Error X Abused! Reader

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Requested: SpecialMoth9897

Y/n's POV

As I sat down in the warm night. Peaceful but quiet, I leaned on the oak tree, with neon leaves covering the tree. I stared at the dark blue sky, with shinny stars stick on the sky.

I was wearing a f/c tank top, showing all my scars on my arms and my legs. Huge scars, some are left there, some are new. I was abused by my brother, we lost our parents last year.

But I got some money and have a I guess good job, I moved out of his house. I've been hanging out with Sans. Well Classic, that's what I should say.

I know about the other Sanses, pretty much hard to believe but the one that caught my eye was Error Sans. Completely opposite of Sans, and pretty much likes to be alone.

Well- -

I got interrupted from my thoughts when I saw my phone. I frowned and narrowed my eye brows. My brother was calling me. I clicked the power button and muted his call. I sighed, I had a good heart and let him live with me, after all the things he did to me I still let him in. He been promised me that he'll stop. But he lied.


Y/n's POV

I cried in pain, "B/n! Please stop!" I shouted but he kept on hitting me with his fits. "No you stupid b*tch! You're the reason why Mom and Dad died!" He shouted at me, but I shook my head.

"No it's not!" I screamed "They crashed! Because we weren't suppose to play with the f*cking ball! Don't blame me for everything!" I told him. With his face turning red for anger he soon slapped me.

My full cheek had a red mark on it. I sobbed in pain, and with betrayal. I looked at me brother. His not himself anymore. No! He's no my brother.

That's a fucking monster. I know he wouldn't do that sh*t to me. (Oh shoot! It's like Dream and Nightmare T~T )

What happen to my baby brother? I cried, I see his cold glare hit me on my face. "Clean this up, you piece of sh*t." He said while I nodded. "Yes. B/n--" Right when I say his name he punches me "Don't call me that, Call me Sir." He said venom on his voice, I shivered "Y-Yes.. Sir.." He left while I went cleaned the glass.

End of Flashback~

I started to laugh, manically. I started to cry, I sobbed quietly. Why has everyone betrayed me!? What the fuck did I do!? I sniffed and soon saw someone sit next to me. It was a large plop. I jumped and saw Error.  What is he doing here!?

"Hello L/n." He said and I looked away. Not saying anything to him and he was still staring at me, "Heh not talking?" I hugged myself "I don't really want to talk. Error sighed and saw me with scars, he immediately got hit by anger "Who the fuck did this to you!?" Error said which made me scared.

I felt his hands grab my hands and he had concern eyes(?) "Please?" I sighed "B/n..." I mumbled and Error grabbed my face.

"Listen to me." I looked at him sadly while he was staring at me dead (E/c) eyes. "You don't deserve this, you're amazing and you're so kind," I felt his bones fingers on my cheek cleaning the tears. "Look, I don't know why your brother is doing this. But he shouldn't hurt you."

I grabbed his hand and leaned it. "He's blaming me for our parents death." I said I sighed, "I'm such a horrible older sibling—" Error stopped me.

"No your not!" I looked at him "You're the most fucking amazing, sweetest, smartest, beautiful person I've ever met!" Error said and I smile slowly but tears falling while blushing slightly.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked while I was sobbing, "Why are you nice to me?" I said while he cleaned a tear. "Because you're important to me." He said "I love you, Y/n." He cleaned a tear away "I love you, and I hate to see you like this." I gasped while he kissed my forehead.

"I know I don't expect you to say 'me too' because to be honest, why would you like someone like me?" I glared at him and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too, Idiot." I said giggling "Its pretty obvious, you're the sweetest, coolest, and handsome!" I said and he blushed like a lemon. He looked at me and glitches.

"Sorry. Error.exe has stopped working."

I giggled while cleaning a tear.

"Would you like to reboot Error.exe?"

I clicked 'Yes' and he started to to reboot and soon it hit to a hundred. He looked at me "Y-You do?" I nodded and he hugged me and wrapped his hands around my waist and I wrap my hands around his neck. "I love you too." I smiled "You're the light of my life, Error." I said and he smiled.

Error smiled and gave me a peck on my lips and I blushed. You're really my light Error.

Words: 932

Yeah. My birthday is tomorrow so I'll be busy, plus I'm force to join a club so yeah. I'll be busy, but I'll still do request. Today was the Solar Eclipse! It was good but I think I got affected, but eh. I'm also free for rp, just dm me. Umm. Yeah.

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