UnderFell! Sans X Deaf! Reader

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Requested: Lori_The_Wolfie

~4 of July Special~

Y/n's POV:

I was sitting down on the couch, on my phone texting my friend F/n. They were complaining about how they had the worst day, just because they're phone died. I chuckled and texted them back.

It's was the worst!!!

Pshh! You'll be fine!

Yeah, I guess your right!

I smiled and after a while I soon received a message from Sans, I smiled more.

Hey, Dollface

I blushed and I started to type.

Hi, Lazybones!

I'm at your door, can you open up Sweetie?

I got confused and got up and went to the window and saw him on his phone, I bet his waiting for a response and I giggled while opening the door. He jumped by the sound and I giggled "Hey Doll!" I waved and he blushed but chuckled "Heya Lazy Bones," he said. I let him in and he smiled and sat on the couch, "You know what day is it?" I shook my head.

"Your birthday?" I signed but he shook his head while chuckling "It's July 4th, Sweetie" I raised a eyebrow "Wait, its today!?" Sans nodded and it hit me. I forgot it was today!

I started to freak out, "Oh my gosh! Sans I forgot! I'm so sorry! This-" Before I could continue, Sans grabbed my hands, "Shh, it's alright Y/n. That's why I came prepared," I got confused.

"What do you mean?" He smirked and grabbed my hand and lead me to the top of my roof, and he had chairs, blanket, few lights hanging and some soda drinks, I smiled. "Oh my gosh, this is amazing!" I hugged him, "Well I'm glad you like it, Doll," I smirked "I don't like it! I love it!"

He chuckled and lead me to my seat and I sat down while he sat down next to me, while we were cuddling. I soon saw the fireworks and I got amazed, "That one looks pretty!" I signed, He nodded "But not as pretty as you, Doll face," he smirked and I blushed. We both laughed until Sans spoke "Hey, can I ask you something?" I giggled "Your already did," Sans chuckled but shook his head "But yeah, what's on your mind?" Sans grabbed my hands "Have you ever tried to talk?"

I flinched a little but shook my head "Why?" He asked "Because.. I think you would make fun of me, cause of my voice," Sans looked shocked "Sweetheart, I would never make fun of your voice," I looked down "Promise you won't make fun of it?" He shook his head "I promise," I looked up "And I'll keep that promise," I looked up and smiled, "Okay.."

I cleared my voice, "Umm... H-Hi... S-SSSans..?" I tried to say, Sans smiles "Your voice is like a Angel, Y/n" he says with a blush "T-Thhhank.. you.." I slurred trying to pronounce the words right, soon Sans wrapped his hands around my waist and placed his head on my crooked neck. I looked confused "W-Whaat, are y-youuu dooing?" I asked and he soon looks up and blushes "Don't get mad at me," I kept looking at him and placed his teeth with my lips. He started to kiss me, softly knowing he could go rough.

I kissed back, while wrapping his hands on my waist and my hands around his neck, we soon broke apart and smiled. "I love you, Y/n" Sans said "You are the most beautiful girl I ever met, you have a voice of a angel don't let people tell you other wise," He said and I smiled more and kissed him and say said "I-I.. looove you too, S-Sssans,"

Words: 638

Happy 4 of July!!!

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