UnderFell! Goth X Reader

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"I promise you, Fell Goth! I'll do whatever I can to win your heart!" You said determined as Fell Goth scoffs. "Please you're just wasting time." He said as he rolled his eyes.

You shook your head. "No! I will win your heart, and every day I'll always try to make you fall for me!" You replied. "Or my name isn't [Y/N]!" Fell Goth smirks. "Sure, I'll see how much you're wasting your time."

You smiled, as you grabbed his hand. "All right. Let's go then,"

Fell Goth looks at you, "Why are you doing this?"

You turn to see him and smiled sweetly, "To prove you wrong."


Years had passed and you were still not wasting any time trying to capture his heart. Everyone knew how much you loved Fell Goth and how you were determine to make him yours. People told you it was a waste of time but you pushed those thoughts aside.

You'd laugh at the people who would tell you that, and you'd say, "It's not a waste of time. He is worth it, I'll make him fall in love with me!"

Deep down, you knew this was a waste of time but you didn't want to give up on him. You promised him, and you weren't ready to accept the defeat. You secretly hoped that Fell Goth wasn't in love with Fell Palette or the regular Palette.

Right when you are about to think about giving up, a voice inside you tells you to keep fighting. And with this encouragement, you do what the voice tells you.

You were a hopeless romantic. You see beauty in everything, even in the angst AU's. While on the other hand, Fell Goth was just himself. He didn't see the way you saw things. But yet, you had a huge crush on him.

You would chase him all around, take him into different types of alternative universes, always try to catch his attention. Anything.

But yet, nothing was enough. One day, you stopped. Nobody knew why you had just stopped. People thought you had finally given up on him, people thought you hated him now.

Fell Goth at first was relief that you were done with him. He had finally gotten rid of his pain on the ass. He had a wide smile as you stopped chasing him around and texting him.

Weeks had passed and he still had a wide smile. Goth looked at him worriedly, "Aren't you worried about, [Y/N]? I mean.. she did really like you.."

He would scoff and roll his pupils. "Please, Goth. You really don't know her."

Fell Palette even asked if he was okay. "Why are you asking me this?"

F. Palette scoffs. "Dude. She really likes you, and she hasn't been around here for a long time."

"So? It's good that she's not here. It's always so annoying to go around and everything."

His best friend shook his head. "You're really fucking dumbass, y'know that?" F. Goth growled as he returned with a 'fuck-you' and left him.


Months passed as you ran into F. Goth. You waved slowly as F. Goth noticed your ring. "Hey, Fell Goth.." you mumbled as he began to look at you closer.

He had always noticed how extremely beautiful you are. With your beautiful eyes, eyebrows, lips, beauty marks, everything. But this time he had noticed a change.

Your eyes weren't showing happiness like before, they were dull. Empty looking. You didn't have a the sweetest smile you used to give him.

Everything about the vibe she was giving him was horrible. He didn't like it. He liked the you, before you disappeared.

"Hey, [Y/N].. where have you been?" He asked.

You looked down and slowly looked up to see him. "I-I've, gotten a arranged marriage.. that's why I haven't been able to see you." You said sadly.

'Arranged marriage?!' Was the thought in F. Goth's mind. "What? With what fucking bastard did you marry?"

"Honey!~" You turned to see your beloved wife, with the sweetest smile she gave. A small smile came in view as you saw her.

"Fell Goth, I want you to meet my wife." You said as you introduced them to each other.


"Hey! I'm Cherri!" She smiles as F. Goth frowns. "H-Hi." He replied, in a pissed tone.

"What bring you around to this store?" Your wife asked happily. "We had just gotten married eight months ago! And we're looking around to see which would fit lovely for our child's room!"


"Yup!" Your wife hummed. "We hired someone to observe us to make our child. Since we obviously can't, together." (*cOUgh* ink from reboot x reader—)

"W-Wow.. that's a big move, [Y/N].." F. Goth said as you nodded. "Well, I'll be right backs, honey! You catch up with your friend!"

There was a awkward silence. "You're married.. to her?" You hummed as you nodded. "Yeah. Honestly, she has made my life so happy right now."

You heard sniffles, as you turn to see F. Goth staring at you with red tears. "How could you do this to me? You're not the [Y/N], I loved. How could you just give up on me? How could you leave me, after you taken my heart."

"A-And you're married?! How?! I thought you said you loved me!" His voices cracked of pain. F. Goth had heard a chuckle and saw F. Palette with a camera.

"And you said you didn't love her! Fucking liar!" Palette yelled as he crackled and you giggled.

"I'm not actually married. I just wanted you to confess to me, which you did. Cherri is just a actor." You replied.

You reached over to kiss him softly as you smiled warmly like before. He close his eyes as he growls, holding you now.

"You're fucking lucky I love you too much to kill you."

"I know."

Words: 992

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