Cray X Cotten [N&J]

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Requested: The Final One!

Cray's POV

I sat down with my friend Cil (A goddamn innocent skeleton-) I was making a love note for him. The most dreamy, kind, sweet, loving skeleton. I loved him since I met him. I soon was so trapped in my thoughts that I wrote everything on the paper. I blushed of embarrassment "Cil, do you have a extra paper?" Cil looked at me with a smile "Sure!" He hands me a paper and soon had a puzzled face. "Why?" I blushed "U-Um... Paper ripped?" I said mostly a question.

"Oh! I can get tape if you--" I interrupted him "but I'm doing a report and I want it to be nice!" Cil chuckled "Okay Buddy," I smiled.

I soon wrote for him.

Dearest, Cotton

I know you can't love someone like me. For many reasons, but I really love you. Your sweet smile, we have same traits. I really enjoy your company, I just wish I could tell you in person. But, I got these for you, Mr. Cotton. You're really special to me. But we have a forbidden love.

~ Secret Admire

I sighed and put the letter in a envelope, I see Cil still writing I look over to see. Its for Quill, Quill and Cil has been together for a good solid months. I wish that could happen, to me, being with the person I love. No rules, I really wish. Cil soon saw me, "You done, Buddy?" I nodded "You?" I asked and he smiled wide.

"Whose it for?" He asked and I blushed madly, "O-OH! U-Um. . remember its for a report!" Cil nodded "Oh yeah!" I sighed of relief. God I thought he was gonna find out. We both headed out the library and we headed to Music class~ I smiled and we both headed to class, I love that period.

I sat where I always sit. I soon don't see Mr. Cotton, and no students, Cil went to his locker while I soon slid the envelope inside his desk. I quickly headed back to me seat which Cil was in time. We talked until students came, and I started to smile. I soon saw him.

My soul just skipped a beat I swear..

Cotton's POV

I came inside the class, I see students sitting down while some are talking and others were reading or looking at some things. I sighed and one student caught my attention, Cray. Cray has always caught my attention, he won't get out of my mind. He's just so adorable and kind. I could of confessed to him, but I can't. Teachers and Students can't be together. It's not normal, I went to my desk which everyone saw and stopped talking.

"Good Morning, Class." I said and everyone said "Good Morning, Mr. Cotton," They all said and I sat down which made them sit down. "Did you all studied?" Some kids were confused and some were nodding. "The violin position?" I said while lots of kids nodded. "Alright, Show me." They all grabbed their hands and hold the invisible violin. I went to some kids, I see Cray having trouble, Cray put left hand to close I grabbed his hand softly and moved it to the right position.

I blushed and now I said "You go to let your hand expand a bit," I said and he nodded. I went to another student. After I finished of doing all the students I told them to grab their violin and they did. I stared at Cray as he went to get his violin. I blushed when he picked up his violin. I looked away before he could see me.

After the period, it was finally lunch time because the Author is so fricken lazy! (Dude!) Fine. I went to my desk and was gonna get a pencil for a new song I am going to make. I opened the drawer and saw a note. I was confused and opened it. It was a note, I soon started to read it and I blushed hard.

What is this?! I put the note away while Ms. Electron, the math teacher (Important: If anyone is gonna read the story I'm going to upload. Its a PJ X Reader, my OC is gonna be the Math Teacher so yeah) She had her pixels around her, "Hey C-" She stopped and looked confused "What happen to you?" I shook my head, "N-Nothing! I'm fin-" She saw the note that was in front of me and used her glare.

Students say that she's a mean teacher but I say its a maybe. I tried not to smile but I failed, whenever glares at me I smile, showing that I have lied. I failed and I sighed, I told her what was wrong. Electron chuckled, "I think its a student." She said. I jumped A student!?

Why would a student like someone like me? "So a student might like you, wow." We both talked a while until we hugged and left.

Cray's POV

I saw Mr. Cotton hug with Ms. Electron. Heh. . (Yandere Cray?!) I was so confused until it hit me, do they like each other?! Pretty much I wasted my time. I felt hot tears fall on my cheek. I soon see Y/n, they were sad. "You alright?" they asked and I nodded slowly and they took me to the outside.

Y/n was the only person that knew my crush, I told them and they got more worried. "I'm sorry to hear that." I hugged them and they hugged back. Ms. Electron came, "What's wrong?" She was concern, I frowned "Nothing.." Ms. Electron soon saw me and sat next to me.

"You know you can tell me anything." She said not giving up to know what's wrong. I sighed "What's your relationship with Mr. Cotton," She gave me a confused look and smile "Well, Mr. Cotton is just like a brother to me, He's always been my childhood friend."

I looked away, "Why?" I looked back at her, "W-Well, I know it's a rule you can't fall in love with a teacher.." I mumbled while Electron smiled softly "To be honest, I really don't care about that rule. I just think you should love anyone you want." I smiled "Y/n, Ms. Electron, thank you for hearing me out." They both nodded "Of course." Y/n said while we went to class.

Y/n's POV

I went to Mr. Cotton's desk and put a note and I went to Cray's locker and put a note inside. What am I doing? Well it's very simple Y/n! I put a note so they both meet each other. I know! I'm very clever. I went to the park and put on a disguise, I looked like a (Favorite Disguise). I soon see Mr. Cotton waiting until Cray came so worried. I had a newspaper so I couldn't see. But I heard everything, they started to talk.

They weren't worried or crazy, they were calm. They soon headed to a museum of Music. This date was going successful. They soon went to the fair and went to rides. After a while they said goodbye, but Mr. Cotton kissed his cheek leaving Cray speechless.

Cray's POV

Did he just..?!?! I jumped about crazy when he left. "YES!" I squealed when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I screeched while it was Y/n. "Good job!" I blushed "You were watching?!" They nodded. "Oh god. WHy were yo--" "Many reasons, but I got to go!"

They ran and I was left here, questioning what the heck happen. But that kiss on my cheek, I sighed dreamily. I wish I could of told him!

Cotton's POV

I kissed Cray's cheek and said goodbye, but before I left I said quietly "I love you, Cray."

Words: 1296


God! IM DONE! I couldn't find a good idea for this! Sorry about taking too long. Hope you enjoy! Have a nice day!

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