Military! UnFresh X Prisoner! Reader

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Requested: SmileQueen2001

Y/n's POV

Well, It's 20XX. War happens right away, I grab my M4A1 (Picture at top if you didn't know) and stared at the place I am, a forest. Apparently I'm at war with monsters, but I really don't want to be at war with them. I soon see my commander with his assistant, while I'm looking to see anything else. I'm forced to be here, I would never let my father at risk, he would of been here right not but I wouldn't let him since I ran away and joined instead of him.

I soon hear footsteps and I soon turn around and see a skeleton with his gun at hand ready to hit me with it. I duck down while the alarms went on, the skeleton started to growl and soon walked up to me "Where's your commander!?" He snapped and I glared at him "Like I'm ever gonna tell you!" He smirked and knocked me out and everything went black. I woke up and see I'm at a jail cell, I groan and I try to stand up but my legs and arms are chained to the wall "What the hell..?" I soon hear footsteps and see him again.

I shot him a glare, "So toots are you gonna tell me?" I shook my head "No," He frowned and sat down at his chair "So, What's your name Sweetie?" I growled "Don't call my that!" He sighed "Fine, how about Sunshine?" I started to cringe when he called me that and he chuckled "But really, whats your name?" I shook my head "I ain't telling my name!"

"You humans are so emotional," He says "Shut up!" I told him. He stood up and grabbed a plate "What are you doing?" I asked raising a eyebrow, he looked at me "I'm gonna feed you," I looked confused "I can feed myself!" I said and he smirked "But you need my help" I shook my head "No I don't! I can use my hands to...." then it hit me, my hands are chained to the wall. I looked at him and his smirked widen and I sighed of defeat "Fine, you idiot." He chuckled "Please call me UnFresh," He unlocked the door and walls close to me and whispers in my ear "And you better get use to me cause I'm the only person your gonna see everyday"

I shiver and he chuckles again "Now open your mouth," I'm hungry and I really need energy. Plus if I try to do anything he might hurt me, it's better to stay low. I sighed and open my mouth and shoved the spoon on my mouth and I choked "Are you trying to kill me!?" I barked "Shut up! I didn't mean to choke you!" I rolled my eyes "Yeah, Yeah whatever," He growled "Listen here," He put the plate down and he pinned my hands to the wall, knuckles getting scratched while I looked at him. His smirked when to a frown and had his pupils a dark red, "I am trying not to kill you, idiot! So you better do as I say without a sass!" He pressed my hands harder making the scratches worse "You'll do as I say! Got it?! If not you'll get punished or worse killed!" I shivered in fear and I bite my lip "Got it!?" I nodded while he let go and see my knuckles with blood.

"Shit.." I hear him mumble while he goes to the desk, pulls out bandages and comes back "I knew I shouldn't pushed too hard!" He growled at himself and wrapped the bandage on my wounds and I hissed in pain but the pain would always go away.

"Sorry," UnFresh simply said "'s fine.." He soon unlocked my chains on my hands and I looked at him win confusion, "I'll let you eat," He stands and leaves the cell. I smiled while he wasn't looking, I was smiling cause of him. When he looked back I blushed deep while looking away and putting my glaring face. He chuckled and closed the cell.

~Days Later~

"Wow! Is that a Karambit!?" I gasped while smiling, Ever since I've been trapped here I decide to at least talk to him. I mean, I have no one in this stinking cell anyways! I'm in a single room by myself with him so yeah. I've been attached to him, he's a really cool guy but whenever his boss, or commander comes he acts like a totally jerk. I guess you can say I fell for him, cause I realized that last month. But I knew it would be a forbidden love, Since we are at war and in different sides. I just wish I can be in his side, "Yep! I found it on one of these wooden boxes in the storage room," UnFresh replies with a grin across his face.

"Can I see it?" I asked with a smile and he chuckled "You're already seeing it," I giggled and he passed me the knife and I gazed at the knife, "Its really cool," I commented and he smiled "Glad you like it, Sweetie" I put on a poker face and he h...

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"Can I see it?" I asked with a smile and he chuckled "You're already seeing it," I giggled and he passed me the knife and I gazed at the knife, "Its really cool," I commented and he smiled "Glad you like it, Sweetie" I put on a poker face and he had an innocent face, but I still smiled at him.

I soon handed the knife to him until UnFresh had his red blush on, he been blushing ever since the 'incident', what's the incident? Well I tripped UnFresh on my chains and he landed on me. How do I explain this.. Boom! We kissed! So yeah we both been blushing ever since! "Everything alright, Freshy?" He looked at me, "You know I love you right?" I nodded "Could you ever love me more?" I blushed, I didn't really expect this from him "UnFresh.. what are you trying to say?" He sighed.

"Ever since the day I met you, I fell for you Y/n! I love you so fricken much. Remember the incident? Well ever since we kissed I felt my feelings for you got stronger and stronger," He took my hand "I also known we said each other 'I love you's ' but I really want to say it to you, when I mean it..." He was blushing more which cause me to blush. That's when I wanted to speak, "UnFresh, I... love you too." He looked down "Like..?"

"I love love you!" He jumped and chuckled and I smashed my lips to his, which cause him to kiss back. He started off softly and I soon wrapped me hands around his neck and he placed the knife down carefully and wrapped his hands around my waist. He soon licked the bottom of my lip and I opened my mouth and let him in. While we were making out, soon I heard footsteps coming. I pulled away leaving him lovestruck until I pushed him out of the cell and he snapped back.

His commander was there, and he had a glare at me. "UnFresh! Get up!" He did as he said "Anything going on?" UnFresh shook his head "No, Sir!" His commander still was glaring at me and nodded and left the room. I sighed of relief "So that means we're?" I nodded "Yep! My little soldier," He smirked and got back inside the cell and kissed me on the lips.

I might be stuck in this shitty place but I'm with the guy I love!

Words: 1242


Oh my glob! After making this I think imma make part 2! What do you think? X3

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