Birthday Special: Reaper! Sans X Tired! Reader

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| short but fluffy |

[Y/n]'s POV

I rubbed my eyes tiredly as my alarm went off loudly as usual. I groaned and turned to a different side away from the camera which made an okay sound but the alarm still went.
It still kept bothering me, "shut up," I mumbled to the alarm, I grabbed my phone and click 'stop'. Which was the biggest relief of my day?

Quick as my last life, the door swings open to reveal Papyrus. "Human! Get up!" He yells in surprise which made me want to bury my head in my pillows and blankets. Trying to block all the sound that was trying to get in my head.
"Not now, Paps," I said as I tried to sleep again until he starts to pick me up. "No human! Let's celebrate!" He yells happily as I was taken away. I rubbed my eyes.

I sighed defeatedly as I didn't try to do anything as I was being taken away. "Fine," I said simply as I soon see:

"Happy Birthday [Y/n]!" And a bunch of hearts and stars. I was grateful, but I hated to be the person to ruin things. So I softly said, "thank you so much," They all smile and cheer, but I looked down, "I'm sorry, but can we party tomorrow? I have work today," I said as they all look disappointed. "[Y/n] it's your birthday, take a break," Toriel said as Asgore nodded, "Yes, my child. It's a time for a break,"

I shook my head, " I can't, I already used my last break," Undyne shook her head, "no you didn't," I chuckle. "Yes I did, Frisk's birthday," Alphys stuttered, "y-you've been-n working too hard.." I nodded.
"I know, but it will be all right," I said as they all shook their head. "Alright kiddo," Sans says as he walks away to your room to get your uniform. "Weirdo.." I hear Chara, "look [h/c], just take a break.

"Chara," I said. Chara huffed as she crossed her arms together. Frisk snickers, "just let her do her work, she'll get all weekend to relax,"

I put my hair to a [high/low] ponytail. "See you guys later," everyone waved and said their goodbyes. I waved my hand to a goodbye as I quickly grabbed my bag as I soon started to head out.

This is going to be a long day.

» later a night «

I sighed as I ruffly scratched my head furiously. "ugh. Over time." I said as I opened my door and see Reaper. "sup babe?" I softly chuckle as I go through the door and close it.

"how was work?" he asked as I lay next to him on the couch, "shitty, " I said as he laughs. I closed my eyes and we stood in a comfortable silence. "hey, " I looked at him, "yeah?" he gives me a box with a ribbon.

I smiled. "you dork, " I said as he smiled back. "open it, " I opened it and see a [favorite anime character] plushie. My eyes widen, "oh my gosh, thank you!" I said as I tackled him, he hugs back.

"your welcome, " he replies, I kissed his cheekbone as we soon cuddled as we watch [favorite anime] for the rest of the night.

"happy birthday,"

Words: 580


Here's a tiny fluff story. As you're reading this, I'm finally a fourteen year old. I think... But I know other people would love this so,
"happy birthday [y/n]!"

(if your birthday is today) :)))))

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