DanceSwap! Papyrus X Dancer! Reader

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Requested: Shadow_Woods_6

[Y/n]'s Point of View:

Dancing. Dancing has been a part of me as long as I can imagine. Moving your feet to the rhythm, able to roam around freely, but also, enjoy it. Dancing can mean so many things.

It can mean, happiness;

"Hey [N/n]!" She looked and see her cousin, Mark. "Yes?" She asked. "Don't be hanging out with those monsters."
"Why?" She asked. "They're creepy and I heard they steal your money," She nod. "Okay, I'll make sure,"

At first she didn't know if she should really believe him. She don't really want to judge anyone but if she have to, she guess She'll do it. She waved goodbye and headed to the creek, a short cut to her dancing class.

She skipped whole humming a cheesy song, 'Once Upon a December' in the movie Anastasia as she saw a orange hoodie. "Hm?" She started to head closer and she saw a monster dancing in a high-medium beat. She smiled.

He had a boom box and was almost break dancing. He was laughing, smiling, but most of all having fun. "Hi!" She said cheerfully as she stops and completely stops doing the things that makes him happy.
"I really like your dancing," She commented, "Mind if I dance with you?" She saw him closer and see he was a skeleton. "Whoa."

She thought she must of scared him, because when she said that he looked really scared. "Sorry.. I didn't mean to make it sound mad!" She said. "I just really like it how you dance."
"Do you want to dance with me?" He asked, "the name is Papyrus." He said. She smiled at him, "[Y/n]. Pleasure to meet you," he pulled his hand out waiting for me to take it. Which she took it without hesitation.

They danced for hours and hours, laughing, smiling, and even making jokes each time. As soon as the sunset got dark, they both knew they had to separate. "Tomorrow?" She asked him while he smiles, "Sure,"

"Come at 2 o'clock in the afternoon," and they both separated.


"For the groom! Mr. Papyrus!"

Every family member clapped as they saw the skeleton with his tux and smile as he saw his loved one.

"Now for the bride! Mrs. [Y/n]!"

She came with a white wedding dress, her hair in a bun with flowers all around it. A permanent smile that couldn't get off her face was stuck on her face.

They both walked to each other and Papyrus wraps his arms in his loved ones waist while she was  smiling. [Y/n] ended up putting her arms in his chest and slowly started their dance as many eyes were glued to them.
"Hey sweetheart," papyrus said as his wife hummed in respond. "You put your hands in the wrong place, it's suppose to be around my neck," he said while he winked at her.

"You dork," she said while laughing and did as she was told. "You're so weird," [Y/n] says as she kisses his cheekbone and lays on his chest.
"I know, but you said yes anyway," she laughed as she nods. "I still love you in any way,"

"Me too."



She turned with her face all wet with tears and her face red. "What.." she said not wanting to be with him, not with anyone. "She's going to be fine." Papyrus says as she shakes her head, "i don't know Papyrus, it's getting worse."
She stared back at their daughter, "don't say that," he says while hugging her from behind. "What if she doesn't heal back? What if I caused her this problem.. what if.." papyrus turned [Y/n], causing her to face him.

"Caroline, ..She's going to be fine. She has to most strongest mother in the world." Papyrus said but no smiles appeared her face. "I want to see her happy, but I don't want to see her like this."
"I don't too, sweetheart. But she'll make it. Trust me." He says while hugging her. "Alright. I'll believe you." She says softly as they both move to together in a soft beat.

"She is my sunshine..~"

"Our only sunshine~"

Beep. Beep. Beep.


"No no no.." papyrus pleads as he stares at your colorless body. "[Y/n].. open your eyes, please." He says as he waits for any movement that happens.
"Dad..?" Papyrus turns and sees his daughter with his brother. "Everything alright, Papyrus?" Asked Sans while Papyrus shook his head.
"I don't know what to do." Sans runs up to hug him while Caroline, stares at her mother.

"Mom..." she walks up slowly as tears run down her cheek. She touches her cold hands as she looks at the box.

"Beep.. beep.. beep.."

Was the only thing she heard in the room. "Mom.." she croaked, "Wake up.." she was shaking her softly waiting for her to open her [E/c] eyes. She wanted her to laugh and tell her she'll be alright.
She wanted her to hug her tight. She wanted to-

Silence. No beeping sound.

"Mom!!" Caroline yelled as Papyrus quickly went to get the doctor. "Help my wife! Help her!" He yelled but everything was too late. She had all ready been gone, she was not there physically but she was gone.

"Mama! No!" Caroline plead as Sans pulled her close to not see your body. "Don't take her away! No!"

Sans was called to help, which meant the father and daughter were left alone on the empty room. "Dad.. she's gone."
"I know. Shhh.." papyrus hugged her tightly, "she's still here." Caroline cried more and more violently as they slowly danced. "Your mother would dance in a sad moment." He says. "She's going to be fine."

"D-Dad..." "Yes?"

"I can't believe she's gone... I want this to be a nightmare... I want to wake up..."

But also. Healing,

Caroline. Dressed up just like her mother, her white dress, permanent smile, her hair filled with flowers. 'Everything like our wedding, [Y/n]..' papyrus thought while she was standing there unnoticed. 'I know, Papyrus.' She said.

"To the groom, Lee!"

Families cheered which was heartbreaking for him.

"To the bride, Caroline!"

With this broke the father, '[Y/n].' The name stuck on his mind. The couple were dragged to each other and soon started to dance, laughing, smiling. Just how they did it before.

"Now, the bride's father!"

With this awoken him from his mind. "H-Huh?" Caroline went up to him and grabbed his hand. "Come on," she said while smiling which made him smile.
She wrapped her hands around his neck while he wrapped his hands around her waist. "Your mother would be so proud.." he said. "I know. But she's right here." Papyrus looks at her with a smile, "she's in our hearts." Caroline said smiling.

"She has your smile, Papyrus." [Y/n] said.

"She has your smile, [Y/n]." Papyrus said.

Dancing. It has so many feeling to it, but most importantly. It brought people together.

Words: 1180

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