UnderSwap! Papyrus X Shy! Depressed! Reader

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Requested by: @galaxystarsXD


(Y/n)'s POV

"you're so useless"

i whimpered as i slowly woke up. i look around, "o-oh..." i said to myself as i look around to find a clock. 2:06 am, i sighed as i stood up from my bed and head out to the kitchen softly.

i grab a bottle of water as i soon saw the knifes. i stood there staring deeply at the knife. i shook my head, 'don't even think about it [l/n].'

"take it!"

i gasp. it was so urging to take the knife now. i can't take it.

"take it!"
"take it!" "you're worthless!"
"take it!"
"take it!" "just disappear!"

i sobbed as i quickly took the knife. i took it with me in my room, i looked in the mirror while holding the knife. i saw a shadow being me, it was chanting:

"cut! cut! cut!"

it started as i hesitated. i places the sharp object inside a drawer as i try to get some sleep now. i kept tossing and turning. i fell into a deep sleep, but got woken up with the same chant.

"cut! cut! cut!"

i sighed harshly as i stood up and went to my window. it was nice with the 'stars'. the reason i came down was to fall into a deep slumber and never waking up. but that never happen, i met asgore, sans and papyrus. while my trusty sidekick, temmie.

i never wanted friends, i wanted to be alone. i sob, "can't i just be left alone? i caused too much pain," i asked to the fake stars.

"cut! cut! cut!"

the chant started again, this cant be happening. i don't like this, please stop.


"cut! cut! cut!"

"please stop.."

"cut! cut! cut!"

with this caused me to give up and stood up without thinking. "alright, alright! i'll do it!" i yelled, i was blind with rage and i started to cut myself.

"this feels amazing..."

the insanity of myself was showing as i kept on cutting myself more and more. laughing and sobbing every time, and those sounds were the only noise you could hear in the room.

[third pov ]

as [y/n] was becoming more insane by the minute, with her voices in her head she had soon woken up papyrus. the lazy tall skeleton.

papyrus wakes up and and gets out of his room finding which room was the noisemaker. he finds the room which he barges in without asking and sees the human, with a bloody knife and with their bloody arms.

it didn't take papyrus a second to process the situation. "[y/n]," papyrus says softly "why?" the human cries while smiling. "why did you ruin my fun?" she asks, with insanity filled in her eyes.

"this isn't right, you know that." he says calmly while the girl starts to cry more. "i've really become insane? haven't i?" she asks while papyrus walks towards her.

"no. no you haven't." he tells her while hugging her softly, "why didn't you talk to me about this?" papyrus says as [y/n] looks down. "i didn't want to bother you and become a burden." she said.

papyrus cleaned her tears with his boney thumb. "i'm so sorry," she says. "the voice, it forced me..." worry and fear was told by her face. her insanity was gone, "i just.. lose control."

with a simple sentence out of her lips, she broke down to a uncontrollable breakdown. papyrus starts soothing her.

"don't worry [y/n], don't listen to those voices. it never tells you the truth, it will lie to make you believe it. you need to believe in yourself, you matter to so many people which is a amazing feeling.

"you have people who trust you, they believe in you. you just need to be able to believe in yourself. i may not know why you're like this or this problem was caused in the first place.

"but, you can pass this. you can get through with this. you're [y/n] [l/n], you're strong, smart and kind enough to believe all of this stupid things.

"don't let these lies blind you from the truth. i know you can past this, you can do this. i will able be here if you need anything, i believe in you." papyrus tells you. making you feel more in power and more important.

"you are important."

[y/n] smiles back, "t-thank you," she thanks him while they both hug each other until they sleep.

"i love  you." "me too, [y/n]"

words: 764

hope you enjoy this oneshot. and keep requesting, take care!

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