DanceSwap! Sans X Dancer! Reader

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Requested by: @FrostTheHybrid11

Y/n's POV

I slowly danced around, with partner. Awaken was a Waltz person, I was a ballet/hip hop person. It might be the same, but it was a different tempo. My tempo medium-fast while hers was slow. (Y/n) soon spins me, while I hold my stance and spin around in place. I soon stopped spinning and I soon get dragged a bit and circled around her.

She dipped me, and the music stopped. We soon looked at each other and stopped. I blinked while she blinked. We soon cracked up, and laughed. She pulled me up while we were laughing so hard.

"Oh god!" I laughed while I had tears in the corner of my eyes. I soon sat down on a chair while she ruffled her hair. "You're coming later?" She asked me while I looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

She grinned, "I'm throwing a dance party, everyone is invited." I had star eyes, and smiled widely at her. "Yes!" She chuckled while I soon see Papyrus and Sans come in the studio.

"Hi (Y/n)! Hi Awaken!" Sans says while Papyrus waves lazily while does the same. "Hi!" I told them. I soon told them about the party that Awaken was throwing.

"I know that! I'm so excited!" The Latin Dancer, while Break dancer smiles. "I'll go," Awaken smiles. "Okay, I got to get some supplies from the truck, I'll be right back." Papyrus soon stands up and walks with Awaken, "I'll come,"

Sans stays with me, we both talk about the dances. Until Awaken came with Chara and Papyrus. "Hi Chara!" I said while they waved "Hi!" The signed. They had a green with yellow strips tank top, with black leggings.

They looked very cute, I was gonna speak up until I hear a Hip Hop beat. It was nice, and really fun to dance on. I tapped on my foot to the ground. I followed the rhythm with my foot. Sans saw this and smiled.

Sans stands up and walks over to me sticking his hand and I look at him, I smiled and accepted it. I stood up and we both started to dance.

He spin me around while I lift my leg a bit not enough to hit him, while he stopped spinning me while I got on my tippy toes and he grabbed my waist. I giggled and soon I turned around and it was his turn now.

We both start doing that Tango, he dips me while I wrapped my leg his leg keeping my self on. He stops dipping me when he spins me. I blushed, we soon dance around.

Awaken, Papyrus, and Chara stared. Awaken was recording while Chara was on Papyrus' shoulders. In the finish, he dips me. The music stops and we both stared. I took deep breaths, and so did he. Sans blushed and he stands up straight.

"You should've kissed!" Awaken said while Chara was sighing. Papyrus looked at Awaken, "Calm down." Awaken sighed, and went to put a box away. Sans and I blush hard, we look at each other and laugh.

"Sorry about Awaken." I said while Sans chuckled "It's alright." We soon finished the decorations and Awaken spoke on the speaker.

"Guys, go home and get on your party clothes," She said while we all nodded, Awaken stopped me. "(Y/n) I got something for you," I look at her. "For real?" She nodded.

"Come!" She said and jumped out the stage while she grabbed my hand. She took me to a dressing room and I see her go through some bags.

"Aha!" I saw he dress she got me. I gasped.

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"It's good!" I complimented the dress. "Now give me $75 bucks." She said with a straight face. I gasped "What!?" Awaken laughed. "Nah, I'm messing with you," She said I sighed.

"You scared me," Awaken laughed.

~ Time Skip ~

It was soon time for the party, I gasped. This was a mistake, many people were there. I hate when there's a lot of people. I breathed in and out, I soon felt hands on my shoulder, i squeaked and see Sans standing there.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)?" He said while I shook my head, "No there's a lot of people." I told him. "I get nervous," I said while Sans thought something for a moment.

Sans grabbed my hand "Do you trust me?" I looked at him. "Of course!" I told him "I always have and will!" I told him, Sans blushed a bit but he soon took my to the dance floor.

I gasped, he grabbed my waist while he was still holding my hand. I gasped but placed my hand softly on his shoulder.

Awaken soon looked at me and had a grin. She got up on the stage and put on a soft loving music. I blushed, "This song is for the couples! Go dance!" She said, I blushed but Sans still was in place.

"I'm no Superman ~"

I look to see Sans singing. I gazed at him.

"I can't take your hand ~

I can't fly you anywhere you wanna go ~"

I smiled. Sans saw this, and blushed and got a bit nervous.

"I can't read your mind ~

Like a billboard sign ~

And tell you everything you want to hear..~"

I looked t him with heart eyes. I couldn't do anything, I stood there, he was controlling me heart.


I kept staring at him while blushing (F/c). He was blushing a light blue color.

"I'll be your hero!~"

I jumped while Papyrus recording this moment, I look to see Awaken concentrating on the music. I looked at Sans, he looked very nervous. As he sang the melody, the more he sang the more I fell for him.

He grabs my hand and spins me around. I rest my hand on his shoulder and he wraps his hands around my waist, we soon danced while he was singing. When he soon finished his soon I wrapped me hands around his neck. He jumped a bit when I banged my lips with his teeth.

Sans blushes but kisses me back. The crowed goes wild, we pulled away when we heard that. We blushed madly but I told Sans something. "You're my hero." Sans blushes but smiles "I'm glad."

Words: 1053


Hoped you enjoyed that! The song is called "I'll be your hero" by Sterling Knight. Have a nice day!~

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