UnderFell! Master! Palette X Pet! Shy! Reader

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Requested: @inksans46

Y/n's POV

I worked on One Dollar Tree (The best place where everything is a dollar! T^T ) I was on my break, but I would be helping other people. I see my friend (B/n) she's a bit grouchy, but has good heart. She mostly has anger issues, which it's not good for some people. I sighed, I look at me clock.

Time past, now I'm leaving. My roommate, [R/n]. She was a.. interesting person. Mostly, doing Kink shits. I would know if she's banging someone when she has her door locked, or when I hear moans.

I am to quiet to tell them to lower the volume so I mostly sleep with my friend. I went to our dorm, right away. Loud moans, I gasped and soon call [B/n]. She didn't pick up. I called again, and she picked up. "Hello?" I whispered. "It's happening again.." she sighed. "Sorry [Y/n], my parents are here for visits but I have no space." I sighed, "I-It's Alright.." I ended the call.

I call Awaken, she was yelling to somebody but then calm. "Hello?"

"H-Hey.. Awaken..? Can I-I come over..?"

"Yeah! Why? Everything ok?" She said in a worried tone.

"My roommate is... busy with a friend.."

She laughs, "Alright. I'll be there," I thank her, and waited. I soon see a red truck, I knew it was hers. I walk and she was in the front. I open the passenger seat, and I see to skeletons in the back.

The purple hair girl smiles, "The red scarf skeleton is Fell! Goth or known as Cupcake, and the other one is Fell! Palette, known at Ruiki." I nodded. I always quiet in the most time. I felt being stared.

She soon parked, and I got off. I felt the skeletons stare at me, "You have problems with neighbors?" Asked Cupcake, I nodded, "They we're bit.. excited." I said cringing. While he sighed, "Hate when that happens." I nodded. "Tell me about it." We laugh, while I felt hatred.

As we all walked to Awaken's house. She said she'll be right back, but Cupcake said he had to go. So it was only Ruiki and me, we were outside but it was warm so we were okay.

Ruiki closed his eyes and sighed, while I was looking and something caught my eye. It was a rent house, and it was [F/c] house. I smiled, I went to the sign to see the number, I pin the number down. I was going to head back, until I felt arms around me tight.

"You ready for a good time?~" I gasp and screamed. He soon closed my mouth, and starting kissing the back of my neck. I sobbed, and I stomped on his foot, but he got rough. He soon was pulled away, and he was on the ground with bones through his body.

I heavily started breathing, and look who helped me. Ruiki grunts, "Stupid Perv," I looked at him. "Thinking he can steal my pet," He says making me blush. He wraps his hands around me. "Come on, now you owe me." He says.

"T-T-Thank you.."I said, smiling. But he doesn't smile, "You're now my pet, you got that?" My eyes widen, "W-What?"

[ Pause ]

Alright hold on readers, I, [Y/n]. Apparent have to pay him back, Okay I could invite him for a movie or pay him. But I'm not doing to be his pet for all my life.

So now, a huge time skip. It's been 5 years since that incident. And I'm still his Pet. Isn't life fantastic?

[ UnPause ] [Time Skip]

I sighed. Being Ruiki's pet meant that I have to live with him. I let my interesting roommate, which to be honest it's better to not see, vibrators, or condoms. I was cleaning the living room since it's really dirty.

But what I hate about life, I have to wear the shortest skirt in a maid outfit. It made me uncomfortable, but since I had to, I had to. Ruiki was asleep, in the couch. He got drunk, and passed out. Luckily, I was there to calm him down.

As I was cleaning, bending down picking things up, cleaning the table. I thought of getting him breakfast. I made his some pancakes, with eggs [ Your Choice ] and a [Coffee or Tea]. I smiled, and placed it on the table.

I love what he did to my life, not the outfits or cleaning. But a better place than my roommate. I really likes this place. I'm really happy that I have a better life instead of sleeping outside or bothering someone else.

Ruiki was still asleep, I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Love ya, Ruiki," I said. About to leave, I felt my hand tug back, and now I was sitting on someone's lap. I blush to see Ruiki. "Thinking about leaving like that?" My blush got deeper. I was a stuttering mess, he smirks and grabs the fork and cuts the egg. While stabbing and piece on the fork.

"Say ah," he lifts his hand making the fork go near my mouth. I giggle softly, which made his face turn to a lime green. His pupils are gone just empty darkness, I see apparently he's having a nose bleed?

I gasped, he covers him nose. "Too...cute.." I panicked and grabbed a napkin and move his hands away from his face. I started to clean it out. I soon felt hands around me, he soon leaned on my crooked neck. I smiled.

"I love you too," he said with a smirk. I gasp, "Y-Y-You heard?" I said quietly. He nodded, "Why? Didn't want me to hear?" I stutter, and kept stuttering. He sighed, and kissed me. I stop stuttering and kissed back.

"I love you," he says, I smiled. "I love you too, Ruiki," I told him. I soon gave him a poker face, while he smiled innocently. "You covered me with blood," I whisper-yelled him, while he chuckles. "Oops sweetie, guess I'll help you get cleaned up~" he says with a smirk while I blush of embarrassment.

Oh jeez..

Words: 1041


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