Brazil with her brother. – Łukasz answered and I jumped up angry.

But I was talking with him on the phone few times and he told me nothing! – I kicked the wall – Fuck!

Marco, calm down bro – Mario put his hand on my arm – He is her brother and he was probably trying to protect her. Piszczu when is she coming back?

Łukasz shrugged his arms.

She told me that she doesn't know if she is coming back at all. – he said quietly avoiding my gaze and my heart dropped to my knees.

Did you tell her that there is no baby? – Erik asked.

I was trying to but she cut me off. – Łukasz said resigned.

During our talk all of the guys were trying to reach her, but she simply declined the connections. Forni even tried calling her from Facebook using my laptop, because after my abrupt reaction from few moments ago his phone was totally destroyed.

I shook my head and felt rage gathering in my chest. Why everything has to be so complicated? I sighed and pressed the call button on my phone, but of course there was no response. After nearly a minute of waiting during which she surprisingly didn't cut me off I ended the call and went quickly upstairs.

What are you doing? – ­asked Robin.

I am going to pack. – I said stopping in the middle of the stairs. -  Forni, book me a ticket for the closest flight to Rio.

But.. – Auba started.

No buts. I am going. I am so fed up with this constant waiting. I am still not cleared to play so I am just taking my time off. – I said firmly.

The decision was made. I was going to Brazil to get my girl back.

Hi! I hope you like the story so far;) What do you think of Marco's decision of going to Brazil? And what do you think about Marta's behaviour and calling Łukasz?

Small announcement from my side: big changes are coming to my life cause I am Moving during the weekend so I will be not able to update for few days, but I promise to be back very soon next week!


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