Kid! Chara X Kid! Reader

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Requested: charaisboss

Y/n's POV:

The door bell rang and I went straight to the door, to see my best friends. Chara and Frisk, we were all gonna have a sleep over which I'm super excited. I squealed "Hi Chara! Hi Frisk!" Frisk waved back "Hey," Chara replied "Ready?" I nodded and let them in. We sat in the sofa while I turned on my game.

"Ready to play, Mario Bros!?" I said with happiness while they chuckled and nodded "Yeah!" I smiled wide and so did them. We played hours and hours until it has turned to 6: 19 pm. Which means we role play, I went to my room and saw a dress up box and quickly went over, and pulled out a clothes.

I slipped in the clothes and I soon saw Chara as a knight. While Frisk as dragon, it was big on them but still looking good. We were playing kinda like Mario Bros.

As I started running with my fluffy dress following me I soon, felt Chara left me up "You won't take her, Bowser!" Frisk giggled but made a dragon/lizard sound "Roar! I'll marry the Princess!" Chara soon started to run until sprint to the castle and they out me down. "You're saved Princess Y/n!" Chars chirped and I smiled and kissed their cheek causing them to blush "Thank you, Sir Chara!"

Third POV

Frisk soon broke the moment and picked up Y/n and ran to her room "Ahaha! I stole the Princess!" Frisk soon closed the door and put a lock on the door. "Ahhh! It's Bowser!" Y/n snickered while Frisk was laughing. "I'm gonna marry you!" Frisk giggled and they grabbed donuts as our rings.

Frisk soon placed one in her finger "Now is your turn," She looked at them "But I don't want to marry you-" while Chara came through on the other door to her room "Stop the wedding!" (I'm just laughing cause it cute) Y/n looked at him smiling "Chara!" Chara blushed but still grabbed Y/n's waist and pulled her closer to them "She's my princess! And I'm gonna marry her!" Frisk growled "No she's mine!"

After a while, the game stopped and Frisk went to change "Y/n?" She looked at them "Yeah?" They soon blushed "I want to marry you! And your gonna be my wifu!" Y/n soon smirked and had an idea "Chara you messed up, your suppose to be my Wifu," Chara looked confused "What? But your the girl!" Y/n giggled, "They changed it!" Chara looked at Y/n "Oh, okay!"

"I wanna be your wifu!" Chara exclaimed while I was giggling. Soon they reset the tape again.

Y/n's POV

"I wanna be your wifu!" I found a old camera and had a video of the Trio sleepover. I gazed at the mini Chara and Frisk. I see Frisk doing a pose "Damn I was so mini and innocent," I giggled and lightly punched their arm, while Chara was blushing like a mad man.

"Did I seriously say I wanted to be your wifu?" Chara said while I was nodding "Yep!" While I kissed his cheek while he blushed harder "It's was adorable~" Chara looked away "S-Shut up!" They smirked and soon looked at me and pulled me to a warm kiss that I kissed back.

We pulled away "I wanna be your wifu~" Chara's smirk faded away and looked away "Shut up Y/n!" I giggled while I see Frisk shipping us "Goooo!!  S/n! (Shipping name)" while I was blushing too.

Chara looked back and smile "I love you Y/n," I blushed more but I smiled at them "I love you too Chara" and we soon pulled for a another kiss. While Frisk was staring at us with gaze. Soon taking pictures, I giggled while we pulled away and Chara looked confused "What?" Chara looked at Frisk and they turn back to a blushing man "Frisk!" Soon Chara chased Frisk.

I laugh, I really love this guy.

Words: 678

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