Outer X Killer [N&J]

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Killer's POV:

I walked to class, with books in my hand. I was heading to lunch while I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see, My friend Outer. I smiled "Hey Outer," I said "Heya Buddy! Ready for lunch?" He said with a smile, I shook my head "I need to put my stuff away," I responded and he smiled "Then let's go!" I blushed and nodded and we both headed to my locker.

I opened it up and soon putted all my stuff away, grabbed my money if I ever want to get some chips, before I could close it, I saw a note. It was red and had a heart on it, I blushed Who would write this? "Whatcha got there, Killer" Outer questioned and I looked up to him revealing my blush, Outer jumped "Woah! What's wrong buddy?" He asked with concern, "I got a.. love letter?" I responded but mostly a question "What does the letter say?" He asked and I shrugged and opened the letter.

Dearest, Killer

If kisses were raindrops, I'd send you showers. If hugs were seconds, I'd send you hours. If smiles were water, I'd send you the sea, and If Love were a person, I'd send you, Me!

Please meet me after school at the Library.


Your, Secret Admire

I read out loud with a huge on my face, I look to see Outer and he was also shocked. "Wow, they really like you," He said and I nodded "Yeah, Should I meet them?" I asked him and I shrugged "That's your choice, Killer," I looked at the note "But if I was you, it would be to go and see who they are." He added "Really?" He nodded "Yeah. I mean what if its someone you know?" I looked at the note again, "I'm gonna see them," I said, Outer widen his eye sockets "R-Really?" He asked and I nodded "Yeah! I wanna know!" I said.

"Well, good luck with that buddy." He said with a smile "Thanks, come on lets go." I said while grabbing his hand and heading to lunch. He smiled and followed me. We got our lunch and went to our table "Hey Outer?" I asked and Outer looked at me "Hm? What's up?" He asked "Why don't you get these kind of notes?" I asked him and he blushed "What do you mean?" He chuckled.

"I mean.. your a attached person, I don't know why your not taken or why people don't write you love notes?" Outer sighs "I do, get those notes but I don't like those people. I only have eyes on one person," He said I looked up "Really? How are they like?" I asked and he blushed dark "W-Well.. they are really nice, kind, smart, adorable, and have the sweetest smile!" He said like he has said it a million times.

I was amazed "Wow, they must be really special." I said with a smile "They are, I just wish I could Mustard the courage to tell them." I laughed at the pun he made and he smiled. "Well the bell is almost gonna ring, we should eat fast!"He said and I nodded and ate.

~Time Skip~

I waved goodbye to Outer and headed to the Library and sat on a table. Not many people on Thursday so yeah good choice Secret Admire. I waited and waited and tapped my fingers impatiently, When are they coming? I soon saw Goth get up when he received a message. He left his phone on the desk and I wanted to know If it could be them.

I stood up and took his phone and looked up for notification and see a message called 'Open the back door' I looked confused and put the phone down the desk and sat down, It copuld be Palette, but if it was him. Goth would of change his name like 'My Everything' (I did that before so don't judge) I sighed and soon heared footsteps.

I looked up "Outer? What are you doing?" Outer chuckled "I came because I invited you here," I blushed "It was you Outer?" Outer nodded and I could see he was blushing, I got up from my seat "Killer?" He questioned and I tackled him while smashing our lips together.

Outer kissed back while wrapping his hands around my waist while I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling us closer. I licked the bottom of his lip(?) and he opened his mouth while we make out until we heard a cough.

We both pulled away and we saw Goth and Palette "That's so cute!" Palette cooed and Goth stuck out a thumbs up while we were blushing hard. "I love you, Killer.." Outer said "I've always have," I looked at him with a wide smile. "I love you too Outer!" We kissed again.

Words: 815


This has to be the cutest thing I wrote or the cheesiest but who cares *shrugs while smiling* More request are coming so just you wait! Hope you enjoy this!

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