Jock! Paperjam X Singer! Reader

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N/N: Nickname
Y/S/N: Your Shipping Name
F/C: Favorite Color
S/F/C: Second Favorite Color

{ Don't play the song yet }

Y/n's POV

You were walking down the halls with my F/C jacket with a S/F/C shirt with a F/C pants. I had my books in my hand and my backpack around my shoulder. It was a little heavy but it's wasn't really that heavy. I soon went to my locker and see my friend Fresh. He was wearing a green, orange, and lime green hat. With a light blue shirt, with a cyan shorts. Long socks and a colorful shoes. He wears red glasses  which shows his eyes. He had one side normal but the other one was really pretty. It was a heart but upside down. I smiled and waved which got his attention and smiled back.

"Hey Y/n!" He said to me. "Hi Fresh!" I said back with a wide smile. He looked at my books and took one book called 'How To Sing Good' He looked back and said "Y/n, you don't need this. You already sing good, why do you even need this?" He frowned and I looked at him. He knows that I sing everyone doesn't, it's like a big secret I hid from everyone. I sing bad, but Fresh keeps saying I'm really good but I really don't think so. "Fresh I sing bad, you know that" His pupils widened and places the book back and says "Come on, you know you sing good." I sigh of defeat but soon I say, "I still sing bad" He sighs. "Keep saying that but it's not true. What am I gonna do about you N/N" We both laugh until I got bumped by...


He was the school biggest jock, basketball player, and popular guy also known as my crush. His dad, Mr.Error is the basketball coach. I fell down and I look up and see him looking at me. He looked annoyed and heard him say "Watch where you're going, Tch" He said to me and I glared at him and got up and said to him. "Look we're sorry, PaperJam we didn't mean to bump into you." Trying to ignore him, I walked away but soon felt a pair on hands pushing me back I look and see it was Pj. I got annoyed, he never does this to anybody. "Wanna tell me something or what?" I asked him with a glare again and I saw him smirk, "Aww~ You look cute when your getting angry~" He said which I laughed and the Jock put a confused face. "What's so funny?" He asked me and I wiped a tear from my eye. "You said I look cute when I'm angry, Wow! That's not what a PaperJam would say" I told him and pulled my hand and walked away with Fresh. I saw Pj blush when I said that. Which was pretty funny but cute in the same time. Wait. Did I just said that? Oh god no!

Fifth period. Fresh and I was walking since we have a lot of classes with him. I went to get my books until I heard Fresh say "U-Um.. I'm so-o sorry.." I turn around and see PaperJam, Fresh must of bumped into him while going to his locker. "Yeah! You better be sorry, Nerd!" He growled and I frowned my eyebrows. I dropped my stuff and walked towards them. People were whispering but I ignored them, and continue walking until I got there. I glared at Pj and I say "He's sorry! Okay? What does he have to bow for you to be sorry?" I snapped at him and I saw him blush. But he shook his head and looked at me. And glared but then said "Tch, whatever" and I take Fresh's hand and starts to walk away from him. The Jock huffed and walked away the same, I sigh and looked over Fresh with widen and smiled. "T-Thank you so much, Y/n!" He was amazed. "Heh no problem, it's just he gets on my nerves that's all," I said.

After School. I was outside the school in the blossom pink tree. I had a song stuck in my head which I can't get it out so I got my phone out and put the song. I sit down, put on my headphones on and put on my hoodie and started singing.
{ Play The Song }

You whole lotta crazy
I think you like it too
But let me tell you baby
I'm so crazy for
That's some good shet (ooh)
That's some good shet (yeah)
There's something about the bright lights~

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