UnderSwap! Error X Reader

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in this one-shot, [y/n] doesn't know that much about the original ink and error like swap error.

inspired by a gwenvid comic. didn't steal idea, just inspired by it.


[Y/n]'s POV

I was laying my back. I was waiting for Template to come back in the end of the day. We've been trying to have a baby for the past months but nothing was happening. We've thought it was because of our 'race', like skeletons with humans or something like that.

Maybe it's different with other couples, but it didn't affect on all the other couples in the AU's. For example, Undertale Sans and Undertale Frisk, in a different universe they were able to reproduce but for us we didn't have luck.

I had a gut feeling that it finally worked. Template and I will have our own special creation. Finally, he came back with a smile on his face, "Hey sweetheart," he says as he kisses my cheek. I giggle as I kiss his cheekbone, "I'm going to see the results, I wanted to wait for you,"

He looked at me worriedly, "[Y/n]...",

"N-No, believe me! I feel, no, I know it's this time," I said smiling at him. He hesitate and kept himself thinking, but sighs and give me a weak smile. "Alright,"

"I've done the test, but I wanted to wait for you to see!" I said as I walk to the bathroom and look at the test that was facing down. Anxiety hit me, but my excitement took over.

"One, two," I said as I grab the test, "Three!" I flip it over.

Only one line, which said 'negative'. I cried in pain as Template hugged me. It honestly shocked you that he didn't let go in three seconds but the ability to not have a child is most surprising.

I looked up up Template, "W-We have to try again!", Template's pupils changes, "No [Y/n]," I smiled weakly at him. "N-No! This time it will work, four times will be okay! Okay?"

Template kept looking at me, and sighed sadly. He grabbed my hands and kissed my knuckles. "Sweetheart.."

"Template, don't worry sweetie. We can still try! We can still have the ability, maybe ours is special!" I kept rambling and rambling as I was stopped.

"[Y/n]! Can't you see? It's hurting you!" I stopped at look at Template. He's crying and trembling as he can't stop looking around, as I find myself crying too.

I fell down to my knees and followed by Template sitting down with me. My head was on his shoulder as I kept murmuring, "I'm sorry,"

For the few days, it bothered us. Will he hate me now? Are we still the same? How can I still give him a piece of myself and him giving me a piece of himself?

I see a portal open and see Ink. "U-Uh... Template should be here soon," He smiled nervously, "Actually, I came here to see you,"

I looked at him confused as I see a notebook in his hands. "Why?" I said as I brought him a glass of water, "Oh, no thank you," he declined the drink, "but I hate to be rude, I want to help you both,"

"What do you mean in helping us?"

"Jeez, now I'm going to sound really bad.. but I would want to help you and Template with your creation."

I closed my mouth as tears were pouring down. "R-Really?" He smiles and nods. "Really." I smiled weakly and hug him tightly. "T-Thank you!" Ink flinched and hugged back.

Few moments later, Template came back. He was honestly very excited to see Ink here in this AU until he explains why he is here and how he can help.

Ink can apparently create life with a simple pencil. I looked at Template hopeful as he smiled back positively. "Please tell us what we need to do,"

And with that, the process of our child was happening. It didn't take nine months but took a week. Ink needed to know about your appearance and the personality was up to us to help process.

Our beautiful baby boy was going to join us.

Ink came back with our results as we see our baby boy, with his yellow combined with [eye color] eyes and his soft [skin color] skin. But his hair is the part I love about him, [hair color] with darker tips of his hair.

I love him with all my heart. I cried of joy as I saw his eyes open. He smiles softly as he opens his mouth to reveal his gums. "H-Hi, love," I said as I kiss his forehead. "It's me, your mother,"

Template was crying in his corner, I motion him to come, but as soon as he was his son he broke down. "H-Hi..." were the only words that he could say until he cried roughly.

"Thank you so much, Ink," I smiled at him, he looks at us and smile as he nods. "It's my pleasure to help you guys," he says, "call me if you need anything," he says as he leaves to his own world.

"[Son's name]," we both say at the same time as we look at each other. We both laugh together as our son makes loud noises.

We were finally able to have a child. "I love you, Template," I said softly, "I love you too," he said as we softly slept at 2:03 am on the floor and with our child in his crib.

words: 939

scrolling through lots of unfinished one-shots sucks :/

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scrolling through lots of unfinished one-shots sucks :/

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