Error X Ink [N&J]

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Part 2 on the request. Same person: Rad_Dude_Fresh
Picture not mine!!

Ink's POV

"Papa, I'm back!" My son said and I looked up "How was cheering?" I asked while smiling "You know the usual," Palette said with a smile "Well, hope nothing bad happened," I said with a worried tone, Palette giggled "Don't worry, Papa! Everything was fine!" I smiled "Alright, Palette," I said "Dinner is almost ready," I remained Palette, he nodded and I soon asked Palette. "Hey Palette?" I asked while he hummed in responds.

"What do you think about I invite Error and his kids to come for dinner?" His eyes lit up to a bright green stars "That would be amazing!" I chuckled "Alright, I'll call him." I said while him smiling more.

I grabbed my phone and went to my recents and clicked on Error's number, the phone barely had a ring and Error answered "Hi Inky!"  I smiled "Hi Error," I hear him squeal quietly that made me chuckle "Hey, I was wondering if you want to have dinner with me? You now bring the kids for Palette," I said "Oh! Sure Inky! I'll be there in 15 minutes!" He said "Alright Babe! Love you!" I heard him giggle "I love you too!" I blushed a bit and he ended the call.

I turn around to see Palette smirking at me "W-What?" I stuttered "When are you gonna ask him?" Palette said and I blushed a deep rainbow, I have been think about marriage. But I don't want to ask the big question because what if he's not ready? Plus maybe I'm pushing things way to soon? I sighed "I really don't know yet," I murmured "I just don't want to push things to far,"

Palette soon looked down "Alright Dad, but remember your not moving to far," He looked up "Your just in love!" He chirped and I smiled "Okay Pal," I said and he smiled more.

Few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door "I'll get it, Papa!" Palette said "Alright" I said when he left.

Palette's POV

I went to open the door, and see Error, "Hi Mr. Error!" I said and he saw me "Hi Palette, how are you?" I smiled "I'm good, Come in!" I said in a happy tine until I saw Cil, "Heya Cil," I soon saw his pink hair covering his left eye, he also had his colorful jacket (When I was looking a picture of him I was seriously checking him out XD).

"Hi Palette!" He smiled sweetly until I saw PJ, "Sup Shorty," I glared at him "I'm older than you!" I said while he rolled his pupils.

Cil chuckled "Alright, Lets go inside" he said and I
sighed of defeat and lead them both inside.

Error's POV

I went inside, while the kids were arguing. I soon saw my Inky cooking while focusing on the food. I smiled and quietly walked up to him, soon I wrapped my hands around his waist and he jumped a bit. Making me giggle, "Error!" He started to blush a rainbow "Hey Inky!" I chirped "Wait, give me a second. I don't want to burn the place down," I laughed and see him serve plates for the 5 of us.

Ink soon turns around, and I soon see his attractive eyes. When I see them, I feel like I'm melting. He soon pulls me to a warm passionate kiss, while I quickly kissed back. He wrapped his hands around my waist and I wrapped me hands around his neck, pulling each other closer. I was soon gonna ask permission when, PJ coughed, getting both of our attentions.

We both blush, we pulled away while I was rubbing my left arm while he was scratching the back of his neck. Cil looked confused, while Palette was grinning at us.

"W-Well! L-Lets eat!" Ink said trying to change the subject. All of us sat down while we both started to have our conversation. "Yo Dad?" Cil asked catching my attention "Yeah Cil?" Cil smiled "Not to make you guys awkward," Ink looked at him "Will, you guys ever make it official?" I looked confused "What do you mean Official?" I asked and PJ soon spoke up "Will you two just marry already?" I blushed and see PJ focusing on eating not daring to look at me.

Ink blushed "W-Well... It would be nice to ask Error," I blushed deeply "Maybe around the future," WAIT! FUTURE!? HE WANTS TO ASK ME!!!! 

"Inky!" I tackled him with kisses, pushing him off the chair while the Trio kids went completely shocked "What the fuck?" "PJ! Watch your language!" "Tch, sorry Shorty," Cil laughed, "You okay?"

I soon aimed at his neck, kissing it, and biting it, hearings moans come from him. I hear the kids leave quickly right away "E-Error~" I smirked and kept biting and licking his neck.

I will now leave it to your imagination! :3

Probably, making a part two. But hope you enjoy!

Words: 842

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