Ink Sans X Male! Reader

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» | A / N | «

This is a special oneshot. This is to celebrate Pride Month, for all those people; gay, bi, pan, asexual, etc. I'm personally straight, but I love how people are confident with their liking.

Whenever I see any couples like this, I always feel happy. Thank you for being in our society, I know many people don't accept this but be happy with yourself.

Just because they don't appreciate you, their not being real with you. Be who you want, because this is a special thing for you guys, a special trait.

Never forget that! :)


[Y/n]'s POV

I sat on the floor on [Favorite AU] while talking to [AU Sans], "And, I soon grabbed the lady-" I said making the position - pretending to be holding a lady from a dip -, "and said, 'sorry darling I have eyes for someone'," Smiling and pretending to walk away.

While [AU Sans] laughed. "You're so mean to that lady!" They laugh while I start laughing too. "I'm being honest, I really have eyes for someone," I said while blushing. [AU Sans] smirks, "Are they short? Real short?" I snicker.

"Shut up," I mumbled as they laugh harder. We talked until Ink Sans came. "Sorry [Y/n], didn't mean to come late," he apologizes as I smile. "Don't worry it's fine." I told him as he smiles more. "Sorry [AU Sans] I'm going to take [Y/n] away," Ink says while [AU Sans] smirks. "You can keep him, for eternity,"

I growl as I look away, Ink laughs. "Sure, I'll take him," my best friend smirks while i blush pushing Ink away. "weirdo," i mumbled, but i remembered 'i fell in love with a weirdo' ink chuckles, "aww, [y/n] relax," he says while [au sans] nods. "yeah dude,"

few minutes past and we left while ink grabbed my hand. my face feeling hot, as i quickly see where he's taking me. "a tree?" i asked myself while ink nods. "the first time we met,"

- flassssshhhbackkkk -

[y/n] sniffing on a tree in [favorite au], he recently got dumped by his girlfriend. as he remembers he was a pride show, he soon claims he's bi. his girlfriend freaking out, saying "i'm into men who think straight," which was stupid of her to think.

"stupid [ex / name ]," he says while throwing pebbles on the ground. "everything all right here?" a voice asked while the heartbroken boy looks and sees Ink sans, "[au sans]?" ink shakes his head, "the names ink, what's yours?"

"[y/n]," he answered while looking at him. ink smiles, "hey there," he asks again, "what's eating you up?" with this [y/n] uncomfortably sighs. "promise not to judge?" ink shakes his head. "i promise," he says putting his pinky up which caused [y/n] to chuckle.

"i'm bi, and my ex-girlfriend broke up with me for that," ink clicks with his tongue. "she's an idiot then," ink mumbles, while looking at you, eye-to-eye. "i may not know you that well ( you're a liar, stalker ), but i could tell you are very kind, and your 'girl' is just being childish,

"you shouldn't be with someone who's treating you like this but most importantly don't listen what other people think of you negativity. you're unique on your own way, just because you may not think the same way other people may think doesn't mean you're disfunction or anything like that.

"it means you're making a trait about yourself. not everyone can be the same, everyone is different in their own way. i'm sorry your ex-girlfriend is being to childish to understand something important. something unique," ink says smiling, [y/n] stood there speechless with a not noticeable blush.

"t-thank you," the boy says cleaning his tears, while ink smiles.

- present -

"oh! hello tree," i waved to it while ink laughs. we both climb to the tree where we first met, "hey," ink says while i look at him. "yeah?" i asked while he looks at me. "i realize this now but.." he mumbles, "yeah??" i asked, while ink looks at me with his pupils switching to different shapes and colors. "are you okay, ink?" i asked him.

placing the back of my hand on his forehead, "your head is hot," i commented while ink sighs. "i'm all right, i just need to tell you something very important," i looked at him with worry. "is everything all right?" ink just grabs me by the shoulders.

"i-i.. i don't know! just please trust me and don't judge!" ink says quickly, stuttering. i looked at him with worry, but with trust. "i will have trusted you, what's wrong?" i asked again while he cleared his throat.

"i like you, a lot." he says while i freaked out. a boy - well skeleton - that i've been crushing on has noticed me and has the same feelings i've been feeling towards him. i smiled widely while wrapping my arms around him, making him suffocate in my arms.

"i like you too, ink." i said while i felt him hug me back softly but quick. after that day, we just stared at the stars while thinking about the shit we'll be through. okay that doesn't sound pretty good but trust me it's the funny shit moments.

"and that's how your father turned gay for me!" i said proudly while my daughter [ kid's name ] was trying to hard not to laugh. "oh my glob!" she yelled while laughing hard. ink came in confused, "what's going on?" he asked while i looked at him with a smirk. "nothing, rainbow," i said "just nothing,"

words: 940

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wazzuppppppp. i'm going through writers block but i'll be forcing myself everyday! :) feel free to request things, and yep. happy 4th of july!!

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