Jock! PJ X Insane! Reader

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Jock! PaperJam X Insane! Reader

PaperJam's POV (*le gasp* woah!)

I look around, and see Awaken. Before I walked up, I look both ways making sure [Y/n], isn't here. No signs of them, which is good. I walk quietly, until I slam her into a locker.

She gasped, and growl. "Let me go," she said pushing me aside. I smirked, "How would you like to do my homework?" Awaken shook her head, "I would hate it." She replied, "Well you better start liking it," I pushed the papers to her, while she sigh. "Asshole.." She mumbles, I glare at her.

I'll let that pass, I grab her head and slam it on the locker while I walked off. Hearing sobs, but not caring. I look over and see BP, Undyne, and Skater Girl. I grin, "Wazzup." I greeted while we all walk off to play basketball. I had the ball, I dribbled, and passed it to BP. Which he was going to catch it but Undyne got it.

Later, BP and I ended up winning. The girls made a fuss about it, but we didn't care. "We're too cool for you!" BP says while imitating a hair flip. Undyne laughed, "Ha! Say that to your fans!" BP growled, and started to whine. We were soon walking when we heard footsteps.

They kept coming closer, and closer. "Oh fuck." I whispered. "Oh fuck, indeed." Said a voice, I look over and see [Y/n]. One of the craziest chicks in school, she's the first, Bunny is the second. Her eyes, the outline was [F/c] with [E/c] in the middle. When we were little, she had [E/c] eyes. It was all full, but no one knows what happened to her.

Third POV:

"What do you want?" Skater Girl said, she crossed her arms while her skateboard was on the ground. "PaperJam to apologize." [Y/n] said, PJ acted innocent, "What do you mean?" The [H/c] girl growled, "Don't act like a little kid! I saw what you did to Awaken!" PJ smiled, "Oh, her , is she in her?" He asked, "Oh Awaken!~" he sighed "Oh, guess she's not here," the other group chuckles.

Which caused the crazy girl to growl, "Bitch, you want a piece of me?!" She grab by PJ's collar and gives him a punch. The group stops laughing, and glared at her. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" BP says while shoving her to the left. "Don't you know respect?" Undyne says, while pushing her to the right. Skater Girl giggles, "Guess not since you're a retard."

The more the group shoved, the more anger it boiled on the girl. "Take that back!" She warns. Before she could do anything, the doors swingers open, "[Y/n]!" Said a voice, the students sees Awaken with Mr. Nightmare.

"What do you four think you're doing?" The teacher ask, while the group stop pushing. "Psh, we were just playing around," Nightmare glares, "Doesn't look like it." PJ stops "You all will get minors, next time I see this or even hear about this will get a detention."

Mr. Nightmare looks at [Y/n]. "I especially don't want problems with you, all right?" The girl nods, finally her anger has finally calmed down. Awaken runs to the insane girl, "Are you alright, [Y/n]?!" Gasped Awaken as the taller girl smiles. "I'm okay, don't worry!"

BP acted like Awaken, "Are you alright, [Y/n]?!" He mocked, as he ran to PJ. The group started chuckle but walks away. [Y/n] glared at them. Especially at the leader.


[Y/n] headed to her locker, opening with her combination. She opened in, as she opened it the locker got closed right away. She saw PJ, [Y/n] sends death glares. "What?!" She asked impatiently. PJ smirked, "What's the problem?" He asked "It seems that you don't like me," The insane girl giggled. "Congrats, you answered something correctly."

"How can you hate me?—"

"Which list?"

"Huh?" PJ questioned.

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