38. She is just avoiding me

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Marta POV

I have read the message for the hundredth time, but really I was not in the mood to write to him, let alone talking with him. In fact there was not only this message from him. He had been trying to reach my sending countless number of them and calling all the time. I was now already back in Dortmund and tomorrow, in Monday I am supposed to be back at work. But the situation with Marco is not helping me at all. After the article in BILD, I saw several others in various German newspapers. And that was clearly too much for me. I am not able to concentrate on my work, on my life when I will be thinking about him all the time. I sighed deeply and opened the conversation. Without reading the last message from him I started to type.

Marco, please stop. I am not ok, and I won't be until you stop writing to me. You know what? I feel like shit, and once more in my life I got this feeling thanks to you. I suppose that you saw the articles about you and Klara. I really wish you all the best, and I hope that this stupid mistake in the wedding will not complicate your life. Take care, and do not bother yourself to try to reach me. To make it easier for you I am blocking your number. M.

I pressed send and threw the cell phone to the other side of the sofa. So that is it. The hope for starting everything with him from scratch lasted only few hours. Now I should once more take care of myself. Trying to avoid him as much as possible in Dortmund.

It was already Friday, and thanks to the awful lot of work during the week I had no time to think about the stupidities. Tomorrow was a big party planned for Forni's birthday but fortunately I will not be able to come. I didn't have to even come through with an excuse, because it came to my by itself. We have planned a videoshoot for one of our clients in Koln, and it will last whole Saturday. I knew how such things worked so I was sure that I will not be able to make it to the party. I didn't want to write about that on the event page that Forni posted on Facebook, because it could result in a interaction with Marco, so I decided to call him.

It was already evening and I was going back to my apartment by feet, because it helped me clear my head. I chose the number and after few signals Fornell answered.

Fornell, speaking – he said and I couldn't prevent me from chuckling.

Hello Fornell, Schulz speaking. Are we now somehow not familiar with each other? – I asked laughing.

Oh no sweet, I am sorry. I am now in my car and I answered by loud speaking system and I didn't see your name. – he apologized – So what's up dear? How are you?

Fine, but I was better. – I heard some rumbling in the other end of the line – Look Marcel, I am calling to apologize. I will not be able to come tomorrow to your party?

Whyyy? – he asked slowly.

We are having a videoshoot in Koln and I am not sure how long will it take. Due to the fact of my long absence I can not ditch my team, so I will have to be there for the till the very end. I am sorry. – I said.

Oh I understand sweetie, that's ok. We will meet just the two of us, maybe for a breakfast or so? – he asked. And when I was opening my mouth to answered I heard another voice in the speaker.

She is just avoiding me – I knew that voice and the sound of it chilled my blood.

Forni, you are not alone?- I asked carefully.

Nope, Marco is with me. I went to pick him up from SIP because guys are back from their training camp in Marbella – he said still cheerfully.

Right – my voice sounded cold – I have to go now. We will talk another time. – I finished and hung up quickly. Now I was even more then happy that the shoot was tomorrow.


Paul, please please please, could you bring me another coffee from the catering bus? – shouted through the set. It was already 10PM and we have been here for twelve hours straight. I was exhausted as fuck, and it was probably supposed to be my 7th coffee that day, but the job had to be done.

Here you go boss – Paul smiled handing me the cup and yawned a little bit. – How long are we going to be here?

I suppose that in two or three more hours we will be done – answered Warren who was also present on the set. He put his arm around me and smiled – So sweetie, I think it will be the last of my jobs here. I am supposed to go back to NY in few days. Maybe you want to go with me? – he grinned and I saw Paul shaking his head violently.

It is very tempting Warren, but I think that my team in Dortmund needs me – I lauged.

As Warren predicted the shoot was done just after midnight. I was so relieved that I nearly jumped with happiness. When I was smiling widely I got a notice on my phone from Paul. I have opened it and there was a picture of me smiling, having a cup of coffee in my hand. I was dressed warm in my favourite khaki jacket and I really had to smile to the picture.

Yo, Paul, when did you took this? – I asked laughing.

Just like ten minutes ago, I thought that you would want to have a reminder of that hard work – he chuckled.

I smiled and decided to post that photo on Instagram. I uploaded it and wrote a description.

When work brings you the purest happiness in life. After 15 hours on set, we are done<3 #workaholic #bergsdortmund #finallygoinghome

I put the phone in my pocket, and after saying goodbye to everybody I started the engine of my car and went back to Dortmund.

I was home after an hour and a half and I was really relieved to finally dress in a comfy way. It was before 2AM but after a warm shower I decided that I am not tired enough to sleep so I sat on my sofa with a wineglass in my hand and turned on TV. I opened the Netflix app and decided to watch a romantic comedy. It soothed me somehow and helped beliving that the great love is still to come. When I was about to pour myself another glass of wine I heard a gentle knock on the door. I thought that I just misheard but after a minute somebody knocked again.

I went to the door and took a quick glance at myself in the mirror in the hall. Gosh I was looking like shit. My hair was a little mess, I no make up, I wore big oversized training pants and a BVB t-shirt with Marco's number and name on it. Kaya gave me that as a joke for Christmass, which I didn't find so funny, but at least the t-shirt was comfy so I used it at home. I hope that the person knocking is just one of my neighbours going back from a party that just came to the wrong door.

I have opened the door, and oh boy, how was I wrong.

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