UnderFell! Sans X Dragon! Reader

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Requested: Fox-Flames

Third POV:

Sans walks around Snowdin with the human. Frisk, the human child that fell to the underground and is friends with everyone even if some people hate Frisk, they always try to become friends with them. Sans sat down under a tree while Frisk was amazed looking around and saw cave near the echo flowers and they went to the cave. But they tried to see but they couldn't, it was to dark.

Frisk went back to Sans and poked his cheek telling him to wake up and they heard Sans groan of annoyance "What's up Kid?" He had his eyes were still closed and Frisk poked his cheek again and Sans sighed and opened his eyes and saw doing sign language, "Can we explore the cave Sans?!" Sans sighed and got up "Alright Kid, Let's go" Frisk giggled and jump around with excitement. Sans smiled and follow Frisk to the cave, Sans grabbed a flashlight from their backpack and turned the lights in and saw bunch of crystals, Frisk looked amazed and wanted to go more deeper to the cave.

Sans chuckled from the kids reaction and nodded and Frisk went deeper to the cave. While they went deeper they soon saw a f/c scales around the places that made Frisk more excited. But Sans didn't look satisfied seeing the scales, but he still followed Frisk just to keep them away from trouble. They soon see a scale f/c figure and they both soon see a whole body of a dragon. It made Frisk more excited and made Sans more worried "OMG! Sans! It's a dragon!!!" Sans said "Y-Yeah, kid it is."

Sans saw the dragon and felt his bones shiver and looked at Frisk, to see that they weren't there. Sans panicked and looked around and saw them close to the dragon that made Sans freak out and used his powers to grab Frisk and pull them back to their side. Frisk frowned and sat down "We need to be careful, Kid" Sans sighs and looks the dragon. His face softness and walks closer to the f/c dragon and softly touched the scales and gazes at the color.


I felt a touch on my scales and slowly opened my eyes and look to see a skeleton. He looked like the older brother of Papyrus, I looked what he was doing. He was touching my scales and mostly looking at them, "Um, Hello?" I said and Sans looks up and starts to blush red "E-Eh? S-Sorry!" I giggled by his reaction "Don't worry, its fine" I smiled at him and in the corner of my eye I saw a human. They were wearing a black sweater with red strips, and black leggings and brown muddy boots. "They're with you?" I asked Sans and he nodded with his massive blush. The child smiles and walks up to me "Hi! My name is Frisk! I love your cave! Its really pretty!" I looked at them confused but Sans translates and I nodded "I love you name," Frisk smiles wide "and thank you" Frisk hugs me and I smiled and hugged them back.

We broke the hug, "So what brings you in my cave?" I turn to see Sans and he kept looking at my scales which made me blush f/c, He then snapped out of the gaze and chuckled while scratching the back of his skull "Heh, sorry. . ." I smiled, I'm not like the other monsters. I'm not a jerk that's why I didn't kick them off. "Its fine. Don't worry, I'm Y/n" Sans stick out his hand "Names Sans" and I shook it and I got shocked. I heard Sans chuckled and Frisk look worried. After Sans laughed, he started to get worried "You alright, Y/n?" suddenly laughed and Sans looked at me confused and started to laugh and Frisk was confused.

Few minutes later, we stopped laughing. We soon talked things about how everyone is. I think I'm starting to grow a good connection with Sans, and I think I'm mostly staring to like him. Months past and I noticed something, I really do like Sans.

Right now, I'm at my room just talking to Frisk. Yes, now I can communicate with them, Sans teach me how to do sign language which was really awesome of him to do. I got snapped out if my thoughts and see Frisk signing "You thinking of Sans again?"  They smirked and I blushed. Frisk knows my crush on Sans which was so embarrassing. "Yep! W-Wait! Nononononono!" Frisk laughed and hugged me and let go "You should tell him!"  I looked at them with widen eyes. "W-What?!" My blush got worse, Frisk looked at me with their puppy eyes and I groan "Fine. I will." Frisk smiled and jumped up and down. Well this is just great!

Then Sans walks in right away! Great timing! My blush worsen and Frisk jumps out of my bed and says "Well! I'm just gonna go to the bathroom!" and smirked at me again. "Alright Kid" and we both just stand there in awkwardness "So, h-how are you?" I asked and Sans looked at me "Good. Just a question but don't you use your wings?" I look at him "Sometimes, if I'm in danger." I answered and Sans looked at me "Can I feel them?" I blushed massive and Sans chuckled "Sorry if you don-" I interrupted him "Its fine you can feel them." Sans looks at me "You sure?" and I nodded and I felt his boney hands placed in my left wing and felt him feeling all my scales.

I felt myself shake but then it felt nice and calm, Sans kept touching my wings and I felt my blush worse when he touched my other wing. "Your scales feel nice, Y/n" I closed my eyes "T-Thank you." While he kept touching my wings I spoke "Hey, um Sans?" I sighed "Yeah?"  gulped "I really, really like you" Sans stopped touching my wings and I don't turn around "Sans..?"

Sans didn't answer and I turn around and he smashed his teeth with my lips and I kissed back. I felt his hands on my waist and I wrapped my hands around his neck deepening the kiss. I soon felt him lick my bottom lips asking my permission and I opened my mouth accepting his request. HIs tongue slipped inside my mouth and we both had a fight and Sans won and explored my mouth and we both pulled away for air.

I looked at him, "Y/n l/n, I love you Sweetheart." I blush and smiled at him "I love you too, Sans" and we kissed and saw a flash and we both pulled away and see that Frisk was there with their phone "Oops?" Sans blushed "Frisk!" Sans screamed with a huge blush while I was giggling. Frisk ran next to us and Sans flicked at Frisk and I giggled "Frisk, really?" I asked and Frisk nodded "Yep!" Sans sighed and looked away blushing and I kissed Sans in the cheek. "I love you, Cherry" I said and Sans looked at me with confusing "Cherry?" Frisk and laugh "Heh, Love you too N/n."

Words: 1205

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