UnderFell! Awaken X Arrogant! Reader

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Arrogant — exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner.

[Female Reader]

The sound of your cell phone was heard all over your room as you went over to see who the called was.

You grinned as you picked up the call. "Yes?~"

"I've been calling you, six times, what are you doing that is so damn important?" Awaken says in a annoyed tone as you chuckled.

"So dramatic~ I was just doing way better things than just cleaning,"

Awaken scoffs. "Whatever, are you still down to go to the store?"

You sighed as you checked your watch. "Hm~ I don't know—"

"Don't be saying that I chose the worst restaurants because WcDonalds is hella amazing."

"That's commoner food, sweetie. I'd rather eat real food."

You a dramatic gasp from the other side of the call as you tried to hold in your laughter. "I'm kidding, I'll be there in a few."

"All right."


"[Y/N]!" You turned to see a female with dark purple hair with a pair of golden eyes. "Awaken!~ How have you been? I hope you didn't miss me too much!~"

The purple haired girl slowly stopped walking towards you and slowly walks backwards.

"Awaken!" You yelled as Awaken came running. "Okay, sorry.."

"You look nice," Awaken commented as she noticed your outfit you had. You had recently bought new clothes and you had to show off your love for [Favorite Anime/Band/Show/Etc.] and Awaken loves that about you.

Knowing that you don't care about what others say about you, you somehow still have the confidence to prove then wrong.

"Thank you~ I just saw this shirt and I couldn't resist to buy it!" You said as you smiled.

Awaken grabbed your hand as you and her walked to around Snowdin to see which restaurant you're willing to go.

As you walked in with Awaken, you bumped with another couple that had drinks. When the couple collided, the drinks spilled all over [Y/N] as her new shirt was ruined.

"Huh?! Watch where you're going, bitch!" Yelled the rude boyfriend as he glared down at [Y/N].

Unlike the regular Awaken, the Underfell Awaken is more of a hothead. So right away when she was how they were treating her girlfriend, she attacked.

"How about you watch where you're goin' dumbass!" Awaken yelled as she puffed out her chest trying to look intimidating.

You looked at Awaken confusingly, since when did she fight back? You're usually the ones who get picked on fights and end up fighting other people, not Awaken.

Even without a reason.

The boyfriend's lover than glared as he tried to push his boyfriend away from the scene. "Stop it, [Random Name]. Stop wasting—"

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