Frisk X Pansexual! Shy! Reader

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Hello everybody! A quick announcement! Happy Pride Month, I hope that you are all safe and sound. Never be ashamed of yourself, you are all special in each other way. If people cannot accept your true colors, let them go.

 Because there are other people all around the world who will look at your colors and love you just the way you are.

The pride community is your family. Your friends and family are your families. Anyone that has brought a smile in your face or understood you is your family. I love ya'll!


"F-Frisk! Are you sure?!" I turned to see them as they nod. "Of course, and trust me. They will love you." I was about to meet Frisk's family. We've been together for almost a year now, and it was a secret relationship since my parents didn't know about my true self.

I was too afraid and shy to talk to Frisk's family so that is why I never met them sooner. 

Now that I have talked with my parents. They are slowly trying to understand me as I was feeling happiness for their understanding. It was sad that they didn't understand right away, but I am glad they are trying. And that's what it matters.

I sighed as I nodded. "All right!" Frisk gave me a cheeky smile. "There's my beautiful queen," right away when they said that I blushed massively.

Frisk grabbed their keys from their pockets as they unlocked the door. "I'm home!" They yelled. I looked at them worriedly, are they not home? 

Right away that thought was erased from my thought when I heard the whole house yell my partner's name. 


I turn to see my partner on the ground with their family members. I gasped in surprise as I hear Frisk yell, "I'm okay!" I giggled quietly. There were seven members of Frisk's family present right now, what I heard from Frisk's stories is that there is usually a lot of monsters at their house.

The feminine robot stood up and looked at me. "Guys, we have a guest!~" This was my turn to get the attention of the family. A strong female monster looks at me and gasps. "Punk! Is this THE [Y/N] you were talking about last night! She's too out of your league." 

Frisk blushes as they rolled their eyes. "Please Undyne, she fell for me."

A yellow lizard slowly came towards me. "D-Do you also w-watch Mew Mew Kissy Mewi?" She pointed at my shirt as I nodded. "Yes, I suppose you too?" She smiles widely, "O-Of c-course!" 

"[Y/N], she is Alphys," Frisk introduced the two of us. "The redhead is Undyne," 

Undyne gives me a wave as I wave back. "There are the skeleton brothers! Sans and Papyrus!" Frisk smiled as the tallest skeleton gives me a hug. "Wowie! I am the Great Papyrus! This is my brother, Sans!" I turn to see a smaller skeleton. He nodded while I nodded back.

"Human, your partner is very lucky to have you!" He told me with a smile. I smiled back, "No, I'm very lucky."

Papyrus put me down as was right away taken away from the skeleton brothers and into the arms of a beautiful robot. "Hello, darling!~"

Frisk chuckles, "That is Mettaton!" 

"You are absolutely beautiful! Are you a model?~" I laughed, "No, I am no model." Mettaton smiled, "Then be mine!" Did I just get offered to work with THE Mettaton!

"All right. That is enough, Mettaton." I heard a warm, sweet voice behind us. Mettaton slowly let go of me as I was faced with the King and Queen of the monsters. I was so hard not trying to fangirl and Frisk knew that.

They knew that I loved hearing about the folk legend about the mountain and about the seven souls. Especially, after they have been freed. 

"Greetings, my child. I am Toriel, Frisk's mother." She said as she smiled. "And I am Asgore. Frisk's father." I smile widely. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you too, especially the parents of my partner."

Toriel smiled. "I'm so glad that Frisk has you. Why don't you two out and we'll call you when lunch is ready?" Frisk looked at Toriel and nodded. "Of course, mom."

Frisk grabbed my hand as I gave it a nice firm squeeze. Frisk blushed, it was our secret code and it means; 'You're so adorable right now'


"Love, you did great!" Frisk exclaims as I blush madly. We had just left their house and I had just let out an anxious sigh. "I was worried that they didn't like me.." I mumbled. "Please, they love you. I could see it in their eyes." They said as they gave me a warm smile while placing their arm around my shoulder.

"Are you sure..?" I asked worriedly.

They nodded. "I know it."

We went to a large park but surprisingly no one was there. We sat on the bleachers and looked up at the sky together.

This is the first time we hung out normally, without worry. Oh jeez, we can basically hold hands now. And even...

I turn to Frisk as they were focused on the outside world. "Hey, Frisk?" They hummed as they looked at me. "Yeah?" I closed my eyes as I slowly leaned in towards them and gently gave them a peck on the lips. 

I pulled away as I open my eyes to see Frisk blushing madly and was stiff. 

They had their face all red that they almost fell. I quickly caught them as I look at them worriedly. "F-Frisk?! Are you okay?!" Frisk looked up and gave me a surprising kiss on the lips. I pulled away softly and went again to kiss them. 

They quickly stood up and wrapped their arms around me as I gently placed my hands on their cheeks. Frisk pulled away as they went down to my neck and gave it a long lick. I gasped, "F-Frisk! We're in public!" He chuckled as he placed soft kisses on my wet neck.

"Ew, you're so gross, babe," I said as I stuck out my tongue and they gently came to kiss it. I stuck my tongue back in before Frisk can do anything with it. Their lips collided with my lips as they continued to make out.

"F-Frisk!" I said as I pulled away out. Frisk pouted, "What's wrong?" I blushed madly. "We're in public!" Frisk turned to their left and to their right and saw no one walking. It was deserted. We were the only people here.

''No ones here, love." 

"S-Still! What if people end up walking here and seeing us! O-Or what if we make them uncomfortable! O-Or what if they tell us to stop in front of many people! O-Or what if the police comes-!" I was interrupted by another kiss. I was melted by their kiss as he pulled away and looked at my eyes.

"Everything will be fine. I was to cherish every moment with you. No one should be uncomfortable because of love. Now shut up and let me give you more kisses from your irresistible lips."

I giggled as I gave them a long kiss.


Words: 1,196

I tried not to go overboard but here we are. I hope you enjoyed it! :)

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