Error X Tsundere! Emotionless! Reader

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Requested: AlyUniverse

Y/n's POV

I sat down in the sofa boring myself while the others came. What do you mean? Well,  Awaken invited some people from the AUs to have a party. A big party, which I'm down for. I came early since I like to come early. "Alright, what do you think? Truth or Dare first, then 7 minutes in heaven." I looked at her "Or  Would you rather?" I thought about it "Pretty much sounds good," I said with no expression.

Awaken frowned "Come on, show me your cute smile," I scoff "Really? Cute?" I asked her and she nodded. I cringed "Nope!" Awaken pouted "Please~" She whined and I looked away, "No," I said and she sighed of defeat, "I'll tell everyone you love Erro--" I blushed madly "Shut up! Don't you *Beep* Dare say that!"

I glared at her and she put her stupid grin, "Ok~ Then smile," I sighed roughly and smiled. I saw her take her phone and I smacked it "Awaken! Nope!" She gasped "MY PHONE!" She tried to catch it but she fell on the rug. I looked at her "You ok?"

She nodded "Your a jerk sometimes," I nodded "Good," she narrows her eyebrows "Really?" I nodded. "Jeez your like Levi," I chucked but no expression "Now a anime character?" She nodded. I soon heard the door knock and see Error Sans.

I blushed slightly but still had my cold glare on. "Hiya Error!" Awaken chirped "Hey Glitch," Error said plainly. I blushed slightly but had my no expression face. He saw me and grinned "Hey N/n," I growled "FuNk off!" I said and looked confused and saw Fresh.

"Hey Freshy!" Awaken said childish "Sup dudette!!" Fresh smiled I rolled my eyes. "The parasite came," I looked st Error and chuckled and glared "I can see." Error sat down next to me and I got nervous. Oh god.

I really like Error, I can't really describe it. He just makes me really happy, I'm a fricken Tsunder. I just don't like to admit things. He's just... so handsome, amazing. Plus, he's such a flirt~, I saw Awaken smirking at me "Ohhhh~ do tell~"

I blushed and made her a 'fuck-you' face. She knew exactly that face, "Yo Error!" He looked at her "Yeah?" I glared at her "Can you go look at my closet?" Error scoffed "I'm not going to look through your dirty closet." Awaken had a crooked frown, "Don't you want your other sweater?" She said and Error quickly went to the closet.

"MY SWEATER!?" Error ran and I groaned, everyone quickly ran to Error. I came first and Fresh pushed me over to Error. I fell in front of him, I blushed harder. "Well, I said softly but that's fine," Awaken said to Fresh. She closed the door.

I stood up while Error was banging on the door, loudly. "Dude. Stop banging." He sighed of annoyance and we just sat while I was on my phone on wattpad. I was reading a once-shot about a reader stuck on closet with a- "So what do we do now?" I shrugged while reading "No idea." I said plainly. Error soon smacked my phone to the ground and I looked up quickly pinning him to the wall.

"What the fuNk was that?!" I sweared trying to swear but with Fresh near us, I say 90's shEt. "I don't think we should do it," He smirked while I glared at him while blushing, "Shut up!" I punched his arm until I was pinned to the wall. I see him, with his yellow smile, and he kisses my neck softly while I grab on his hoodie.

"Error~..." I said softly while he smirked, "You like that don'tcha?" I smirked, "But I got a trick on my sleeves," Error looked confused "You don't have sleeves you hangs a tank t--" I interrupted him with making moans. This boy is gonna turn to a lemon, "Ahhh~ Error!~" I said making him fluster and slapping his hand on my mouth.

"Shut up." Error said while blushing and I stopped smirking "But Daddy~ You told me to be loud." He blushed which I heard footsteps and I see the light. Awaken was there with fear, "Oh my gosh! Are you okay!?" I shrugged "Yeah I --" "Not you! Oh you poor poor wall! Freshy! Look what they did to the wall!"

I looked at Awaken, Are you serious!? "Broski that's not cool." Fresh said with his shades saying 'Not cool'  Awaken soon saw us, a smirk appeared on her lips. "Had fun?" I pouted "Shut the hell up." I said while Error smirked "Yeah we did." I flinched as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

I glared at him and tried to push him away. "Please, Y/n let me buy you a nice-cream," He said but instead of his playful smile or shEt. He gave me a soft caring smile. I blushed and looked away. "Alright." I said softly while not looking at him.

Fresh saw this and got confused "Why are they acting sweet to each other?" Awaken shrugged, "No idea, I don't know what just happen." I laughed quietly to myself when Awaken and Fresh were distracted. Error looks over to see me and blushes. "Wanna get our nice-cream?" I looked at him and nodded.

We both walked out, I took Awaken's extra keys if we both get lock out... again. I closed the door while Error held his hand for me to grab. I smiled and grabbed his hand, we both headed to the store to see the nice-cream guy. He had a nervous smile, "H-Hi! Welcome to Nice-Cream! H-How may I-I help y-y-you?"

I stop smiling had my emotionless face, "I would like a (F/I) please." I said plainly while the nice-cream guy nods, "And you sir?-" He got interrupted by Error "I'll get (Least favorite Nice-cream)" I looked at him weirded out. "Really?" He nodded.

Nice-cream guy nodded and headed to get our nice-cream, I looked at him, "You seriously like the flavor?" He nodded "Yeah, you got a problem?" I nodded "That flavor is an alright," Error raised a brow(?) "That flavor is better than F/f," I gasped "You didn't just say that."

"I just did, Princess,"

I growled  and pouted "F/f." Error shook his head "L/F" I shook my head. "No, F/F" We both kept saying our own favorite flavor for few seconds. "F/F-" I got in interrupted by Error kissing me. I jumped and kissed back, I felt one of his hand wrap around my waist while the other hand was on the back of my head. Pulling us closer, I felt him suck my lip softly while we both got interrupted when I heard coughing.

We both pulled away to see the Nice-cream guy blushing while a parent was covering a child's eyes. We both blushed deeply, "Oh, we're sorry," I said and we both get our nice-cream and we pay the guy and headed outside.

"Oh god. I can't believe we did that," I said while Error chuckled. "I'm not sorry," Error smirked while I gave him a poker face. "I hate you," I told him, Error said "I love you too." I sighed but giggled and kissed his cheek. "I love you more,'

Words: 1212


So yesterday was Undertale's Birthday, which I didn't know. But happy birthday Undertale!! Have a nice day, and smile.

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