Female! Dust Sans x Female! Reader

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I will no longer be taking request. I'll be finishing what I have, and I'll be thinking of ending this book. It's still a thought not confirmed.

I still need to finish other books I have in draft, I'll maybe think about putting it on hold. Still not confirmed.

Enjoy the oneshots.

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[Y/n]'s POV

"Run, Human! Run!"

I gasped for air as I start dashing away from the sisters. "Run!" Papyrus runs more as I choke on my tears. I hid behind a tree and close my eyes.

"This can't be happening. What's going on? Why is Sans killing everyone?"

I asked myself as I rip my shirt sleeve off and clean the wound I have gotten by Sans. Papyrus and I were training while a bone was thrown and stabbed my leg.

We both see Sans, with this insane look in her sockets. I almost thought she was possessed, she planned on killing us both while Papyrus told me to run.

I don't know anything else. I clean my tears, "I have to warn everybody."

I try standing up again, and limp away to Snowdin town. My eyes widen, and my tears fell down my face.

There was dust everywhere. . .

I fell to my knees as I cried.

Thoughts flooded my mind.

Screams were filled around the place.


I look around, "where is Frisk?" I run around. I check around Snowdin, Kingdom, Ruins, Waterfalls, and everywhere. Nothing.

"Has Sans killed her too?"

I let myself in at someone's house, and stay for the night. I close my eyes.


Dream 1: "ditching job"

"Sansy!" She turns around while I smile and wrap my around her shoulder. "Are you busy?" She nods. "Yep, business in my hotdog and hotcat sales."

She smiles at me with her regular smile. Which caused me to smile back, "Come on, let's ditch." She looks at me with a sly smile.

"I thought you said ditching a job is bad," I blush in embarrassment. "You actually listen to my wisdom choices?" While she nods.

"Duh. Why wouldn't I?" She asked while she leaned her head against her hand. "Wow, using my words against me?"

I start walking away while she looks at me confused. "Well?" She asked.

"Well? Are you coming?" I repeated with a smile. "We don't have to tell Papyrus."

She smirks and runs up to me, "of course."


I gasped as I felt something against my foot. It was a knife. "Did I not realize the knife? Did someone put it there?"

"Oh, you're alive?" I look and see Frisk. "Frisk, what are you doing?"

"War. War is coming now."

Frisk didn't sound the same. Her eyes were gone, her smile is inhuman, all the curves were inhuman.

"I thought Sansy would've killed you first,"

She said in her raspy new voice, she held her hands around my neck and started to hold it tight. "Frisk.."

"Man, I hope this is the last timeline we both finally know who's more superior. After 2,320 timeline resets."


"You think.. this is a game?" I said as she tighten her grip a bit tighter. "But it is, sweetheart."

"Frisk.. tell me what's going on?"

"Sh. You'll come back and you'll never remember this day."

"Frisk!" We both turn and see Sans. I squirm around Frisk's grip. "Get away from me! Both of you!" I yell in fear as Sans steps closer, "you told me you'd let me kill [Y/n] in this timeline."

Her pupils have changed, and she's deciding to kill me. And she said it like it wasn't even any problem, "leave me alone!"

Frisk's hands were now choking me which made me put my hands on top of her hands trying to pull her hand away from me. "Let me go! Both of you!"

Frisk was staring at me as she tightens her grip, "Frisk!" Sans snapped as Frisk let go of me, letting me breathe heavily, and walked away. "Exactly 30 minutes for you to kill [Y/n]."

I realized she left the knife on the bed where I was sleeping on. I couldn't believe what's happening, I'm wanted to get killed.

I turn to see Sans' pupils, it really has changed a lot.

"Sans.. please don't,"

"I'm sorry. I hope you can understand..", she said as she turned to me with a wicked smile. "Frisk almost never let's me kill you so I'm helping you here.. for us,"

"You're actually going to..." sans walks over to the bed and grabs the knife, "Yep. I have to [Y/n]," she says, "but don't worry, you'll never remember it.",

She walks closer, "Oi, stand up," I stay on the ground. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be, please.", i refused.

"Shit. She's going to kill me and it's no lie.."

"I'm sorry than," I felt blood on my mouth as I coughed out blood. I look down and see bones crushed up from the floor and stabbing me in my chest. I cried as I felt the pain now rushing in.

"Sans!" I yelled in pain, "Stop please!" I yelled again louder until I felt the bones get more deeper in my body. "I told you, you should've stood up," she kneels down to my level.

Where she can see my tearful eyes and she smiles softly. "I love you, sweetie but this is a game I need to win,"

She kisses me and I felt my vision blurry, "what the actual fuck is happening?"

She pushes me down, "I loved you, Sans.",

» • «

❤️ [ R E S E T ]

"Hey girl!~" I smiled at Sans.

Words: 940

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