18. It was probably my butt replying

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Marta POV

Few days passed and fortunately the crisis in the office was finally over. It was nearly the end of October and I was in Dormund for nearly a month. The weather was getting shitty and I was not very happy when I realized that Paul didn't return with my car I have to go home by feet. It was not so far away from my apparment and that is why it was just stupid to go by taxi so I just put my scarf tightly around my neck and went out. The wind was blowing so I blessed myself for tying my hair in a bun before going out of the office.

I was wondering if I should arrange something for dinner wheny suddenly my phone rang. I saw Robin's name on the screen.

Do you need a special invitation Sleeping Beauty? Or I should send some prince for you on Saturday? – he asked jokingly. – You still haven't replied to the invitation on Facebook.

I am sorry Robin, I totally forgot. I was reading that when something in my work appered and it got out of my head. – I apologized. – But if you asked a prince would be nice.

You are funny, but I will think about it. – he chuckled – So are you coming?

Robin... I don't know. I will be a total stranger there.What about meeting toghether, just the two of us? We could meet another day and maybe I will cook something? – I asked.

I would love that, but not as my birthday celebration. Marta, you know me, and I will be here. Forni and Ramsey will be there. Maybe Auba will come depending on his wife because she is pregnant now. But he will try. Marco is coming with Klara. – he finished and I sighed heavily.

Girl, you two are adult people, and I am sorry but being friends with me it is highly possible that you will have to meet sometimes. The sooner you got used to it, the better. Especially better for me because I am too tired of that situation. Besides it would really mean a lot for me to have you on my birthday party. – he said seriously - And there will be plenty of people that I am sure you will have a blast. It will be good for you to meet more new people. Maybe even some prince? – he added chuckling.

Robin, you are really persistent, and I can't say no to you. I promise I will try to be there – I said.

Good, then I am putting you on the list. Have a nice evening sweetie! – he said and hung up.

On my way to home I went to a shop and bought me some groceries and a bottle of wine. I needed that today, because the thought of getting used to seeing Marco was petrifying me.

I sat on the sofa and saw a message from Kaya.

M, today I can't skype. But what about partying together on the weekend?

I replied

Would love that but partying through Skype seems lame. Besides I promised Robin to go to his birthday party;(

I got an answer from her instantly

I am talking real life partying! I already bought my ticket. Pick me up from Dortmund's airport on Friday at 7 PM:) And tell Robin that you are having a companion for the party, I can't wait to see him to!

Thank you heavens! I nearly jumped from the sofa out of joy. I really missed her and was extatic to spend some time with my best friend. And the fact that I don't have to go to Robin's party alone made me feel even better.

Marco POV

It was Thursday night and I was sitting at Robin's playing FIFA. Ramsay was late as usual. Fortunately I didn't have any game until next week so I even helped myself with some beer.

I was launching the Playstation when Robin got back from the kitchen where he was talking with somebody. He threw his iPhone next to me and sat. After few rounds and two beers we heard the door bell ringing.

Probably Ramsey or the pizza guy – he said and stood up.

I would be more happy for the pizza – I said jokingly.

In the moment he disappeared from the room I saw the screen of his phone and a new message appearing.

From Sleeping Beauty
Can I come with someone on Saturday?

I felt blood rushing through my veins. He was still using this stupid nickname for here. And second of all why she wanted to take someone to the party. I felt rage, took the phone, quickly unlocked the screen and wrote a short message.


Robin was coming back with the pizza when I suddenly realized what have I done. Oh shit shit shit. That was the alcohol. Why did I even mind? And Robin will kill me for that.

I he put the pizza box on the table and I was about to open my mouth when his phone rang. I tried to take it from him but he stopped me and answered.

What's up girl? Sitting at home and missing me? – he said jokingly.

What do you mean? – his face expression changed and he became serious – You asked me if you can bring someone and I wrote you no? – he turned his head into my direction and raised his eyebrows. – I haven't seen that message. It was probably my butt replying. – he hit my arm with his fist. I just put my elbows on the knees and hid my head. – No of course Marta you can bring whoever you want. Just please tell me the name so I can put It on the list. Oh it is Kaya? That is great! I am more than happy then. Bye!

He ended the conversation and was silent for a minute. Then he sighed and I looked at him.

Marco, could you please explain me why my phone answers messages himself? I think that I should call X Files for extraterrestrial appearance. – he said and I just shook my head taking a sip of beer.

Seriously bro, do you need to talk? – he asked worried.

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