Ink Sans X Error's Sister! Reader

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Requested by: ( I don't remember who it was, if you know who it is comment. So I'll edit this to the rightful requester )

Ink's POV

I opened the portal, which lead me to the void. I yawned as crossed through. I finally lay down, "It's so hard to keep up with those siblings!" I mumble to myself. Well, I guess you want me to tell you what happen, Error apparently has a sister and now their destroying AU.

But the problem is, they're doing their separate jobs. I really need help, I sighed. But I gotta say, Error's Sister is really pretty. I'm serious, she's really cute to be Error's relative. I remember meeting her for the first time.


I sat at OuterTale, while I soon get summoned somewhere. I come from the juice. "Who dares to summon me?" I said, using the creepy voice, and I see a pretty girl with [H/c] hair in [Long/Medium/Short] length, she had a pair of shiny [E/c]. She looked serious, "What do you think you're doing?!"

She had a bit glitchy voice, but it was easily to understand her. It was kind of like Error's, I blushed. "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked "You summoned me!" She glared at me, "What are you talking about? I didn't summon you!" She started, "You just popped out of nowhere!"

I give a confused looks, and explain to her about it. "Ah, Okay." She says, while I smile proudly. "Now get out." She says, while she kicks me out of the AU, but I see Error standing there.

He gives me a disgusted look, "What the hell are you doing here?" He asks, he soon looks at [H/c] girl. He gives him that look which turned her face to a [Blush Color] "No way!" She says, crossing her arms.

Error looking at me, "You better not being doing something to my sister." I smiled nervously "Of course I won't- wait what!?" I stopped, "She's your sister?" Error grunts, "No she's the babysitter for my puppets." I gave him a confused look.

"She looks nothing like you-"

"That's non of your business," Error says. The girl shrugs.

"But that is a good question," Error looks at her, "Who's side are you on, [Y/n]?!"

"I'm at the left," she joked, which I tried not to laugh. Error turns his attention to me, I stop. Soon while the siblings were fighting I just stared. Error sighs of annoyance, "Ink," I look at him, "Fuck off." He uses his strings and I was out of the AU.

=-= Flashback End =-=

I never knew who one that conversation. I sighed, "Might as well start repairing some AUs" I mumble, I soon get up to stretch. I swear, they get on my nerves.

[Y/n]'s POV

I finally destroyed another AU, "Jeez. That was too simple," I said, Error said it would be harder. I guess having more than one destroyer is impossible for him. I went to the void, and finally stayed. I finally relaxed, I closed me eyes. "Peace and quiet."

Error and Nightmare soon came breaking the door, "Haha! Told you it's better to add more people!" Nightmare said while Error chuckles. "Hm. Maybe next time I'll take your advice then." I glared at Error, Nightmare snickers. "I love this negative don't you, [Y/n]?" He asked. I huffed and crossed my arms against my chest.

Nightmare and Error soon get smacked in the head. "You guys are idiots." Awaken says, while walking in front of me. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. I nodded, she was going to take us somewhere but for that she needed the have physical contact to teleport someone.

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